Calories per day for men and women

In order to lead a familiar lifestyle and still not gain extra pounds, it is useful to consider all the calories consumed. The rate of calorie intake per day is determined depending on the age, gender and type of human activity. It is possible to calculate it specifically for each person according to several formulas, but not everyone is able to adhere to the resulting number. In fact, proper nutrition in calories not only helps to lose weight, but also normalizes the work of the whole body, therefore it is recommended for absolutely everyone.

Calorie content

Those who want to get rid of the severity of their weight and certain diseases must definitely overpower themselves and try to give the body only the right amount of energy.

What are calories?

Absolutely everyone heard about the calorie content of products, but not everyone still has an idea of โ€‹โ€‹what calories are. In the classical sense, this is a source of energy for the body. Each Joule spent is 4.2 Kcal. Calorie sources are protein, carbohydrates and fats. The first, entering the body, immediately break down into amino acids and, when consumed in large quantities, cause an increase in muscle mass and an increase in the liver. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and are converted into glucose in the body and are mainly stored in the muscles and liver โ€œuntil better timesโ€. Fat, getting into the body, is absorbed only by 0.1 part, and everything else is immediately deposited in excess weight. Why is this happening? Yes, because in 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates there are 4 Kcal, and in the same part of fat - 9 Kcal. Of course, it is completely impossible to exclude fat from the diet, because only it provides a person with the most important macrocells.

It is possible to maintain the body in good shape by correctly distributing the share of consumption between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and not only when calculating the calorie intake per day.

Male needs

At rest, a man needs less energy than a woman, but not a single healthy person spends every day only in bed. Depending on activity and age, the norm of calories per day for men ranges from 2000 and above.

Norm for men

So, with minimal physical exertion, energy consumption, respectively, is minimal, and therefore, its receipt should be similar. For men over the age of 50, 2000 Kcal is enough. For representatives of the stronger sex younger - 30-50 years old - 2200 Kcal is enough, and for young men 19-30 years old - 2400 Kcal. In general, the younger the body, the higher its metabolism and energy requirement.

If a man has moderate physical activity at work or regularly attends sports sections with a sedentary lifestyle, then his calorie intake should be within the following limits:

  • > 50 years - 2.4 thousand kcal;
  • 30-50 years - 2.6 thousand kcal;
  • 19-30 years - 2.8 thousand kcal.

The norm of calories per day for active members of the stronger sex at different ages is 200 Kcal higher than in the previous version.

The needs of the female body

For an active lifestyle, women need much less energy than men. In addition, the female body is very reluctant to part with the existing "reserves" in the form of fat deposits, so ladies should monitor the quantity and quality of food eaten much more strictly.

So, the norm of calories per day for a woman with a sedentary lifestyle also depends on age. The older the lady, the slower her metabolism, which means that the need for energy is reduced. The fairer sex with minimal mobility at the age of more than 50 years requires only 1600 Kcal per day. At the age of 30-50 years, the need is 1800 Kcal, and at 19-30 years - 2000.

Moderate physical activity increases the rate of calories per day for each age by 200 Kcal. This category should include women with sedentary work, but sometimes attending a gym or going outdoors for outdoor activities.

Norm for women

Regular exercise requires an appropriate energy intake by the body. In this case, the average should be increased by another 200 Kcal. Of course, one should not assume that such numbers will be ideal for each particular case. The above norms are only average indicators, and you can definitely determine the daily calorie intake for each person only by taking into account his individual characteristics - weight, height, lifestyle, age, and so on.

Norms during pregnancy

The rate of calorie intake per day for women during pregnancy should be calculated separately from the above standards. Losing weight at this time is strictly prohibited, but eating โ€œfor twoโ€ is also impossible. The latter is fraught with excessive weight gain, which will interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and labor, and besides it will be difficult to get rid of it later.

The calorie content of food should take into account the duration of pregnancy. At the very beginning, in the first months of bearing a baby, you should consume about 2500 Kcal per day, gradually increasing the rate by the end of the term to 3200 Kcal. After childbirth, it is impossible to sharply reduce the calorie content of the diet, because the period of breastfeeding begins when the baby consumes everything necessary for life and development from the mother. During this period, you should make a menu at 3500 Kcal per day.

Teenage norms

During puberty, the body of children requires large energy costs. At this time, it is very important to eat regularly and fully, as the body is very prone to the appearance of gastritis, hormonal and immune failure, as well as the deposition of excess fat. With low activity, the norm of calories per day should not exceed 2000 Kcal. Active boys need regular consumption of 2.2-2.5 thousand Kcal, and girls - 1.8-2.2 thousand Kcal.

