The body of a woman is full of secret secrets. The conception of a child, the bearing and birth of a new man and the intimate pleasures of a partner that a female body can give - all this makes him an unusual, mysterious creation of nature. But like any other system of the human body, a woman’s reproductive system can suffer from both diseases and pathologies. One of these problems is the gaping of the genital fissure.
Secret places
Nature always does just as it should be. Perhaps that is why the intimate zone associated with reproduction in a woman is quite well hidden. The crotch, this is what the area of the external genital organs of a person is called, has a rather complicated structure. It is bounded by the pubic bones in front, behind its border is the tip of the coccyx, on the sides are sciatic tubercles. Moreover, such a “geography” of the perineum is inherent in both women and men. But the structure of the perineum, of course, is different for different sexes, and therefore the gaping of the genital gap is a purely female problem.
A bit of anatomy
The crotch of the female body has a multicomponent structure, which includes the external genitalia. These will be the labia minora and labia minora, the clitoris, the opening of the urethra, the vagina and hymen, as well as the anus. The gaping of the genital gap is a very serious problem that can lead not only to a violation of comfort in everyday life, but also to serious pathologies and diseases of the female body, when only surgical intervention can be the solution.
Feelings and problems
Many problems of a woman’s intimate sphere try not to notice until she becomes absolutely uncomfortable. One of the pathologies of the vagina and uterus is the gaping of the genital gap. The first symptoms of its initial development are not very noticeable. Only with dilution of the hips or strong muscle tension in this area is a wide opening of the female vagina observed. Then more tangible signs appear - squelching sounds during intercourse, a feeling of air coming out of the vagina, gradual prolapse of the vagina, cervix and uterus.
If a woman does not pay due attention to such a problem as gaping of the genital gap, the symptoms of which are becoming more pronounced and uncomfortable, and even painful, then the prolapse of the internal genital organs - uterine prolapse and vagina. This condition can end very poorly, surgical intervention will be necessary to remove pinched organs that have ceased to function properly.
Potential causes of pathology
Women's health, despite the apparent endurance, is a very fragile structure, the state of which depends on many factors. One of the many problems that any woman can face at any stage of her life can be the gaping of the genital gap. The causes of this pathology are genital prolapse, atony of the muscles and ligaments that make up this area of the woman’s body. But because of what there was a violation of the elasticity of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the perineum, the doctor must find out, this is necessary for its successful elimination. As a source of muscle atony can be:
- congenital muscle weakness;
- an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, having a chronic form caused by heavy physical labor, chronic constipation, chronic cough, prolonged static position of the body;
- obstetric trauma;
- natural childbirth;
- surgical interventions.
The established cause of the problem requires urgent elimination in order for the treatment result to be more effective and lasting. The statistics of medical observations indicate that the problem of gaping of the genital gap and the associated disturbances in the statics of the internal genital organs in women are more likely to occur with age; it has been established that after 50 years, more than 40% of women suffer from such pathologies.
Postpartum problem?
Many people believe that the most common problem is the gaping of the genital gap after childbirth. In many ways, this is true, because even though the birth canal of a woman is intended for such a complex process as the birth of a child, there are still very different situations.
In some cases, ruptures of muscle and fascial tissues occur naturally. Such damage can be microscopic, and quite large-scale. And in some situations, obstetricians have to make surgical incisions in the perineum of the woman in labor to help the baby be born naturally. In any case, the muscles of the birth canal of a woman who has become a mother are subjected to heavy loads, because first you need to hold the growing uterus, and then perform the act of giving birth to a child. All this affects the elasticity of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.
In most cases, a young mother does not need any specific efforts in order to restore the necessary muscle tone to the perineum. But if the damage is significant, the woman for a long time can’t regain her former health, then it is necessary to get specialist advice for certain medical procedures, manipulations to prevent or eliminate the gaping of the genital gap.
Diagnose a problem
The qualitative elimination of health problems depends primarily on an adequate diagnosis and correct diagnosis. The same applies to a condition such as gaping genital fissure. Experts use several methods in assessing the state of the perineum.
One of the most relevant and high quality today is the method of V. Radzinsky. It is based on palpation of the muscle tissue of the perineum. Through the vagina and perineal suture, the state of the perineum is determined, which can be thinned, normal, or by the type of skin-mucous plate, as well as the tone of the muscle layer. Such an examination for the most part is subjective in nature, but it accurately allows the doctor to determine the alleged problems of muscle tone, and hence the gap of the genital gap. Treatment is based on a scoring of dystopia of the pelvic floor muscles, which the doctor puts in a special table. The universality of the technique is such that the same specialist can adequately assess the dynamics of the problem and treatment by comparing the subjective statement of the course of the disease. But if the patient for some reason is observed at different doctors, then the assessment of her health by this technique can be very blurry.
