Radeon HD 8570: the perfect balance of price and performance

It is impossible to find Radeon HD 8570 in free sale for the reason that this adapter is supplied only in large quantities, and only large assemblers of computer systems can purchase it. Its performance level is low, but sufficient to run most modern toys. It is this model of the graphics adapter that will be further considered.

radeon hd 8570

Accelerator Niche. Its equipment

Enough for a specific niche aimed Radeon HD 8570 from AMD company. On the one hand, this is a very productive solution of the economy class, which can cope with many tasks. But at the same time you can meet it as part of branded computers of famous manufacturers. That is, his destiny in this design is entry-level workstations for corporate groups. In free sale, as noted earlier, it is impossible to find such an accelerator. At least in the form of a separate discrete adapter. But in the so-called APU, he is found. These are models A6-6500 and A6-6600K. In this case, at the end of the marking of the chip there is an index D. There is also another modification of this graphic chipset, at the end of which there is an index M. It can be found in entry-level mobile computers. All of them are united not only by marking, but also by a comparable level of performance. If you are lucky enough to find a PC with such an adapter, then, apart from the accelerator itself, a driver disk and diagnostic software will be included in the delivery. In this case, one simply does not have to count on anything more.

Adapter options

Rather modest parameters of the technical plan boasts Radeon HD 8570. Features This semiconductor solution indicates that it is manufactured according to the standards of the 28-nm process. The chip itself is based on a microprocessor architecture, codenamed GCN version 1.1. A semiconductor chip with an area of ​​90 mm 2 in this case includes 1040 million different transistor components. The clock frequency in the nominal mode was set by the manufacturer at around 730 MHz for the Radeon HD 8570. Its characteristics indicate that this graphic chip includes 384 processors, 8 raster operations blocks and 24 texture processing modules. The amount of memory in this case can only be 2 GB, and its type is GDDR3 with a frequency of 933 MHz. The bus width for connecting RAM is 64 bits. The result is a memory subsystem bandwidth of 14.9 Gbit / s.

radeon hd 8570 specifications

Customization. Performance level

If the Radeon HD 8570 was purchased as a separate component, then first you need to disassemble the case and install it in the appropriate expansion slot. After that, the monitor is connected to it. Next, the drivers are installed. The latter is recommended to take from the website of the manufacturer of the graphic product. At the end, it is recommended that the PC reboot in order for the changes to take effect. The following games may launch the Radeon HD 8570:

  • Civilization 5 - at 1024X768 and low detail 40 fps.

  • Dirt Showdown - identical image format and quality - 59 fps.

  • SimSity with similar parameters produces 95 fps.

  • StarCraft II can get 150 fps in the same mode .

Of course, the 1024X768 mode is not entirely gaming by today's standards, but the mere fact of the possibility of launching such a number of toys speaks volumes. In test suite 3 DMark 06, this solution scores 5650 points, and in its updated version with index 11, this adapter is already capable of gaining 1255 points.


Although very difficult, it’s still extremely rare to find Radeon HD 8570 on free sale. Price it ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles. As a rule, such accelerators are dismantled from the failed system blocks of economy class workstations. Not always at the same time with them comes with a proprietary software disc. But there is nothing to worry about, and all the necessary software can be found on the official website of the manufacturer of the graphic solution.

radeon hd 8570 reviews

Owner reviews

The key advantage in this case is the low cost Radeon HD 8570. Reviews they really focus on the fact that the price of 700-800 rubles for such an accelerator is quite justified. Even if in a used form. At the same time, this adapter is practically not inferior in speed to the GT740 and GTX 750, which can now be found at a price of 2500-3000 rubles. They, of course, use a faster GDDR5 memory, but the frankly weak architecture of the graphics chip nullifies this advantage. Therefore, from an economic and technical point of view, it is more profitable to buy the hero of this article rather than the more expensive solutions from NVidia. This is precisely what the few reviews of the owners of this solution indicate.

radeon hd 8570 price


The only conditional drawback of the Radeon HD 8570 is that it cannot be found as a separate discrete accelerator. In all other respects, this is quite a worthy solution that can be used even as part of entry-level gaming computers or economy class graphic stations . Well, its cost against the background of direct competitors does not leave the last essentially any chance. Moreover, their performance is almost the same.

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