The territorial production complex is ... Definition, basic concepts, purpose and formation

Compliance with the principle of the territorial division of labor is one of the key factors in organizing an effective production process. Understanding the need for a rational distribution of capacities in the context and industry specifics has led to the development of special forms of work organization. On this basis, the concept of a territorial-production complex (TPK) was created, in accordance with which it was supposed to combine several enterprises that are closely connected by a common infrastructure.

The concept of the production complex

The structure of the territorial production complex

The very idea of ​​the production complex arose as a result of the desire to optimize working processes. In practice, optimization of this kind became possible when enterprise managers began to identify entire groups of repeating combinations with similar combinations of operations and auxiliary (parallel) processes within the framework of one production. Thus, it was concluded that the capacities of enterprises, in principle, can be combined not only on the basis of industry orientation or products. An efficient energy production cycle with a certain set of operations can serve several enterprises at the same time, using the same sources of raw materials and producing conditional blanks or energy of the same type with sufficient demand at the target consumption points.

Definition of TPK

Taking into account the optimization problems posed above, the concept of a territorial-production complex can also be formulated - this is a group of several industries that are located nearby, have a common technological infrastructure, a single set of energy and raw materials sources, and sometimes a common control center. That is, the processes of integration, merging and unification are the main ones for the formation of TPK. But even with these processes in place, a key condition must be fulfilled that this organizational format will really help achieve the planned economic effect.

Logistics of the territorial production complex

The principles of the formation of territorial production complexes

Initially, TPK was considered purely as a way of spatial organization of capacities and labor forces, on the platform of which this or that activity was carried out. Then, on the basis of this concept, a number of principles for the organization of production structures of this type were formed, the main ones of which can be formulated as follows:

  • Management is provided in accordance with the economic needs of the location region. It is important not to forget that the form of a territorial-production complex is primarily an organizational way of increasing economic indicators. Another thing is that today, taking into account economic factors means the formation of a certain strategy of relationships with customers, investors, partners, competitors, as well as with consumers at the level of marketing research.
  • Optimized and rational logistics. It is not so much about the usual chains of raw materials delivery and marketing of finished products, but rather about the internal structure with the smallest bundles of technological operations.
  • The principle of hierarchy. The coordination and association of several production groups does not at all mean the horizontal nature of their relationship. Subordination and distribution of managerial duties is one of the most important conditions for the effective operation of the TPK.
  • The mechanism of the complete functioning of the complex as a whole system. The same growth in economic indicators is largely achieved by reducing large logistics chains. This is due precisely to the independence of the enterprise from counterparties.

TPK purpose

The work of the territorial production complex

The purpose of the creation of the TPK is to achieve a certain economic effect, which, in turn, can be used both for the further development of production capacities and for the fulfillment of certain tasks of a regional scale. The latter may consist, for example, in meeting the needs of local residents in a particular product. In addition, the territorial production complex is one of the main trends in the development of organizations and management systems in various institutional formations, where in principle industrial production technologies can be applied. That is, we can talk about the complex impact of the created structure on the technological, socio-administrative and economic development of the region.

TPK classifications

The device of the territorial production complex

The main features of the classification of TPK include:

  • Territorial. It is supposed to divide according to the level of geographical coverage, one way or another, involved in the production processes of industrial complexes. On a territorial basis, in particular, regional, city and regional enterprises of this type are distinguished.
  • Industry. Indicates that TPK belongs to a particular industrial sector or, in general, to the sphere of the national economy.
  • Functional. It determines the nature of the production process - serving, scientific and technological, processing, full-cycle process, etc.

Signs of TPK

Territorial production complex

At different levels of development, the TPK has similar features with other forms of organization of production, therefore, it is worth separately identifying a number of special signs that reflect the essence of complexes of this type:

  • Rational use of local resources, and not necessarily natural and technological.
  • Interdependence of enterprises included in the territorial production complex. This means that production is interconnected not only by formal affiliation with a single control center with property rights, but also by technological processes as part of a common activity.
  • Limited integration. Unlike clusters, TPKs cannot expand indefinitely as resources and organizational capacities are exhausted. The principal constraint in this case is also the lack of sufficient infrastructure development and commonality of technological processes with potential absorption facilities.

TPK Design

Design of a territorial production complex

We can say that this is the planning stage, during which issues are being worked out not only organizationally-managerial, but also technical in nature, aimed at creating a work map for the structural structure of the territorial production complex. Project creation is usually carried out in three areas of development:

  • A program of environmental measures is drawn up with regionalization and development of the rules for the operation of the territory from an environmental point of view.
  • The scheme of technological measures for which the production complex will be arranged is determined.
  • An infrastructure scheme is being developed with logistics, engineering and communication channels for enterprise interaction.

TPK construction

Several large regional corporations that have sufficient experience, technological and resource base can be involved in the implementation of the project. As a rule, the construction of large territorial production complexes is carried out in stages, starting with the creation of transport infrastructure and ending with equipping the finished workshop sites with equipment. For each enterprise, the nature and set of construction measures will be individual, even taking into account the fact that the production lines are oriented towards the production of one type of product. Also, during the construction of new facilities of the future complex, more and more today a bet is made on the possibility of the nearest modernization of enterprises - mainly in terms of technological support.

Construction of a territorial production complex


Without a developed production infrastructure, a modern state cannot fully participate in the global economic process. In Russia, territorial production complexes are quite diverse in terms of their focus and organizational and structural structure.

From the point of view of raw materials supply, the richest are the TPKs of Siberia and the Far East, although there are a shortage of personnel with large reserves of fuel and energy resources in these regions. And the opposite picture appears in the European part of the country, where, with the availability of qualified labor resources, there is a limited supply of raw materials or fuel. If we talk about the specialization of Russian TPKs, it is predominantly distinguished engineering, fuel and energy, metallurgical, agricultural and forestry organizations.

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