Artificial stone in the hallway. Interior Design

The entrance hall in the house is considered to be the main room. We can say that this is the face of the whole house. Therefore, the repair of this room should be given special attention. An excellent solution may be a new unusual material - artificial stone. A few decades ago, people did not even suspect about this type of decoration material for residential premises. It could be found on the facades and basements of buildings. But today, artificial stone not only perfectly complements the design of the apartment, but is also famous for its strength.

How to choose a decorative stone?

Before using this or that material, for a start it is necessary to study all its features in order to correctly make your choice. Artificial stone is a mixture of marble placer with various minerals. The natural appearance of the stone, reminiscent of natural material, indicates its high quality.

artificial stone Price

This criterion will help with the selection. Also, no need to save when buying. Do not think that natural material is more expensive than artificial stone. Its price may even exceed the asking price for natural material, since additional resources are spent on its production. The approximate cost may vary from 500 to 3000 rubles per square meter. Of particular importance is the producing country. You should also pay attention to the cut of the stone. The surface should be as smooth as possible, without the content of large elements. Otherwise, it threatens the formation of cracks and chips.

Artificial stone hallway interior

Particularly harmonious looks artificial stone in the hallway. However, the design of this room requires some harmony. Contrast and brightness are appropriate exclusively for spacious rooms. But not everyone can boast of a huge hallway. Often, contrasting shades visually reduce space. This fact should be considered when choosing an artificial stone. Natural shades that differ by just a couple of tones from the color of the walls are ideal. Also, do not completely cover the walls in the hallway with decorative stone. It’s enough to make a few blocks to emphasize. For example, you can make a stone doorway or lay it out along the floor line. You can also stone a niche for a cabinet. The modern design of the hallway with artificial stone involves asymmetry. It can be laid out in a chaotic manner, without trying to build the correct shapes.

Examples of the design of the hallway with artificial stone

In the following photos you can see the hallway decoration options with decorative stone.

artificial stone in the hallway

The photo shows a partial finish of the front door with a decorative stone with a smooth transition to the wall. This is one of the easiest design methods that does not require expensive materials and special skills.

hallway in the house

The hallway in your own home can be decorated with an artificial stone staircase. This option also looks quite interesting and unusual.

faux stone trim

It looks originally completely finished with stone wall, equipped with pull-out shelves. This brings a certain spirit of creativity and romanticism to the interior.

faux stone hallway design

Simple, but very stylish, the stone will stand out, which provides a zone for the hanger.

Steps of decorating the hallway with decorative stone

  1. Surface preparation for facing.
  2. Complete removal of old finishing materials.
  3. Identification and elimination of various defects on the surface (chips, cracks, depressions).
  4. Plastering areas with pronounced differences. Putty coating to a perfectly even condition.
  5. Primer surface treatment.

Finishing the hallway with artificial stone requires some knowledge and skills. However, even a novice can do such work.

Styling process

Wall decoration begins with marking. Of course, experienced builders can skip this step. As a rule, they use only the construction level. But this is beyond the reach of a beginner. Therefore, it is better to immediately place markings in the form of lighthouse stones on the wall. They will indicate the boundaries of the masonry. Laying can be started from any corner of the room. It is there that you need to put the first mark. Then, using the level, you need to set the connection marks. Between them, for accuracy, you can twine. Laying can be done either from the bottom up or from top to bottom, the main thing is that it starts from the corner. However, most professionals begin to work from the bottom for convenience. In this case, the thickness of the floor plinth and the cornice should be taken into account. Artificial stone in the hallway is easier to lay than any other material.

Finishing should be carried out, taking into account the thickness of the material. Large stones are coated on the back with a glue-based solution. For application, a notched trowel is suitable. If the stones are small, you can use the so-called liquid nails. Before laying, stones should be sorted by shade. Colors in each batch may vary. To facilitate the process, put the intended pattern on the floor to determine the installation procedure for each individual element on the wall. Glue is applied to the back surface, and the stone is firmly pressed against the wall. Laying is done with a level so that you can immediately eliminate bumps. When the joint is laid out, the first row is laid out, you can start laying the next ones in the same sequence. After the entire surface is framed, it must be dried within 24 hours, after which it is necessary to process the joints between the stones with a special solution.

walls in the hallway

Artificial stone in the hallway does not lose its novelty for many years. Even if for some reason the material began to lag behind the wall, it can always be glued.

The advantages of decorative stone

If you compare this material with natural stone, then its superiority is simply obvious. Artificial stone is lightweight. This greatly facilitates its transportation and installation. Artificial and natural stones have almost the same strength. And even in the first, this figure is slightly higher. Decorative stone has refractory properties. It is not subject to corrosion, the formation of fungi and mold. It is an environmentally friendly material, absolutely safe for health. A significant advantage is its unpretentiousness in care. It can be treated with any detergent. It is much easier to stack due to the correct shape. The process does not require significant effort, it can be compared with the laying of ordinary ceramic tiles.

Types of artificial stone for hallway design

Depending on the production technology , decorative stone may in its basis contain either colored concrete or gypsum. There are practically no visual differences. However, their weight varies significantly. Concrete stone is much heavier than its gypsum counterpart. It also affects the cost of the material. An artificial stone, the price of which is higher, is supposed to be made of concrete. However, the difference in cost is not so significant. As a rule, it is not more than 200 rubles per square meter. The only drawback of gypsum stone is its low moisture resistance. Some manufacturers cover the material with a waterproof emulsion. This can also be done independently.

Today, the best material for decorating the living room and the corridor is artificial stone. In the hallway he looks luxuriously, bringing the atmosphere of nature to the home.

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