Care for mature skin - features, recommendations and reviews

Mature skin needs intensive care, which includes several stages. After 40 years, signs of aging actively appear - these are facial and deep wrinkles, loss of firmness, dryness of the face, age spots and a change in the shape of the face.


Every woman after 35 years old seeks to preserve her youth and beauty. Care for mature skin should be aimed at combating age-related changes. Properly selected cosmetic products help to avoid the early appearance of wrinkles, increase the elasticity of the skin and give it a healthy well-groomed appearance.

Mature facial skin

Beauticians around the world believe that skin aging occurs in several stages:

  1. The skin of the face and neck loses elasticity, the oval of the face drops and visible bags under the eyes appear.
  2. The contours of the face change their shape, the overhanging eyelid (if any) becomes more noticeable, the second chin becomes clear, the first deep wrinkles appear.
  3. Intensive wrinkles appear around the eyes, mouth and the nasolabial fold flows.
  4. The last stage includes the appearance of wrinkles throughout the face, its contours noticeably change.

At each stage, it is important to choose effective and proper care, which slows down these processes and prolongs the woman's youth.

Reasons for fast aging

There are many reasons that contribute to the active manifestation of age-related changes on the skin. To maintain youth and beauty, it is important to avoid stressful situations.

The first reason is a constant lack of moisture. Girls with dry skin types first notice the first signs of aging. Drinking plenty of water and using moisturizing creams maintain optimal water balance.

Purified water

The second reason is the effect of alcohol on the skin. It contributes to the destruction of the natural protective layer, which is produced by the sebaceous glands. Cosmetic products containing alcohol cause malfunctioning of the glands and deprive the skin of protection.

The third reason is bad habits and lack of sleep. The use of alcohol, tobacco products and fatty foods leads to premature aging of the skin of the whole body. At night, all the cells of the body are updated, and with a lack of sleep, this process slows down.

The fourth reason is improper care. Mature skin needs to be looked after several times more intensively than young skin. However, the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for the type of skin and its age characteristics may cause the appearance of the first changes.

The causes that contribute to early aging are much greater, but these are the most common and have a stronger effect on the change in skin condition.

How to slow down early aging?

It is absolutely impossible to completely prevent skin aging, but to slow down is quite real. Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, good sleep and quality care will help to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin longer. But there are a few tips that girls neglect:

  • constant use of sun protection products. It can be not only specialized goods, but also decorative cosmetics with SPF factor;
  • compliance with the care of mature facial skin - the use of cosmetics suitable for age and needs;
  • avoidance of stressful situations and the use of active facial expressions - this can cause the appearance of imperfections and early facial wrinkles;
  • Gentle massage every night to prevent age-related changes.

These tips will help slow down the aging process of the skin, maintain a healthy complexion and oval, and reduce the number of early wrinkles.

Care Rules

Any skin, young and mature, needs proper care. Morning and evening procedures should consist of several stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protecting. Each of them plays an important role in the care of mature aging skin.

The composition of used cosmetics should include active ingredients that moisturize, nourish and promote the regeneration of skin cells. It is required to pay attention to the age-related use of the product, indicated on the package. Care should be comprehensive and affect not only the skin of the face, but also the neck and eyes.

Effective skin care for the eyelids, according to women, helps to reduce wrinkles in this area, and also helps to get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes. This makes the look more relaxed and radiant, which rejuvenates the appearance of a woman.

Night care

At night, the skin starts the processes of regeneration of all cells and body systems, which helps to slow down age-related changes. All night care products for mature skin should be focused on intensive hydration and nutrition.

Cream for aging skin

To obtain a visible effect, you must regularly use quality products. After cleansing the skin, a moisturizing tonic, a suitable serum and a nourishing cream should be applied. Oils in night care for mature skin are able to smooth, nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

All cosmetics should be applied one hour before bedtime, so they have time to completely absorb and do not form swelling in the morning. Night care must include a cream for the skin of the eyelids, whose action is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and reducing bags under the eyes.

