Foreign and Defense Policy Council: principles and forms of activity

The huge social system of Russia includes various organizations. Among them, the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy occupies a special place. This structure is sometimes referred to in the media. But more often her activities are unknown to a wide range of viewers and readers. However, its importance should not be denied. What does the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy of the Russian Federation do? Let's figure it out together.

Foreign and Defense Policy Council


The Council on Foreign and Defense Policy was established in 1992. This is a public organization. A number of politicians, entrepreneurs, public figures gathered and decided that the country needed their experience. It should be recalled that this was a time of complete restructuring of the state. The USSR has just collapsed. In Russia, they decided to build democracy. How to do it? On what principles to organize a new society? Few understood then. They decided to join in the work together, using the previously accumulated experience, connecting existing connections. The latter circumstance at that time was the most important. People gathered are not ordinary: politicians, scientists, big businessmen. Each had partners and friends abroad. Contacts with them revealed to members of the council something that the USSR had not talked about in a public field. It was not secret knowledge, rather, the usual practice of democratic construction, new to the country. It is important that the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy was originally aimed at finding a place for the Russian Federation in the modern world. And this was a very serious task, by the way, which has not been completely solved to this day.

Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council

State Security Strategy (short)

To understand what the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy of Russia is doing, it is necessary to understand how and from whom the country is defending itself. Each serious state has its own security strategy. The document lists the threats and how to neutralize them. These include:

  • external;
  • domestic;
  • cross-border.

We will not delve into the decryption of threats. There are many of them. For example, the buildup of military groups at the borders, political instability among neighbors, economic risks, the existence of illegal groups and others. Each of the existing threats must be neutralized โ€œat distant approachesโ€ so that it does not undermine the foundations of the state. And this is a serious task that the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy helps to solve. This organization is engaged in the analysis of the situation in the world, the identification of threats and their analysis.

Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council

SWAP Tasks

The Council on Foreign and Defense Policy has set specific goals. This is a non-governmental organization. Therefore, it does not have a direct impact on state policy. The organizers saw their goals in helping to develop a concept for the development of the Russian Federation. Namely, the goals were formulated as follows:

  • statement of strategic objectives, including in foreign and defense policy;
  • civil society development;
  • formation of statehood.

Thus, the organization takes part in understanding the processes in the country, formulating the meanings of existence. SWAP attracts a large number of specialists to its detail. Modern threats require an integrated scientific approach. There are many forces in the world striving to undermine the state principles. They need to be identified and understood, how to resist them.

swap advice on foreign and defense policy

Foreign and Defense Policy Council: Composition

Over the years, SWAP has gathered many highly qualified specialists. It is headed by international journalist F.A. Lukyanov. The Council includes deputies of the State Duma, politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists, public figures. Each brings to work his own experience, knowledge in a certain field. To demonstrate the level of activity, we indicate that among the members of the presidium are A. Pushkov, V. Nikonov - State Duma deputies. V. Tretyakov, I. Jurgens - professorship. A. Bugorov, V. Velichko - business representatives. The Council is a public organization. It unites a huge number of people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland. Its Presidium consists of eighteen people, and the total number is constantly replenished by experts. The organization is not static. She sets herself new, more complex tasks, which leads to the growth of its members. It is necessary to attract more and more experts specializing in a particular field.

foreign and defense policy council composition

Forms of work

Problem analysis is ongoing. SWAP holds informal meetings to discuss special issues. The public is involved in the work of the council. Conferences and seminars are regularly organized with the participation of representatives of science and specialized specialists. As a rule, representatives of public associations and political parties are invited to events. One of the priority areas of the SWAP proclaimed information and educational work. The organization was created to help the development of civil society. And this requires constant work with the population. SWAP does not take an active part in the political struggle. He actively interacts with government bodies and institutions. In addition, the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy is an organization that develops recommendations for the country's leadership. She conducts research, engages in lobbying activities.


A rather delicate issue is now considered the problem of money. It is clear that the activities of such a structure cannot be free. It is necessary to maintain a manual and apparatus, order research, and pay for the work of attracted specialists. As recorded in the SWAP documents, it is funded by sponsorship, donations, grants.

foreign and defense policy council is

Work organization

It should be noted that the activities of SWAP are multifaceted and complex. Specialists develop certain areas, conduct research, take stock. In order to make recommendations, the assembly of the council on foreign and defense policy is regularly convened. This is an event where groups share the results of their work. Prepares his swap apparatus. An approximate plan can be represented as follows:

  • definition of a problem;
  • selection of specialists;
  • setting goals;
  • analysis and decision making;
  • general meeting (assembly);
  • making recommendations.

That is, the question of any complexity is divided into parts. Each one has a specific group of specialists. Some study theoretical aspects, others look at practical solutions, others study public opinion, and so on. Then the results of the work are divided among themselves. Based on the results, recommendations are being prepared. This is an approximate scheme of activity. In practice, everything goes much more complicated. It should be borne in mind that SWAP explores only global problems that have many aspects of different levels of complexity. They should be considered from all sides in order to prevent mistakes.

Foreign and Defense Policy Council Assembly

Why is such an organization needed?

Let's philosophize. You agree that the society of the Russian Federation is complicated. People are divided into groups according to wealth, interests, political preferences, and so on. The task of the state is to create from them a single civil society. This does not mean bringing all people to a common denominator. Rather, it is about finding such solutions, when citizens will feel protected and free. For this, expert advice similar to this one is needed. They help the state to constantly work with the public, to study the opinion of people, to form certain positions among citizens. You can not divide the inhabitants of the country into friends and foes. Everyone should feel needed, important, understood, protected. And this requires gigantic work, part of which was undertaken by the SWAP.


A completely natural economic crisis leads to the fact that society is looking for the guilty. Today, such an honor has been awarded to the "liberals." And there are a lot of them in SWAP. There is a risk of hearing criticism of this organization related to the liberality of its positions and principles. However, this is, if you think about it, irrational. A public organization is not involved in politics. It develops and provides the authorities with an expert assessment of the problem. And this is useful to the state and society. Do you agree?

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