Teeth whitening at home: methods and reviews

Today, a snow-white smile is a sign of not only beauty, but also the high status of its owner. Unfortunately, dental procedures for whitening enamel are not affordable for everyone, and teeth can be whitened by just a couple of tones. If such a result does not suit you or there simply is no money for a visit to a professional, you can use one of the teeth whitening recipes at home, presented in the article.

Lightening Methods

The safest treatment options, of course, are dental. When visiting a specialist, you can be sure that all teeth will remain in perfect order, because the doctor will certainly prepare them for the procedure in accordance with all the rules.

Dental services

Special equipment is used for this, and bleaching is carried out by the following methods:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • photobleaching.

If we take into account the folk methods of teeth whitening at home, then among them we can distinguish traditional, carried out using specialized tools, and non-traditional, working for many years thanks to improvised means and food, experience and knowledge of generations.

Causes of Enamel Darkening

Before choosing the best option for teeth whitening at home, you should think about the cause of the color change. Most often, the enamel darkens due to age, and then all methods will be good, but if the cause is a bad habit, then you need to abandon it to achieve the result, otherwise the effect of any procedure will not last long.

So, the main harm of enamel is excessive consumption of sweets, which can be characteristic of people at any age. Such foods contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which, decomposing in the oral cavity, provoke the reproduction of harmful organisms that destroy the protective layer of the teeth. Because of this, the enamel becomes thinner, the teeth become sensitive and open the dentin, which is naturally yellow.

Most often, teeth whitening technique at home is of interest to smoking citizens, since the resins contained in tobacco smoke settle on the teeth with a dense yellow coating.

Bad habits

Tooth staining in yellow can also be triggered by excessive consumption of coffee or tea, which contains a large number of natural dyes. If smoking is added to their use, the effect will be very lasting.

In addition to the direct effect on the person’s own health, the color of his teeth can also change due to external factors, for example, due to atmospheric pollution and an increased content of fluorine in it. The teeth of citizens living in similar regions are also yellow. In some cases, the intake of this substance in the body in large quantities can be triggered by improper nutrition.

Of course, teeth whitening at home may be required for those who do not belong to any of the above categories. Yellowing of the teeth can be caused by their congenital underdevelopment or the use of tetracycline drugs by the mother during pregnancy.

Harm and contraindications for the procedure

So, teeth whitening at home by any means is prohibited:

  • minor children;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • in the presence of increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • in the presence of caries and open tooth damage;
  • when taking certain medications;
  • with a large number of fillings;
  • in the presence of seals in areas visible with a smile, since they are not able to separate their funds;
  • if there is an allergy to the product used.

In addition, you should know that with each such procedure, the tooth enamel becomes thinner and it will be impossible to restore it. This leads to increased tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity

Also, with abuse of bad habits and after whitening, yellowness will soon return, and the effect will not live up to expectations.

Oral preparation

Any whitening of teeth at home can be safely compared to lightening hair, which means that the procedure does not bring any benefit other than a cosmetic effect. To preserve your teeth as much as possible during lightening, they must be carefully prepared for the upcoming procedure. An experienced dentist will help in this, who, after examination, will give certain recommendations on:

  • whether enamel is ready for clarification;
  • whether there is caries, gum disease, wounds in the oral cavity or other diseases;
  • yellowness caused by darkening of enamel or inner layers of tissue;
  • whether all the seals are in place;
  • Are there any pathologies for the growth of wisdom teeth?

In addition, the specialist will definitely give advice after the procedure to limit the use of tea, coffee and any drinks with dyes. It is also recommended to quit smoking, brush your teeth only with soft bristles and special whitening pastes.

Specialized tools for self-use

High-quality teeth whitening at home without harm to their health can be done using special strips. Such a tool is often found on sale and can be used even for sensitive teeth, of course, while the packaging should be appropriately labeled.

The strips have a special adhesive composition on one side, which are attached to the surface of the teeth for 30 minutes daily for a month. The effect of this remedy persists for a couple of months, but it is important to remember that the strips are not able to affect the spaces between the teeth, and in the first time after use, their sensitivity increases.

Special gel for mouthguard

To completely whiten the entire surface of the tooth, you can use a special gel. Such funds can be applied under a mouthguard, work together with ultraviolet light, or simply dissolve with saliva and not require rinsing. It is important to remember here that some formulations can act too aggressively on gums and enamel. The effect of gels is usually noticeable after a couple of weeks and lasts for a long time.

To maintain the whiteness of the teeth, dentists often recommend using a special pencil. As part of such products, the concentration of active substances is low, therefore it will not be possible to whiten their teeth quickly and efficiently, but it is quite possible to consolidate the effect.

Cheapest option

Teeth whitening with peroxide at home has been practiced by many citizens for a very long time. This tool is in every home and is used not only for medical purposes, but also as a whitening composition for many surfaces, including teeth. Toothpaste manufacturers also use the ability of the substance and often add it to the composition of whitening pastes and powders.