Norms for children

For the full development of the baby, its calorie rate should be increased every 6 months. On average, children 1-2 years old need 1.2 thousand kcal, and at the age of 2-3 years - 1.4 thousand kcal. A child of preschool age should consume at least 1.8-2 thousand calories, and schoolchildren by 13 years old should come to the norm of adolescents given above.

Norm for children

It is very important, especially in childhood, from which the absorbed energy was obtained. If a child consumes his entire norm only from sweets or pastries a day, such calories will not bring any benefit to the body. In addition, when calculating the norm, the load of the child should be taken into account - both mental and physical.

Food quality

Calculating the calorie intake per day is not difficult, but it is not always possible to make a balanced meal. In order for the body to receive only healthy calories, you should enrich your diet with non-starchy vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, lean meat and other healthy products. According to the universal formula, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day should be as follows - 1: 1: 4. For men, the daily need for nutrients is respectively 65-120 g, 70-155 g and 250-590 g. For women, a minimum of 60 g of protein, 60 g of fat and 250 g of carbohydrates are needed per day.

The most accurate formula

Calculation of the norm of calories per day according to the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula was first carried out in 2005, when it was invented. To date, this option is considered the most accurate for adults and does not take into account only the ratio of fat and muscle in the body.

Calorie Counting

To get the norm for men, you need to multiply your total weight in kg by 10, add to 6.25 your total height in cm and subtract your age in years, multiplied by 5. Add 5 more to the result and remain only take into account the degree of physical activity.

For women, the formula looks a little different at the very end. When weight, height and age are taken into account, instead of adding to result 5, 161 must be subtracted.

Coefficient data

The activity coefficient is taken into account by multiplying by the resulting number. For minimum loads, it is 1.2; for the lungs - 1,375; for medium ones - 1.4625; for elevated ones - 1.55. If a person trains daily, then the result should be multiplied by 1.6375. In the case of a special intensity of classes - by 1.725, and with heavy daily training or difficult physical work - by 1.9.

Formula with error

Deviations from reality in these calculations are approximately 5%. Such an error is excusable, since the formula was derived more than 100 years ago.

Calorie Counting Formula

According to it, for men, the total weight in kg should be multiplied by 66.5, add to the result 13.75 and exact growth in cm multiplied by 5.003. The total age is multiplied by 6.775, and the result is subtracted from the previous number.

For women, weight is multiplied by 9.563, height by 1.85, and age by 4.676. Separately added number - 655.1.

To find out how many calories per day are the norm for each person, after calculations, the result also needs to be multiplied by the load factor.

World Health Organization Formula

In this case, the formulas differ not only for the sexes, but also for the ages. So for the fairer sex under the age of 30, you need to multiply your total weight by 0.062 and add 2.036 to the result. After that, the resulting number is multiplied by 240 and the activity coefficient.

For ladies under 60 years old, multiply the weight by 0.034 and add to it 3,538. Further similarly.

For those over 60, multiply the weight by 0.038 and add 2.755 to the result.

For men, the formula is similar, only a couple of numbers change. So, up to 30 years - multiply the weight by 0.063 and add 2.896. After that, multiply the result by a factor of 240.

Men up to 60 years old - multiply by 0.484 and add 3.663.

Older than 30 - multiply by 0.491 and add 2.459.

The most inaccurate option

In this case, it is necessary to multiply the total weight by 21.6 and add 370 to the result. The formula is universal for everyone, therefore it is considered the most inaccurate.

To calculate the rate of calories per day for weight loss from the result obtained in any way, you just need to subtract 10%. If overweight in the body is more than 30 kg, then 20% can be taken away, but no more. Such a reduction in the norm contributes to safe weight loss without harm to the body.

Calorie Norm for Slimming

The presence of fasting days does not hurt during weight loss, but only starving is strictly prohibited. Unloading is considered to minimize calories consumed. On such days, you can completely switch to buckwheat, for example. Eat it in small portions every couple of hours, and drink green tea. The basic rules of a healthy diet are:

  • consuming more calories in the morning;
  • consumption of a sufficient amount of raw plant foods rich in fiber;
  • periodic adherence to the rules of separate nutrition, if possible;
  • consumption of starchy vegetables and sweets for breakfast or lunch.

It is important to understand that it is not necessary to become an ardent supporter of separate meals, it is enough to simply follow the basic recommendations for combining products. Also remember that starch and glucose are well absorbed only if physical activity occurs after their use. Even a seemingly light vegetable salad made of potatoes, carrots, beets or corn for dinner can bring extra pounds.

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