When carrying out repair and construction work, many people pay attention only to the evenness of the floor and walls, without thinking about how to properly align the ceiling. Sometimes this happens because of money savings, and sometimes because of ordinary laziness. But if you are doing major repairs in your apartment, pay attention to whether there are any irregularities in the upper part of the room. In this article, we will consider several options for effectively leveling the ceiling.
Leveling using putty
If you decide to paint the ceiling and at the same time find minor irregularities and roughness on its surface, ordinary putty can fix the problem.
The cost of this method of restoring the ceiling is quite small, therefore it is available to absolutely everyone. In addition, you can find the right putty in the nearest hardware store.
How to align the ceiling with your own hands using plaster
The following method can fix a more serious problem than the roughness on the ceiling. Plaster is used in cases where the upper part of the room is tilted at a certain angle, that is, it goes to one side. And if such a tendency is observed along the entire surface plane, there is only one way out of the situation - stucco. Here's how to level the ceiling if serious defects are found. At the same time, during repair, all irregularities must be carefully noted with beacons, otherwise the work will be useless.
How to level the ceiling with drywall
If you do not want to spend your time on various surface measurements and reusable thick plaster coatings, as an alternative you can use a faster way to level the surface - the construction of a plasterboard suspended ceiling. The advantage of this method is that after the repair you will not need to "bother" over decorating the surface, which significantly saves time and money. But it must be remembered that such a design only masks unevenness from the human eye, while the ceiling itself does not align.
How to level the ceiling with a stretch ceiling
This method of leveling the surface is the most popular among all of the above. Although it has nothing to do with alignment, it only hides defects in the ceiling. But it is worth saying that the stretch film quite successfully combines with the interior of any room and at the same time remarkably hides all the bumps. The main feature of this method is a significant time saving, as the master level the ceiling in just 2 hours of time. The installation of a stretch ceiling consists of the following steps: strips are placed over the entire ceiling area, onto which a film will be installed in the future. Then, using a heating element, the masters pull it over the entire area and fix it with special tools. The only drawback of this alignment is that only professional craftsmen using special tools can install. But, despite this, having spent several thousand rubles for installation, you will receive a beautiful ceiling that will delight you every day.