So, to brighten your own smile by several tones, you need:

  • thoroughly brush your teeth with ordinary paste;
  • rinse your mouth with peroxide solution;
  • treat the surface of the dentition with a cotton swab dipped in a clean substance;
  • rinse the oral cavity well with clean water, if desired, clean again with paste.

The solution for use is prepared very simply, it is enough to dilute 15-30 drops of the substance in half a glass of water. You can dilute the peroxide in a 1: 2 ratio with water, but after such a rinse, the treatment should not be a clean liquid.

In order not to harm the teeth, using this method is allowed no longer than one week, with daily use 1-2 times. The effect will appear very soon, it is important not to rush things and do not apply pure peroxide or the procedure itself more often than permissible. In such cases, the substance can provoke a chemical burn of the gums and destroy the enamel.

Among the side effects, the appearance of increased sensitivity of the enamel after the procedure and a slight burning sensation immediately after it is possible.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree extract is used in many cosmetic procedures, but not many people know that its abilities are not limited only to a positive effect on the skin. 100% oil also helps perfectly during tooth whitening at home. Reviews in this case indicate the safety and effectiveness of the method when used correctly. To do this, you need to diligently brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with 100 ml of water with the addition of 5 drops of oil.

Tartar Removal

If you want to accelerate the result, it is allowed to apply a few drops of the extract directly on the brush after cleaning and treat the surface of the dentition, after which it is good to wash off the product.

Interestingly, the tea tree is able to cope even with tartar, only with its direct use can the tongue, lips or cheeks go numb. Abuse this oil should not be for their own health.

Mechanical cleaning

Baking soda or activated carbon can be used as a safe abrasive material for home tooth whitening.

Soda for this can be poured in a small amount directly onto the toothpaste during brushing or applied to the tissue and the surface of the teeth treated directly with a substance. For safety, it is worthwhile to carry out the procedure no more than 1 time in 7 days and always monitor the level of tooth sensitivity.

One of the best ways to whiten teeth at home is to use regular activated carbon. Before use, the tablet should be crushed into powder and used to brush your teeth, capturing with a wet toothbrush. If desired, you can add a little toothpaste to the powder for viscosity. You can use this method only several times a month without harm to the teeth, and the effect will appear no earlier than after 30 days.

Combination of funds

If you want to get the most noticeable effect in a short time, you can combine teeth whitening methods at home. The best ones are peroxide and soda, so you should use them together. First you need to mix a little soda and peroxide to make a mushy mass and use it as a simple toothpaste, then rinse your mouth well.

Component Mixing

The effect is visible after the first use, but it is forbidden to carry out the procedure more than 2 times a week.

Mix for better effect:

  • lemon juice and tea tree oil;
  • toothpaste, salt, soda and peroxide;
  • hydrogen peroxide, soda and lemon juice;
  • salt, soda and vinegar (or lemon juice);
  • toothpaste, lemon juice and activated carbon.

All formulations are used for brushing your teeth and then thoroughly washed off.


Safe and the best teeth whitening at home is carried out with a regular banana peel. After a tasty treat, the inside of its peel requires rubbing the surface of the teeth for several minutes. The resulting roughness should be washed off with plain water. This method does not require additional investments and gives a visible result in a month.

The taste is not very pleasant, but an effective way to brighten the teeth is to use ordinary table salt. To do this, it should be poured on cheesecloth, moistened with water a little, fold the tissue and wipe its teeth with it for several minutes daily.

Teeth whitening at home (the most suitable method for everyone) can also be done with lemon, which is rich in useful vitamin C and is often used to lighten the skin.

So, you can simply rub your teeth with a slice of lemon, chew it, you can use only the peel of the fruit or its juice for the procedure, adding a few drops to the toothpaste. Interestingly, this option also helps strengthen the gums, reducing their bleeding, but it should be used no more than once a week.


According to the opinions of those who have already experienced the effects of various whitening agents, they all give a certain result, but you always need to be prepared for negative consequences. It is important to follow the rules for the application of all methods, since if they are not followed, serious dental problems may appear, which will take many months to heal. Peroxide is very dangerous in this regard, although it can claim to be the best teeth whitening at home. Reviews suggest that this option often causes burns, thinning of enamel and a sharp increase in its sensitivity.

A good banana peel, soda and activated carbon show a good result, but the effect after them with regular use of coloring drinks and smoking lasts only a few days.

Excellent result

Many were satisfied with the safety and the result of home whitening with tea tree oil. Of course, in this case, too, can not abuse the tool.

Before any procedure, it is very important to visit a dentist and consult about choosing an effective method with him, because only a specialist is able to take into account all the features of his client’s teeth. Also, if you are afraid of side effects or the presence of high sensitivity of the teeth, it is better to use medical methods, the safety of which is guaranteed by the doctor.

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