Also, by palpation, paravaginal defects are found that require treatment with surgical intervention. In this case, the Valsalva test is also used - a sharp exhalation with the nose and mouth closed, which helps to identify defects in the muscular-fascial structure of the vaginal fornix.
Effective are such examination techniques as radiography. Retrograde cystography and / or excretory urography are used to determine the presence and degree of gaping of the genital fissure (genital prolapse). What methodology or set of examinations is necessary to undergo for a diagnosis, the woman is recommended by the attending physician.
An integrated approach to treatment
Everyone who is faced with a particular health problem is interested in the possibility of recovery. Many women are worried about how to treat the gaping of the genital gap. This pathology of the muscular-fascial structure most often requires an integrated approach involving medical treatment, special physiotherapy, medical exercises, and changes in the mode of life.
When making a diagnosis of “perineal prolapse,” the specialist must also remember that such a woman’s condition is closely associated with vulvovaginitis, cystitis, disturbances in the vaginal microflora and, as a result, the development of various bacterial inflammations arising from the pathology of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus. Therefore, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, which follows a qualitative examination to identify the pathological flora of the vagina, is of particular importance.
Hyaluron on guard
Each person wants to keep youth as long as possible. Modern means allow muscles and skin to regain their former tone. This also applies to the perineum. How a substance such as hyaluronic acid works can be judged by numerous reviews. The gaping of the genital gap (we do not provide photo pathologies for aesthetic reasons) in some cases can also be minimized if drugs based on one of the components of the extracellular matrix of the human body are used. Specialists involved in helping women to restore the tone of the fascial system of the genital tract, including the external genitalia, talk about the effectiveness of such a method as biorevitalization with native hyaluronic acid. It is carried out by two methods:
- non-injection;
- deep injections.
Both methods of delivering hyaluronic acid to tissues allow them to be saturated with this important component to maintain tone, health, and, therefore, youth. Like any other medical intervention in the body, biorevitalization has its limitations in use. It:
- high sensitivity to hyaluron;
- oncological diseases;
- pregnancy;
- infections
- lactation;
- a history of autoimmune diseases.
Whether it is worth choosing this method of controlling the gaping of the genital fissure, only the attending physician will decide according to available indications.
Principles of Surgery
Very often, natural childbirth, especially rapid, as well as injuries, cause violations of the tone of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the female genital area, which leads to many problems not only in life, but also in health. One way to eliminate the consequences of such an unpleasant problem is contour plastic with a gaping genital fissure. It is carried out in cases where the use of drugs, gymnastics does not give the desired result or the pathology of the perineum is manifested in the most negative form. Surgical intervention can affect both the surface layers of the skin, and is used mainly to restore the sexual function of the vagina, and can be performed on all layers of the muscular-fascial apparatus, which eliminates the loss of the vagina and uterus, urinary incontinence. The same intervention is used to remove scars that appeared as a result of previous surgery, trauma.
Will gymnastics help?
Each person enjoys youth with his strength and beauty. But time leaves its mark on all spheres of life, including its intimate side. Many body problems become an obstacle to a normal life, creativity, work, hobbies. This also applies to genital prolapse. In this case, you have to turn to specialists for help. About how amazing the results of such an intervention can be, eloquently speak reviews. The gaping of the genital fissure (a photo of the pathology is not provided, we repeat, for aesthetic reasons) is a complex problem, and it requires the same multifaceted intervention to eliminate it.
One of the effective ways to get rid of genital prolapse is gymnastics. Most often, it is recommended to use the so-called Kegel exercises aimed at strengthening the fascial apparatus of the perineum and pelvic floor muscles. The uniqueness of the exercises is that they are simple, but it is precisely those muscles that work in everyday life that work little but are important for the woman’s reproductive system. The complex is based on variable compression and relaxation of the fascial apparatus of the perineum, which strengthens each of the muscles, brings them into tone, which means it has a beneficial effect on the state of this department of the woman’s body. Exercises, by the way, are suitable not only for women, but also for men, because genital prolapse is also found in representatives of the strong half of humanity.
Prevention is better!
Gaping of the genital gap is a very unpleasant and quite dangerous problem. It develops imperceptibly, gradually leading the woman to the surgical table to remove the dead tissue of the fallen organs - the vagina, uterus, or hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such a problem. For this, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations by specialists - a gynecologist, a urologist, engage in feasible physical labor, lead a proper lifestyle, intelligently alternating activities and changing body positions - you can not sit or stand for a long time. It is also recommended that all women periodically perform Kegel exercises that stimulate the tone of the muscular-fascial apparatus of the reproductive system.