Liberal regime - what is it? Examples, characterization

The liberal regime is a kind of response to the excessive regulation of social life by the state. It exists in countries with a market model of the economy. Let us consider in more detail the characteristic of the liberal regime .

liberal regime is

General information

The word "liberal" has Latin roots. In literal translation, it means "free." The liberal regime is a system for the formation of a political model based on the requirement to limit government interference in the private life of the population to a minimum.

Market relations characteristic of a developed bourgeois state can arise only between independent and equal entities. The liberal regime is the formal equality of citizens. In fact, however, it cannot be installed.

Within liberalism, freedom of speech is proclaimed. The plurality of opinions often looks like freethinking, and in some cases as connivance. This, in particular, is manifested in relation to the position of women in society, sexual minorities.

Economic basis

The liberal political regime is based on private property. The official government exempts producers from excessive custody, does not interfere in the economic activities of people. The state only defines the general limits of free competition. At the same time, the government acts as an arbitrator in resolving disputes.


Under the liberal regime, not only is it possible to form it, but measures are also being taken to develop and finance it. For example, under the liberal regime , shadow cabinets in parliaments are supported.

A mandatory attribute of a liberal society is multi-party system.

authoritarian liberal regime

The formation of the state apparatus

Among the key features of a liberal regime , the way government bodies are created is of particular importance. They are formed through elections. Moreover, the results of the campaigns depend not only on the will of the citizens, but also on the financial viability of individual candidates or parties.

Public administration is based on the principle of separation of powers. A system of balances and checks minimizes the possibility of abuse. Decisions are made, as a rule, by a majority of votes.

Normative regulation and public administration are carried out on the basis of decentralization. Under the liberal regime, this is manifested in the fact that the central government solves only those issues that cannot be resolved by territorial power structures, organizations and the population.

Model specifics

A liberal-democratic political regime is a kind of democratic type of government in which democratic forms, methods, and methods of implementing state functions receive relatively inconsistent, limited, incomplete application.

The formation of such a model, on the one hand, is determined by the political freedom of the individual. At the same time, subjective and objective conditions significantly limit the possibility of applying democratic methods and means in managing the state.

liberal democratic political regime

It follows from this that the liberal regime must be regarded as a type of democratic type of rule. However, at the same time, it should be allocated to a relatively isolated category of regimes.

The liberal regime is the embodiment of socio-political principles of freedom of the people. It became a key area only in the 30-40s. XIX century., Despite the fact that its ideological origins originated in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Traditional liberalism was formed in the framework of the struggle against feudal enslavement of the individual, estate privileges, hereditary transfer of power, etc. Its goal is the freedom and equality of citizens, the establishment of equal opportunities for everyone.

Key Features

Liberalism has the following characteristics:

  • Recognition of the primordial equality of people, self-worth of personality.
  • Humanism, individualism, cosmopolitanism.
  • Defending inalienable freedoms, rights and responsibilities. First of all, we are talking about the right to life, property, freedom, the pursuit of happiness.
  • Consideration of the state as an institution based on an agreement with members of society, limited by the functions of protecting non-property human rights, not interfering in private affairs, supporting freedom of enterprise, a market economy, and competition.
  • Maintaining the principles of constitutionalism, democracy, separation of powers, law and order, legality, parliamentarism.

Distribution Features

Previously, especially in the 19th century, the liberal regime was characteristic mainly of industrialized states. At that time, they were in the process of establishing true democracy.

liberal regime signs

In the modern world, liberalism is especially characteristic of postcolonial and post-socialist countries, moving from anti-democratic totalitarian or colonial regimes to developed democracy. Currently, they include Sri Lanka, the Philippines, India, Egypt and so on. These states have taken a significant step towards the democratization of society. However, they have not yet reached the level of powers with a developed democracy.

Difficulties of becoming

A significant obstacle to the transition to a liberal regime are:

  • the heavy historical legacy associated with the continued domination of totalitarianism and colonization;
  • economic backwardness;
  • the prevalence of old traditions and other factors.

In a poor society, it is impossible to really ensure the protection of political and personal rights, to establish democracy. In such circumstances, the official government often creates certain restrictions, uses undemocratic, in some cases even violent methods of governance. The failure of the authorities to timely prevent and effectively and fairly resolve social conflicts that have arisen leads to the need to use the army to suppress mass protests.

liberal democratic regime of the country

Key principles of liberalism

The ideal of the regime is a society in which everyone has freedom of action; politically significant information is in free circulation. The power of the state and the church is limited.

The liberal current rejects many of the provisions on which previous concepts of public administration were based. It is, in particular, about the "divine right" of the monarchs to power, the consideration of religion as the only source of knowledge.

The basic principles of the liberal regime are the recognition of:

  • Natural rights given to man by nature, and other civil rights.
  • Equality before the law.
  • Responsibility of the government, transparency of state power.
  • Market economy.

Modern tendencies

The current liberalism recognizes the priority of an open society based on democratic governance, pluralism, provided that the rights of individual citizens and minorities are protected.

Some modern liberal movements are characterized by loyalty to state regulation of the free market, aimed at ensuring equal opportunities. Adherents of such views believe that social elements should be present in the political system. These include, among other things, state unemployment benefits, free health care, shelters for the homeless, and so on.

liberal regime examples

Liberal Democratic Regime

It is not much different from pure liberalism. Under a liberal democratic regime, the will of the majority and the ability of elected persons to exercise power are limited in the name of ensuring the protection of the freedoms and rights of minorities and individuals.

The purpose of the formation of such a model is to provide everyone with equal opportunities and guarantees to follow proper procedures, private property, the inviolability of life, freedom of speech, assembly and religion. These principles are enshrined in the highest legislative acts (constitution, statute) or case-law issued by the highest judicial instances. According to these normative documents, special powers are granted to public and state bodies to ensure the specified rights and guarantees.

"Open Society"

It is a key element of the liberal democratic governance model.

An open society is characterized by tolerance, the presence and competition of many socio-political views, and pluralism.

Due to regular elections, each of the groups, which has its own concept of government, different from others, has the opportunity to gain power.

In the democratic process, as practice shows, marginal or extremist views rarely have a significant impact.

liberal mode characteristic


Under liberal democracy, a political association in power should not share all aspects of ideology. For example, it can also advocate democratic socialism. Nevertheless, this association should be subject to the rule of law.

The concept of โ€œliberalโ€ in this case should be interpreted in the same way as during the period of bourgeois revolutions that took place at the end of the 18th century, which provides each individual with protection from the arbitrariness of the authorities and the rule of law.

Authoritarian liberal regime

Domestic researchers call the period of its existence in Russia the period 1985-1991. It was marked by reforms led by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Gorbachev.

The country at that time was in the midst of a deep economic crisis. Gorbachev sought to transform the economic mechanism, however, not having completed his plan, he began to reform the political system. As a result, the opposition formed. This, in turn, contributed to the revival of a multi-party system.

Radical changes during the deep economic crisis led to the collapse of a single state, the withdrawal of the Union republics from its composition. After the defeat of the union center, power was in the hands of Yeltsin. He implemented several measures that went beyond the framework of the Constitution in force at that time.

The country was in a transitional state. The essence of the political regime in force in the 80-90s. last century, it is difficult to characterize unambiguously. At that time there were manifestations of authoritarianism and democracy, attempts to establish a military-bureaucratic regime. According to some researchers, the authoritarian-liberal tendency, which some authors associate with Gorbachevโ€™s personality, was a priority at that time.

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