Birthday stone mascot: features, recommendations and interesting facts

Since ancient times, people have attributed magical properties to minerals. It was believed that they have internal energy that can affect a person. If you choose the right stone for your birthday, you can turn it into a real amulet that protects its owner. Is there a way to choose the very mineral that will bring the greatest luck to its owner?

Riddle of the Death Valley

Inexplicable phenomena and myths have accompanied the history of stones from time immemorial. For example, the legendary Stonehenge on the territory of England still causes numerous disputes of scientific minds about their properties and mission. This building is associated with the mentor of King Arthur, the wizard Merlin, and with the pagan Queen Boudicca, and even with alien conquerors.

death valley stones at night

The mystery of traveling stones in Death Valley is especially exciting to researchers. Huge cobblestones, which weigh about 300 kg, but at the same time independently move along the bottom of the formerly dead lake, gave rise to an incredible number of hypotheses. And even NASA's theory of geologists about the thinnest ice crust due to which gliding occurs, could not earn the title of official reason. The stream of those who want to touch the miracle does not dry up to this day.

The power of minerals

Today, science knows about 4,000 types of stones. To choose from such a variety one whose properties are most suitable becomes a difficult task. For example, how do you know which stones are contraindicated on a 21 lunar birthday? Are there minerals most suitable for a man named Leonid? For centuries, people have been trying to get answers to such questions and organize their knowledge for ease of use.

Birthstone and Birthstone

The most popular way to select an amulet is to compare the properties of the mineral with the main features inherent in the representatives of the horoscope. It is believed that the stone should emphasize the positive features of the owner and pacify the negative. An improperly selected mineral can multiply the negative manifestations of character. While the right choice will soften the temper, strengthen health and fill with energy.

stones minerals


Representatives of this fiery sign are active and courageous, however, in moments of irritation they can afford excessive rudeness. Such people are suitable amethyst, diamond and ruby. They are able to bring a state of mind into balance.


Reliability, naturalness and creativity of these multifaceted natures are combined with obstinacy and categoricalness. Moonstone, malachite and emerald are ideal for them. These minerals contribute to flexibility and help combat slowness.


Representatives of this sign easily make contact and quickly navigate the situation. The flip side of these features is some superficiality and fussiness. To balance the character, you should choose such stones by birthday as amethyst, turquoise and citrine. They will help develop focus and discipline.


Sensitivity, fidelity and rich imagination are combined in this sign with isolation and vulnerability. An excellent choice for the amulet will be moonstone, tourmaline and jade. These minerals evoke self-confidence and inner balance.

stones male bracelet

a lion

Representatives of this fire sign are inherent vigor and determination. However, self-confidence sometimes develops into narcissism. To mitigate this internal quality, you should choose alexandrite, aventurine and amber, which develop tact and caution.


These intelligent and consistent personalities can sometimes afford excessive criticism of other individuals. To avoid conflicts on this soil, such birthday stones will help: jade, carnelian and jasper. These minerals contribute to tolerance and broadening one's horizons.


The most good-natured and peaceful sign. Loves comfort and aesthetics, but easily lends itself to someone else's persistent influence from the outside. Agate, topaz and cat's eye will help to maintain their own opinions and strengthen the inner core.


Thoughtfulness and penetration are combined in this sign with deep self-digging, turning into indefatigable self-knowledge. Hyacinth, serpentine and opal contribute to the relaxation and forgiveness of both yourself and others.

mineral amulet


These sincere optimists are constantly on the move and open to new things. Self-esteem can awaken authoritarianism and vanity in them. To prevent this, use the power of sapphire, tiger's eye and charoite.


A serious, responsible and purposeful sign, inclined to take on huge loads. This gives rise to nervous breakdowns and melancholy of a tired person. Correctly selected birthday stones, such as jet, jadeite and pearls, will help develop the ability to refuse, calculate your own strength and look more optimistically at circumstances.


Representatives of this sign are characterized by concern for the well-being of others, based on idealism. In this case, you often have to postpone your affairs for later. Personal interests fade into the background. Pomegranate, rhodonite and a falcon eye will help to discern the root causes of events and correctly prioritize.

stone crescent moon decoration


These gifted and compassionate natures are able to understand and bestow sympathy. However, after this comes the realization of the imperfection of the world and a deep melancholy bordering on depression. Rhinestone, sardonyx and chrysoprase will help develop a realistic view of the world and the ability to alienate extra people.