Summer care

In summer, the skin is subject to constant exposure to sunlight, which adversely affects its condition. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation contributes to the appearance of pigmentation and desiccation of skin cells. It is necessary to intensively protect the skin with the help of cosmetic products, as well as to consume a large amount of water.

Sunscreen cosmetics

The use of sunscreens in the care of mature skin in the summer prevents early age-related changes and the appearance of pigmentation. Summer creams should be light consistency, absorb quickly and not form a greasy shine.

Care for mature skin of the face and eyelids should be selected based on its individual type, which will be aimed at intensive hydration and protection from the sun. After sunbathing, it is necessary to apply a soothing cream with panthenol to relieve irritation and prevent the appearance of pigmentation.

Cosmetic products

High-quality cosmetics play an important role in the care of any skin and helps to maintain its youth and beauty. Effective products satisfy the needs of the skin and can slow down the process of the appearance of age-related changes. Buyers in reviews of mature skin care argue that effective cosmetics should perform the following functions:

  • intensively moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin of the face and neck;
  • promote cell regeneration;
  • reduce facial and deep wrinkles;
  • protect the skin from sunlight;
  • improve complexion;
  • increase skin firmness and elasticity.

In caring for mature facial skin at home, it is important to choose the right quality cosmetics that will comply with the manufacturer's statements. The most effective creams are usually sold in pharmacies and can not be very cheap.

Salon treatments

Many women all over the world turn to cosmetology salons to preserve the beauty and youth of their skin. The list of services that they provide has a huge variety of procedures aimed at rejuvenating and effective care for mature skin. Reviews of such procedures show that they are incredibly popular and the result is noticeable almost immediately after them.

Mesotherapy of the face

Mesotherapy is the most popular cosmetic procedure, which is aimed at rejuvenating cells with hyaluronic acid. Its cost is quite budgetary and almost every woman can afford it. Mesotherapy is a method of injecting serum into the upper layers of the skin. Women note that the result becomes visible the very next day after the procedure.

Laser rejuvenation. Using laser beams, skin cells are exposed. Under the influence of temperatures, they begin to actively produce natural collagen, a hundred promotes skin hydration.

Eyelid Care

The first facial wrinkles appear in the area around the eyes, which leads to the girl's early aging. Care for mature skin of the eyelids should be regular and intensive. A huge number of high-quality creams help smooth out wrinkles, remove dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Eye cream

For comfortable summer care, you can use special creams that are equipped with cooling fillers and provide the fastest result. Smooth, supple and beautiful skin around the eyes is the key to effective rejuvenation of the appearance.

Home masks

The effectiveness of masks in mature skin care has been proven by professional dermatologists and cosmetologists around the world. You can use masks both purchased and self-made. However, homemade ones are more effective and natural ingredients contribute to facial rejuvenation.

To prepare the mask, you need to choose a basis based on each skin type: for dry - oil, for oily - clay, and for combined - sour-milk products. In the care of mature skin, the best option is oil, as it effectively moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

Face massage

An important step is exfoliation, which helps to remove old keratinized skin cells and the active appearance of new ones. After using homemade coffee grounds scrub, women note that their complexion improves, their firmness increases and their skin is incredibly smooth to the touch.

Massage with oil or nourishing cream ensures the preservation of a clear oval face and smoothing even the deepest wrinkles. Regular independent massage in the care of mature aging skin helps to preserve youth and beauty for a long time.


Mature skin requires intensive care, especially after 40 years. In order to keep her young and supple for a long time, it is important to regularly use high-quality decorative and care products, eat right, get rid of bad habits and observe the daily routine. Care for mature skin should be comprehensive and affect the neck and eyelids. Massage plays an important role in the rejuvenation process and helps nourish the cells with the necessary oxygen. It is important for women with aging skin to follow all stages of care, as well as choose cosmetics that match the type of skin.

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