Do-it-yourself plaster panels on the wall: ideas and tips for beginners

Plaster panels very often decorate the interior in modern houses. Such jewelry can be bought ready-made or purchased from an artist-decorator made to order, but all this is quite expensive. Also, gypsum panels can be done independently. Plaster is a natural eco-friendly material, and the decor itself will be appropriate in any room. The motive and size of the panel are selected in accordance with the room, but the methods of its manufacture remain the same.

plaster panels

The advantages of gypsum as a material for the manufacture of panels

It is much more difficult to make stucco decoration from gypsum with your own hands than from other materials. But it is gypsum that allows you to make the composition voluminous. In general, gypsum is a practical and self-sufficient material, you do not need to add other impurities and chemical additives to it, therefore this substance does not cause allergies. Gypsum panel is an excellent practical decor for any room.

Advantages of gypsum:

  • the material is considered refractory;
  • conducts heat well;
  • perfectly retains structure;
  • It has good sound insulation.

Gypsum is also a strong, natural and environmentally friendly material, it absorbs moisture well when the room is wet, and also gives it well when the room is dry. That is why various souvenirs and decor items are often made from it.

Plaster compositions on the wall is a rather individual matter, connected exclusively with a personโ€™s own ideas about style and beauty, but with the help of a luxurious plaster panel you can completely change the design of the room.

plaster panel on the wall

Some room decoration tips

You can decorate the room even with a small panel of gypsum, the main thing in this case is to correctly place the accents. The following helpful tips will help:

  • any composition can be distinguished using a frame or baguette in expressive color;
  • the theme of the panel should be suitable for the general interior of the room, as well as match the purpose of this room;
  • the panel will help to revive the panel and make it even more expressive;
  • gypsum composition can cover small defects on the wall;
  • gypsum is easy to restore.

Plaster panels in various rooms

You can decorate any premises with a plaster picture: typical apartments, country mansions, restaurants or offices. But it is important to remember that the composition should correspond to each specific room.

1. Entrance group of premises (entrance hall, corridor or hall). In a small room, the panel can hide any wall defects, can cover the distribution panel, visually enlarge or reduce the room. Embossed 3D panels are perfect for entry rooms.

Using wavy or zigzag volumetric panels placed on the end wall of the corridor, you can visually reduce it. Mirror panel in an elongated room visually correct its proportions.

2. The kitchen. The most suitable decor for the kitchen is a panel with vintage utensils, with fruits and vegetables, or with nature and agricultural work.

plaster panels

3. Living room, common room. The decor of such rooms, as a rule, is carried out in the same style with the interior:

  • modern style can be supplemented with a 3D panel, a three-dimensional picture of a family tree, landscape;
  • the classic interior will complement the panel in the recreation area or above the fireplace;
  • gypsum panels in the interior in a historical style can be with ancient Egyptian, Greek or Roman illustrations;
  • Images of still lifes are suitable for the dining area.

4. The bedroom. In the personal space, compositions should correspond to the taste and hobbies of the owner of the room. For the children's bedroom, plaster panels with funny animals, with fairy tale characters, are suitable. Older children can choose panels with a summer herbarium, seashells or in accordance with their hobbies.

Volumetric compositions with mythological figures, pastoral scenes, flowers are suitable for an adult bedroom.

plaster panel on the wall

5. Workrooms and offices. In such rooms abstract compositions, panels with images of animals, with landscape views or individual objects look great.

DIY plasterboard for beginners

To make a gypsum volumetric picture yourself, you will need a separate workplace, a finished drawing, special tools, material and a lot of patience. You need to start with small panels with a simple pattern - to test your strengths and capabilities.

You can create such an art object in several ways: in a finished silicone form, in the form of your own production, or you can make a three-dimensional gypsum panel on the wall according to your own drawing.

Preparation and preparation of gypsum mortar

First of all, you need to prepare a drawing - either draw or download from the Internet. Also prepare a well-ventilated room and the necessary materials.

The gypsum panel is made using the following tools and materials:

  • knife, scalpel, mastic,
  • rulers with a pencil,
  • sanding skins for 150,
  • rubber spatula, trims,
  • brushes
  • gypsum
  • water,
  • PVA glue
  • containers for solution
  • plaster mesh
  • Scotch tape
  • ready-made silicone molds or drywall scraps for the manufacture of molds,
  • liquid nails or special glue,
  • Vaseline or special glue,
  • primers or finishes.

The solution is prepared last, as the gypsum sets quickly. In a previously prepared container, you need to pour water, into it, stirring constantly, introduce gypsum. The consistency should be like that of liquid sour cream. To slow down the setting of gypsum, you can add one or two tablespoons of PVA glue. This solution is filled into the form, and the excess is poured. It is important to remember that you can not pour the solution into the sewer - it is better in garbage bags or tetrapacks.

Production of panels in silicone form

The easiest way is to make a plaster panel on the wall in finished silicone form. To do this, the mold is lubricated with petroleum jelly or a special composition, after which the prepared solution is poured into it and air bubbles are removed with a brush. After two to three hours, the figure is taken out of the mold and the irregularities are smoothed out using a sandpaper. Finished figures are folded into panels, primed and painted. The panel is ready, if desired, it can be decorated.

gypsum panel in silicone form

Making panels in your own form

If you create an individual volumetric composition, you will have to make the mold yourself. Such a process is more time consuming.

For example, a conceived panel will be a composition of vegetables. Each element needs its own container, half filled with small loose material, such as sand. You can make a detachable container of drywall by fastening it with tape.

After that, each item must be half-immersed in sand, greased with Vaseline and poured with prepared gypsum mortar so that the item is completely covered with gypsum. Air bubbles must also be removed and the surface at the end leveled with a spatula. After the solution has hardened, the cast should be taken out, cleaned of sand and coated with enamel paint. The form is ready, you can make elements for the panel in it.

After all the elements are ready, you can collect the composition. As a basis, you can take a sheet of drywall or chipboard, just stick the finished parts on it, then paint and varnish everything.

This is the easiest way to make gypsum panels with your own hands for beginners, in fact, the manufacturing technique is much larger.

gypsum panel manufacturing

In conclusion, we can say that plaster paintings made by yourself can be a decoration at home, and a great gift. Of course, to create a large composition, it will take a lot of effort and time, but the result will justify all efforts.

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