Every day, the external environment negatively affects the skin of our legs. She is constantly under pressure from body weight, suffers from prolonged wearing of uncomfortable, tight shoes or high-heeled shoes. As a result, the skin on the legs begins to coarsen, thicken over time, corns, hyperkeratoses (corns) can form.
As a rule, we pay enough attention to the care of the skin of hands, face, and décolleté, but many, unfortunately, neglect the care of their legs. This threatens the development of more serious problems: painful cracks may appear, which often become infected, and a person begins to feel a burning sensation and discomfort while walking. Similar phenomena can also occur on the knees, elbows, sometimes on the palms. You can eliminate such troubles in a beauty salon, where experts will offer several methods for solving the problem, and many of them are really effective, but, unfortunately, are not cheap. Today there is an opportunity to get rid of rough skin at home. The special means “Aquapilling” for the legs will help in this. Satisfied consumers leave reviews about this product exclusively positive. Let's talk about it in more detail in the article.
The composition of the funds
“Aquapilling” for legs contains in its composition substances that soften the stratum corneum of the skin, antiseptics that have an antifungal, antimicrobial effect. The product does not affect healthy skin. “Aquapilling” for legs consists of such substances as: acrylate / palmet 25, sodium tetraborate, acrylate copolymer, phosphoric alcohol 20–20, potassium hydroxide, sage extracts, aloe vera, menthol, water.
Release Forms
Aquapilling is produced in the form of a solution and cream. With severely dried skin, large corns, keratosis, it is recommended to use both forms of this drug: first a solution, then a cream. The solution should be applied 1-2 times a day. The cream can be used an unlimited number of times, since its constituent substances are completely safe. When the skin structure of the treated areas returns to normal, only cream can be used to maintain healthy legs. Another form of Aquapilling (solution) for the feet should not be used constantly, since an antiseptic is present in its composition.
The use of “Aquapilig” for feet is indicated for:
thickened rough skin of the feet, knees, palms, elbows;
dry calluses and corns;
as a prophylactic against the formation of rough skin.
Aquapilling can also be used as an antifungal agent in the treatment of foot fungus. Very often, the fungus is accompanied by rough skin. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, first you need to get rid of the roughened layer of the skin, and then use antifungal creams and ointments.
“Aquapilling” for legs: instructions for use of the solution
Before using the product, do not wash or wet your feet with water. The procedure is as follows:
On the floor you need to put a piece of plastic film with which you can wrap the foot. Place a paper towel or napkin on top to cover problem skin.
Moisten a paper towel or napkin with Aquapilling solution.
Put the foot on the surface of the napkin.
Wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in this position for 15-20 minutes.
After the specified time, remove the film and tissue.
Use the scraper included in the kit to remove the softened layer of skin.
Wash the foot thoroughly with warm water without using soap, dry well with a towel.
After using the solution, it is recommended to apply Aquapilling cream on the feet.
Advantages of Aquapilling cream
Such a preparation contains urea, natural aromatic oils (eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender), plant extracts (green tea, chamomile), which gives the Aquapilling tool additional benefits:
has an anti-inflammatory effect;
accelerates the healing of cracks;
Does not cause pain or burning.
The drug does not affect healthy skin, the risk of infection is excluded, as, for example, when using pumice. There is also no danger of cuts, as is the case with the use of machines, grinding files, abrasive scrapers.
Consumers who use the cream, note another positive point: "Aquapilling" (cream) is devoid of excess fat, unlike other products for the legs. This is achieved due to the predominance of silicone. With regular use of the cream, you can prevent the formation of new dry, coarsened skin areas and cracks. After a week of use, the legs become healthier and smoother.
Reviews about the tool
Customer reviews about the cream and Aquapilling solution are mostly positive. They note that
- after using the solution, the heels become really “like a baby”;
- with regular use of cream, corns almost completely disappear on the tenth day of use;
- the cream not only perfectly moisturizes dry skin of the feet, but also has a deodorizing effect;
- even after relaxing at sea, where salt water and sand have a negative effect on the skin of the feet, with the help of the Aquapilling tool you can return softness and smoothness to the heels in a short time;
- Aquapilling is a great alternative to expensive salon treatments.
How to apply the cream?
As mentioned above, this form of Aquapilling (cream) for the feet is used after applying the solution. If corns are not pronounced, it can be used for regular care as an independent tool. The drug "Aquapilling" intensely softens and moisturizes the skin of the feet.
Avoid contact with eyes. If this could not be avoided, the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of running water. Repeated use of the Aquapilling solution for legs, if necessary, is recommended not earlier than the day after the first procedure.
Today, beauty salons offer a variety of treatments to help maintain an attractive appearance. However, most of them are usually expensive. Fortunately, science does not stand still, and free sale regularly receives funds that allow you to take good care of your body without leaving your home. One of them is the Aquapilling drug. With it, your legs and other parts of the body that require increased attention will always be in perfect order. Naturally, regularity is important here, because any problem is always easier to prevent than to fix it for a long time. Take care of yourself with pleasure, and the result will not be long in coming. Be beautiful!