Saturn in Libra: description, meaning and characteristics, features

If you were born with Saturn in Libra, then everything you do will have a noticeable imprint of your mind and refinement. You can be a skilled diplomat, which will help you with an innate sense of tact. Competition you prefer cooperation. In most cases, you are not too emotional. When you need to make a decision, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Your talents include stamina, flexibility, and patience.

Scales in the artist's view.

Famous people with Saturn in Libra

Do you think these famous people work well with others? According to their natal charts, the following people were born with Saturn in Libra: Beyonce Knowles, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alicia Keys, Sting, Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan.

Love and relationships

If you were born with Saturn in Libra in the 12th house, stability in a relationship is a serious test for you. Marriage partnership is not easy for you. You may have an easy inferiority complex when it comes to relationships, and you can “start” them by acting undecidedly. In any relationship, Saturn in the sign of Libra assumes the role of a mentor and patron. He fully realizes himself in all types of partnerships - be it business cooperation, marriage or teamwork.


Saturn in Libra is pleasant for a man, takes care of others and tirelessly serves people. You can be artists or educators. The communication you are looking for gives you comfort and a sense of security.

Saturn in the sky.

The ideal profession

Your sense of social justice increases with age, and this can lead you to civic activism, lawmaking, or politics. You have intellectual discipline and high ideals. You devote yourself to ambitious projects that allow you to live your dream. Saturn is hard work, and you are making great efforts to enrich our world with harmony and beauty. If you are receptive, reliable, considerate and organized in your profession, then over time you can gain wealth and high social status.

How to achieve peace of mind?

You suffer from a periodic lack of peace of mind. With Libra in Saturn, a woman has chaos, sadness and fear can greatly bother you in life. And in your persistent desire to correct mistakes and balance your life, you can be upset by those who do not see life in the same colors as you.

The Wisdom of King Solomon

Saturn in Libra in the 7th house can be compared with the Wisdom of Solomon.

King Solomon once encountered two women, each of whom claimed that the child belonged to her. One said the child of another woman died at night. It was also said that the rival swapped her child with the corpse of her own child. Unable to determine who was telling the truth, Solomon turned to the justice of the sword. He announced that he would cut the child in half to divide it between women. One mother screamed, begging to save the life of the child. She offered to give it to another woman, if only the child could live. Thus, Solomon realized that it was she who was the real mother, for he saw the willingness to do anything so that her child could live.

The symbol of Libra.

Like Solomon, you have an innate understanding of what is right, true and fair, and therefore you could be a wonderful judge. At the individual level, you will always look for answers to the obvious manifestations of injustice in life, especially in relationships. Thus, the partners involved in your life are extremely important to you.

Saturn in Libra: Jyotish

This combination of heavenly aspects includes many karmic connections with a large number of people, therefore relationships are so important to you. Some of them will add up with rather strange and unusual people. It is also likely that you are attracting more karmic (difficult) relationships into your life than others. Developing spiritually, as well as mastering some new social skills, you can begin to understand how this process works.

Relationships really mean a lot to you. For their sake, you are ready to hold back your true emotions for a long time, then to dump them on your partner when the cup of patience is completely overflowed.

How to get healing?

The greatest healing is to take responsibility for creating and maintaining a relationship in which you are willing to stay. Your desire to find peace and tranquility in a relationship, as mentioned earlier, can lead to the suppression of your own emotions and unbalanced compromises on your part. First of all, to maintain a relationship, you and your partner need mutual honesty. She will give you such a long-awaited spiritual healing.

To achieve something that has long-term value or even gives the true meaning of your life, cooperation with a person is necessary, and it must be sustainable and as effective as possible. But sustainable cooperation is possible only when all parties to the project are treated fairly, and your intuitive justice, which you are so famous for, requires mutually recognized rules of conduct and obligations. You have a natural sense of justice and powerful empathy for people.

Saturn in the darkness of space.

You know that each person should strive to complete his part of the work and be responsible for the common cause. Your responsibility and discipline are based on the understanding that human relations entail mutual adherence to common rules and ideals - be it marriage, business partnership or friendship. It is for this reason that Saturn is exalted in Libra - a sign that defines relationships.