Gemstones by Birthdays

In addition to the separation of minerals according to the main characteristics inherent in the signs of the zodiac, there are more detailed systems. Some of them even allow for the combination of a month with a specific date. After years of research, the data obtained have been systematized in a table.


Date / MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
oneHawkeyemoon rockamazoniteheliotropenephritisHawkeyecharoitetourmalinetopazjadehematiteturquoise
2rubyturquoisepearlsnephritiscitrineobsidianamazonitealmandinejaspercat's eyechrysolitecoil
3onyxturquoiserhinestonelapis lazuliHawkeyecarneolberylaquamarinechrysoprasetopazturquoisezircon
fourrhodoniteberylcarneolsardonyxaquamarinemalachitehyacinthjadeobsidiandiamondchrysolitelal spinel
5pearlssardonyxlal spineldiamondmalachitemoon rockcoralGarnetcat's eyenephritiscoilGarnet
6turquoisesapphireamethystGarnetmoon rockjetalmandinecat's eyeemeraldhyacinthcarneolheliotrope
7jasperagatesapphiresardonyxpearlseye of the Tigertopazlapis lazulirhinestoneagatetourmalinecitrine
9alexandriteambernephritisjasperamazoniteamberheliotropemalachitejaspertopazcat's eyealexandrite
10zirconeye of the TigeramethystamethystemeraldchrysoberylchrysoliteberyljadeHawkeyecrystalaquamarine
elevenheliotropeheliotropesardonyxalexandritecorneliansardonyxopalalexandriteonyxlal spinelambereye of the Tiger
13onyxcat's eyechrysolitelal spinellapis lazulirhodonitenephritissardonyxonyxchrysoberylberylamethyst
fourteenrhodonitechrysoberylberylamethystagatechrysolitetopazrubyeye of the Tigeralmandineemeraldsapphire
fifteenjetaventurinemoon rockjadeonyxheliotropehematitelal spinelamberrhodoniteobsidianhyacinth
16onyxopalcoralonyxchrysolitesardonyxambercitrinejasperrhinestonemoon rocknephritis
17eye of the Tigersapphirechrysoprasecoralopaljetagatejetamethystzirconhyacinthturquoise
eighteenemeraldobsidiancharoitetourmalinetourmalinejetmoon rockonyxcoildiamondopalhematite
19jasperaventurinesardonyxlapis lazuliagateberylmoon rockaventurineheliotropeamethystnephritisjasper
twentylal spinelcoralemeraldlal spinelcarneolhyacinthjaderubycarneollapis lazulichrysoberylobsidian
24lapis lazulichrysoberylchrysopraseGarnetcoilHawkeyesapphireamazonitemalachiteGarnetberylturquoise
26nephritisrhodoniteonyxalexandritelapis lazulimoon rockobsidiannephritisaventurinealexandritejaspercornelian
27rhinestoneemeraldHawkeyecat's eyeamethystemeraldjaspercorneliancitrinerhodoniterubycoil
28zirconeye of the Tigerrubycharoiteturquoisenephritisrhodonitehematiteberylopalturquoiseopal
29thsapphireeye of the Tigerdiamondhyacinthberylcorneliancoildiamondchrysolitetopazrubytopaz

Esoteric opinion

Mages and psychics studying the properties of minerals argue that it is possible to pick up even a stone by birthday and name. Such a close connection of the amulet with its owner is capable of creating real miracles.

A similar opinion is shared by the practice of Indian Ayurveda. They believe that a correctly selected stone mascot can protect the owner from accidents and the evil eye.

yellow stone decoration

Against the background of the amount of information that is available today about the magical properties of minerals, it becomes obvious that you should not limit your searches to birthday characteristics only. Which stone is suitable in each case can be determined in a variety of ways.

Patron Planets

There are even practices in which minerals are studied in terms of their impact on a particular life situation.

For example, stones charged with the energy of the sun, such as amber, are used in difficult times. They energize and make it easier to perceive difficulties.

Colorless and white minerals are filled with the power of the moon. It is worth resorting to their help when inspiration and an intuitive look at the event are required.

Women who are in search of love, you can safely overlook the question of how to choose a stone by date of birth. Minerals of Venus are excellent helpers in cupid affairs for beautiful ladies, regardless of their name and age. Malachite, turquoise, emerald, rose quartz ... All of them are able to have a positive impact in the sphere of romantic relations and inner harmony.

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The main adviser in the choice of jewelry made of stone should be the inner sensation of touching a mineral. What emotions does this contact cause? Has a bodily response occurred? If the decoration gives inner comfort, it is definitely able to become a real talisman for its owner. And no tables are a hindrance to this.

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