Modem setup. Everything is easier than it sounds

How to configure a modem and return the Internet? We are all used to using the services of the Internet and it is extremely unpleasant when we lose it. There can be many reasons for this. Often the modem is to blame . How to configure the modem, we will try to figure it out. An important fact is that in fact the setup procedure is not at all complicated. It is much more difficult to overcome the fear of something new and the reluctance to listen to simple recommendations and advice. Having tried once to complete the task called "modem setup" yourself, the next time you look at it with a smile and even help others.

Setting up the modem ... For many users, these words do not say anything and are associated with incomprehensible typing on the keyboard, as in foreign films about hackers. In fact, everything is not so complicated and not always modem errors are corrected by a qualified master who needs to pay a lot for such a service. We will analyze the most common mistakes and methods of dealing with these problems.

Error 691 - as a rule, such a message appears when the user name and password are entered incorrectly, or if this data is already used, as well as in the case of a negative balance. How to get rid of this modem error? First, check the balance, most often the reason is this. If this does not help, then make sure that you have correctly entered the data in the “password” and “user” columns. Most often they are mistaken when they accidentally print data in the wrong language that is required. Try typing in Russian and Latin. Make sure that there are no spaces and the spelling of “complex” characters: “1” - “l”, “0” - “O” and the like. If this does not help, then just create a connection with new data. Error 651 on Windows 7/815 on WindowsVista / 678 ​​for XP - occurs in three situations:

  • if there is no DSL signal (the indicator with the Link or DSL signature on the modem blinks and does not light at all);
  • perhaps there was a hang of equipment at the station or the subscriber's modem;
  • Incorrect modem configuration.

In the first two cases, an elementary reboot of the modem can help you (it is best to wait 30 seconds after turning it off), after which you can safely call the provider and complain. Let them understand. For the latter case, repeated and more accurate modem configuration is required.

To enter the settings menu, you need any browser (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer or any other), in the address bar of which you need to enter the address of the modem, i.e. his IP. This is usually If the browser gives you a window for entering your login and password, then the address is correct. Usually this data does not change, and therefore, we enter the word “admin” in both fields. After going to the menu, uncheck the box DSL Auto-connect and go on (“Next”). Next, you need the following values ​​of VPI (0), as well as VCI (33). Click Next. We change the connection type to "PPPoE", go further. Regarding account information, each provider has its own conditions. Therefore, either specify the username and password in the free field, or leave them untouched. Click Next. Check the box “Enable WAN Service” and “Enable NAT”. Click Apply and the modem reboots with the new parameters. Drivers for a modem of this type, as a rule, are not required. The device is detected automatically.

What does the error message 718 say? This is a connection failure that belongs to the high-speed class, or the error is caused by the connection of a USB modem. You can solve this problem by creating a new high-speed connection.

Error 720 is popular . It speaks about incompatibility of ppr protocols. This error most often occurs after an incorrect OS update when the drivers for the modem are installed incorrectly. You can solve the problem either by reinstalling the operating system, or the modem is not in PPPoE mode. This is fixable.

Almost everything is described. Before calling the wizard (and it may not be useful), try to fix everything yourself. Believe me, this is not difficult.

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