Biography of Alena Apina. Personal life of a famous singer

The biography of Alena Apina is interesting to her fans representing different generations. Want to know where she studied and how she got on the stage? Are you interested in the details of the singer’s personal life ? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Biography of Alena Apina

Alena Apina: biography

The Russian pop star was born on August 23, 1964 in Saratov. Her parents had nothing to do with stage and music. My father had a college degree in engineering. And mother worked for many years in the field of trade.

Our heroine was the only child in the family. Therefore, her parents spoiled her in every possible way. They wanted her daughter to get a good education and succeed in life. Mom and Dad enrolled Alain in a music school. For several years, the girl studied piano. Even Apina Jr. loved to sing and dance. She often held home concerts and performances.

Student years

The biography of Alena Apina indicates that she studied at fours and fives at school. Teachers put her as an example to her peers.

In the early 80s Alena graduated from high school. She was not going to leave her native Saratov. The girl submitted documents to the local conservatory for the piano department. But the entrance exams were failed by her. Alena is not one of those people who give up. All year the girl was engaged in preparation. And her efforts were crowned with success. Apina was enrolled in the conservatory.

Alena Apina biography

First stage performances

When did our heroine try herself as a singer? The biography of Alena Apina suggests that this happened in the second year of high school. From her friend-composer, the girl learned about recruiting for a new women's ensemble. Alena contacted the creators of the Combination team Andrei Tsepov and Alexander Shishinin. Apina was invited to the casting. A pretty blonde was able to subdue the producers with her external and vocal data.

In the Combination group Alena worked from 1987 to 1991. Other soloists are constantly changing. It was worth Apina to make friends with one girl, as she left the team.

The real success came to the “Combination” in 1988. On the advice of singer Sergey Minaev, a group from Saratov went to Moscow. Metropolitan producers liked their incendiary and uncomplicated songs. Soon the “Combination” could be heard from every other window. Alena Apina, along with her colleagues, went on a long tour. The group performed in different cities, gathering entire stadiums.

Alena Apina biography personal life

Solo career

Perhaps the biography of Alena Apina could have turned out differently. The audience knew her as an irreplaceable soloist of the Combination. Therefore, for them, the news about the girl’s departure from the team was a complete surprise.

In 1991, Alena began the development of a solo career. Moral and material support was provided by producer Alexander Iratov, who once worked with Vyacheslav Malezhik. With this man Alena was connected not only partnerships, but also love relationships.

The first song Apina recorded was called Ksenia. Many of us know her. In a short time this song became a hit. Even today, visitors to karaoke bars perform it with pleasure.

In 1992, Apina released her first album, Street of Love. Fans in a matter of days sold out the entire circulation. This album included the song “Accountant”, sounded by the band “Combination”. If you think that this is plagiarism, then you are greatly mistaken. It is Alena who is the author of the composition test.


In the 90s, our heroine was at the peak of popularity. Her work schedule was scheduled in hours and minutes - concerts, interviews for print media, filming in videos and participation in television programs.

In 1997, the song "Electric Train" in her performance rose to the first lines of the charts of the CIS countries. It was a real success. The biography of Alena Apina is closely connected with the famous singer Murat Nasyrov. Their cooperation lasted 2 years (from 1997 to 1998). Two stars of the Russian stage traveled on tour half the world. And everywhere the public accepted them with a bang.

Alena Apina biography daughter

Alena Apina, biography: personal life

We talked about the creativity and career growth of our heroine. Now we will open the veil of her personal life. To begin with, the maiden name of Alena is Levochkina. She became apina after the wedding with a guy named Lesto. Their marriage lasted only a few months.

The second husband of the pop singer was her producer Alexander Iratov. Alain Apina has been happy with him for many years. Biography, the daughter of the singer - all this interests her fans. Indeed, Alena and Alexander have a common child. My daughter's name is Ksenia. She was born in December 2001.

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