Inspection-free driving: consequences and rules

Inspection is a procedure consisting in a thorough study of the technical condition of the car. It should be carried out every two years for all cars older than three years. If the age of the machine exceeds 7 years, then the procedure is implemented annually. Riding without inspection is prohibited, as in this case the driver will have to face some negative consequences. They are in the absence of the opportunity to purchase an insurance policy, as well as a high probability of getting into an accident due to the poor condition of the car.

When is the inspection performed?

All the rules for conducting this process are given in the Federal Law No. 170. This normative act contains information about when it is required to undergo a technical inspection, as well as how to correctly compile a diagnostic card by a responsible specialist.

Twice a year, the procedure is performed by the owners of the following vehicles:

  • cars used as taxis;
  • buses designed to transport people;
  • trucks intended for transporting people;
  • specialized machines used during the transport of dangerous goods.

For other cars, the inspection period is determined depending on the year of manufacture. For this, the parameters are taken into account:

  • during the first three years after the release of the machine is not required to undergo inspection;
  • if the age of the machine is in the range from 3 to 7 years, then the diagnostic card is obtained every two years;
  • if the car is older than 7 years, then maintenance is carried out annually.

If the car is equipped with different specialized light or sound signals, then you have to undergo a technical inspection every year. The same applies to cars used for driver training.

As a result of maintenance, a special diagnostic card is issued to the driver containing information about the condition of the car. Without it, it is impossible to buy a CTP insurance policy for a car older than three years.

ride without inspection

Diagnostic card concept

She acts as an official proof of passing MOT. It includes information about the technical condition of the machine. Riding without inspection and this document is prohibited, since in this case the driver creates a danger to other road users.

This document contains the following information:

  • information about the technical condition of the car;
  • date when the inspection was carried out;
  • basic information about the car.

It is impossible to get a diagnostic card if the car has any serious problems or damage. They must be eliminated by the owner of the machine, after which you have to again contact the specialists of the service station. Inspection is a paid procedure, the cost of which depends on the tariffs offered by the selected organization. Under the new rules, driving without inspection can lead to liability of the driver. Additionally, it will not work to issue an insurance policy.

what is the punishment for driving without inspection

Who pays the fine?

The penalty for driving without inspection is levied only on owners of vehicles used for the carriage of passengers or the transport of hazardous substances. This is due to the fact that the drivers of such vehicles are responsible not only for their own safety, but also for the life and health of other citizens.

If the traffic police find out that the carriers do not have a valid diagnostic card, the owner of the car will be held accountable. The penalty for driving without inspection in this case is a large fine.

Amount of sanction

If drivers of vehicles used to transport goods or people do not have a diagnostic card confirming the timely completion of maintenance, then what is the penalty for driving without inspection? Drivers are held administratively liable for such a violation.

What is the penalty for driving without inspection? If the driver of the car used to transport people or dangerous goods does not have a valid diagnostic card, then in 2018 he pays a fine of 500 to 800 rubles. No other monetary penalties are provided for in the law.

In the reviews on the Internet, car owners often claim that the fine for driving without inspection is 5 thousand rubles, and for such a violation the driver may be deprived of his rights. In fact, such information is unreliable, since only a small fine of up to 800 rubles is applied for this violation. This is indicated in Art. 12.1 Administrative Code.

fine for driving without inspection

Punishment for an expired card

If the driver has an expired diagnostic card, this means that he does not have evidence of the timely passage of MOT. What threatens to drive without inspection? In this case, the standard punishment is used, which is fined up to 800 rubles.

Traffic police do not have the right to require a diagnostic card from ordinary drivers who use their cars for personal or work purposes. This document must only be presented to drivers of vehicles used to transport passengers or dangerous goods.

what threatens to drive without inspection

How are drivers punished?

If the driver carrying out the transportation is stopped by the traffic police officer, he must present a valid diagnostic card. If riding without inspection is carried out, then the traffic inspector draws up a protocol on the detected offense. If the driver agrees with the punishment, then he receives a receipt for payment of the fine.

If the car owner does not agree with the fine, then a claim is formed within three days, which is submitted to the court together with the protocol. The court is studying all the materials submitted by the traffic inspector. It is the judge who determines what penalties can be applied to the offender. For this, a fine of up to 800 rubles is used.

The most severe punishment, represented by a fine of 800 rubles, is applied only if a second violation is revealed or other aggravating circumstances exist. If necessary, the driver may appeal the decision within 10 days. If it is not possible to appeal the court decision, then it takes effect, therefore, the car owner is obliged to pay a fine. If this is done within 20 days, only half the amount is transferred.

If the driver for various reasons refuses to pay a fine, then he will have a debt that will be collected by the bailiffs. If you promptly pay the amount, you will have to pay not 500 rubles., But 250 rubles.

No inspection

How can I pay?

Drivers of some cars are forced to pay a fine for driving without inspection if such a violation is detected by the traffic police. You can transfer funds in different ways:

  • appeal to employees of any bank;
  • use of bank terminals;
  • application of online banking;
  • transfer of money by employees of post offices.

You can even pay a fine through the State Services portal or the official traffic police website. Due to the availability of such simplified remote methods, the process of paying off various debts is greatly facilitated.

The negative consequences of the lack of a diagnostic card

Many people who own a personal car do not want to undergo inspection. This is due to the fact that this procedure is paid. Although private drivers are not fined for the lack of a diagnostic card, anyway its absence leads to many negative consequences. These include the following:

  • it will not be possible to purchase a CTP insurance or a comprehensive insurance policy, as employees of insurance companies will certainly require customers to present a diagnostic card confirming the optimal condition of the car;
  • if a person, due to lack of MOT, cannot purchase an insurance policy, he will not be able to use a car, because if a traffic inspector detects a lack of insurance, the driver will be held liable;
  • if a driver with an expired diagnostic card gets into an accident, the insurance company will refuse to pay compensation, as there is a possibility that the reason for such an accident was the poor technical condition of the car;
  • if the culprit of the accident has a valid OSAGO policy, but an expired card, then the insurance company may require compensation from the citizen, and the process can be carried out by force through the court.

A fine of 800 rubles is paid for driving without insurance and inspection. Therefore, if any car owner does not have an insurance policy, then he can be fined by a traffic police officer.

fine riding without insurance and inspection

Will the penalty for lack of maintenance be increased to 2 thousand rubles?

In 2019, it is planned to introduce new fines for drivers who do not have a diagnostic card. For this, the necessary changes will be made to the Administrative Code and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The main such adjustments include:

  • the fine may increase to 2 thousand rubles;
  • for carriers, even criminal liability may apply if their activities without a diagnostic card lead to a danger to life or health of people;
  • car inspectors will be able to request a card from each car owner;
  • information about the availability of a card can be taken by traffic police from EAISTO;
  • all violations will be recorded not only directly by traffic inspectors, but also by video recording cameras;
  • fines will be applied at most once a day.

Such changes are due to the fact that even the maximum fine of 800 rubles. does not meet modern reality. In order for drivers to really care about the timely inspection of their cars, more stringent liability measures are required.

punishment for driving without inspection


Each driver must ensure that his car is in optimal condition. To do this, at a certain point in time it is required to undergo maintenance. After that, a diagnostic card is issued to the car owner, without which it is impossible to purchase a CTP policy.

Penalties for lack of maintenance apply only to carriers of people or dangerous goods. In 2019, it is planned to tighten the punishment, since the lack of checking the technical condition of the machine often becomes the cause of major accidents.

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