Ginger for weight loss: how to brew ginger properly

Southwest Asia is the historical homeland of wild-growing ginger, but at present it has been completely replaced by cultivated ginger from West Africa, Australia, China, and Indonesia. Ginger, or white root, refers to perennials, the stem is straight like bamboo, the leaves of the lanceolate form are slightly pointed. The botanical name singabera in Sanskrit has two meanings as “in the shape of a horn” and “universal medicine” . The ginger family (Zingiberaceae) represents 47 genera and 1000 species.

Flowers of three petals painted in bright colors resemble iris. The main value of ginger is a fleshy, hooked-branched root containing beneficial substances and essential oils. The active ingredient gingerol (gingerol, [6] -gingerol) contained in the root gives ginger the taste of hot chili peppers.

Useful properties and application of ginger

The application has found its plant in the food industry as a seasoning. Traditional medicine also knows how to brew ginger, where the root is used in dry, purified form, containing up to 70% of cingeberen, 1.5% of gineherol, 4% of starch, amino acids. Ginger stimulates blood circulation and prevents the deposition of fats in the body.

The essential oils contained in the root of ginger activate metabolic processes in the body, help to eliminate toxins and excess radicals with the release of heat, so ginger root is used to combat excess weight and obesity. If you change your usual diet and introduce ginger dishes into the diet, you can achieve the desired result.

Japanese restaurants serve ginger roots along with sushi. The Japanese use them during meals, when moving from one dish to another. The fact is that ginger promotes good digestion, so you can lose weight, but here you need to clearly know how to brew ginger for weight loss correctly. Ginger tea is also used for this purpose; it drowns out the feeling of hunger. Ginger for weight loss can be used fresh, a salad made from it will perfectly complement the diet or is suitable for fasting days.

For the salad you will need one part of the zest of orange, ginger and celery root and three parts of chopped fresh carrots. In addition to these ingredients, two parts of a lemon and two parts of beets baked in the oven are needed. All this needs to be poured with vegetable oil and mixed.

Slimming Ginger Tea Recipes

1. Peel and grate the ginger root, pour boiling water over it and cover to insist. Before use, add a spoonful of honey and a ring of lemon, so the tea will be tastier. Morning coffee can be replaced with ginger tea prepared the day before. This will add energy and vitality to the body. However, do not abuse this drink, since you need to brew ginger carefully so as not to cause an upset stomach.

2. Thinly chop the ginger root, add water and bring to a boil over low heat. Allow to cool, add honey and lemon to the infusion. For a more effective action, the infusion can be supplemented with lemon balm, chamomile and other herbs. Such a drink improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and rejuvenates the skin.

3. To make tea, you need ginger root and two cloves of garlic. Garlic is added to enhance the action and gives the tea a spicy flavor. Peeled and sliced ​​ginger is poured with two liters of boiling water (before brewing ginger, add garlic to it, and then insist for half an hour). After taking out the ginger and garlic. Drinking such tea is recommended before eating.

In order to lose weight, ginger tea should be drunk daily, while refusing sugar and other sweets. There are many other useful recipes with ginger for weight loss - these are drinks and first courses, side dishes, desserts with spices. However, in these cases, before brewing ginger, you need to carefully calculate its dosage.

Contraindications to the use of ginger

Root for weight loss is contraindicated in gallstone disease, hypertension. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, before you brew ginger, you should consult your doctor.

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