Libra is an excellent place for Saturn!

In traditional astrology, this location of Saturn is so good and so sublime that wealth and happiness were often predicted to such people, because they are very smart, charming and diplomatic.

You can try to maintain the emotional security of Libra by clinging to certain social ideals, and try to always please others. This form of harmony can lead to difficulties in being oneself, as it cuts off personal self-expression in favor of public representations. The result may be that all your relationships become burdensome and frustrating, because in them you cannot fully express your true nature, always hiding behind socially approved masks.

Sign of Libra in space.

On the other hand, those who make good use of their Saturn energy have the skills and social responsibility necessary to create truly harmonious relationships with those around them. But for this you must be patient and courageous, and also tirelessly work on this goal.

Retrograde Saturn in Libra

This combination in itself is a “natural square” (from the point of view of astrology) and requires integration between two poles endowed with equal roles. Life should be rich enough for both marriage and career. But in order to have enough time for everything, we must compromise. If one person in a partnership is dominant, even if he acts as a responsible parent with impeccable intentions, it can hardly be called a true partnership. If Saturn is still afraid of the world around you, you can marry with a typical personification of the figure of your father, which will give you a sense of security in exchange for freedom. If we have enough self-confidence to avoid this, but not enough to cope with your equal partners, you can choose a soul mate who would play the role of a caring mother with you. In extreme cases, you can avoid marriage for fear of being dominant, criticizing, rejecting, or hurting in any other way.

There is another aspect of Saturn in Libra for a woman, which often suggests that you may find yourself without a partner in life at all. In other words, you can avoid "love to the grave" or simply not aspire to it, but at the same time relationships as such will always be a huge catalyst for your growth.

Saturn on a blue background.

Possible relationship difficulties

People born with Saturn and Neptune in Libra have special problems finding the right balance in their relationship. Scales, as a rule, are considered to be a real “crucible” in the wheel - this is a very heavy energy that determines the course of fate. Together with Saturn and Neptune, you can lose a sense of reality in a relationship, playing social roles that you are familiar with, which are completely inconsistent, but are only a subconscious imitation of what you saw in childhood.

First of all, you should carefully study the events in your life, looking for problems associated with passive / aggressive behavior. Take a look at the events of your life from the point of view of self-reflection and try to play one of the social roles on purpose, which has become attached to you with age. Many of you participate in frankly sociopathic relationships as “partners” and never notice it! In general, you are very “lucky” to have contacts with various psychopaths, sociopaths and manipulators - they seem to be attracted to you by an unknown force.

Libra is famous for its excellent manners, good education, adequate requests for reality and those around it. But they are skeptical of any type of relationship that lasts longer than a conditional honeymoon.

It can be difficult for you to understand that you always need to be responsible for creating a relationship. You need to not only compromise yourself, but also teach others about it, otherwise you run the risk of wallowing in destructive relationships in which you will be used and brought to flashes of aggression. Sometimes you have to smile even to those who openly put sticks in your wheels. The habit of hiding your true emotions makes you an excellent hypocrite (and a hypocrite), but this, however, does not add happiness to life at all.

Libra and Gemini.

Practical recommendations

For a good busy life, Saturn in Libra usually recommend two things. First, find a good Aries - they are actually the best representatives of the zodiac signs to create a "working" relationship. Secondly, start studying martial arts and oriental philosophy - and yes, take this advice as seriously as possible!

Imagine yourself on a swing. This works great when you and your partner are in tune with the swing dynamics. The other person near you has very strong tension. You are not alike, but you rely completely on each other to complete the task. Nevertheless, due to the tension that arises between you, you eventually come to joint success.

When Saturn returns to Libra, you may experience a shock or crisis in your relationship. Do not be afraid of disharmony when it becomes inevitable. Focus on honesty, not partnership as such. When you know yourself, you can be honest with yourself, and it will attract other people who are also capable of reasoning. Thanks to cooperation and communication with them, you will find a spiritual path to success.

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