Pekron Perun is a Slavic amulet. Symbol Meaning

ax of perun symbol

In our rather difficult time, even a very strong and confident person tries to enlist the support of (albeit not entirely understood) magical powers. According to experts, almost any object can be a talisman, but only one that is connected with the history and energy of its people is strong and effective. One of the oldest Slavic charms is the ax of Perun - the god of thunder and lightning, who was able to defeat the Serpent, who absorbed the Light. Let's remember who the god of thunder was in the pantheon of the gods of the Slavs, and why is his weapon considered one of the strongest magic amulets?

Son of Svarog

poleax perun meaning

In the beliefs of the Slavs, Perun is the god of thunderclouds, thunder and lightning, a symbol of princely power, the patron saint of princely squads and all warriors. He was born Lada, the goddess of spring, marriage and love, from Svarog, the god of fire. The name Perun is interpreted as “smashing.” He was known under different names among various tribes and peoples. It was called Prove among the Western Slavs, in Pyarun in Belarus, and in Perkunas in Lithuania. In the Scandinavian tradition, the god of thunder was called Thor, in the Celtic tradition, Tarinis.

Descriptions of the god of thunderstorm are similar among different peoples. He has a red beard, black and silver hair, similar in color to a thundercloud. Perun moved, according to the Slavs, across the sky on a horse or chariot, with black and white winged stallions harnessed to it.

Armed with the thunder god was thunder arrows, lightning, a sword, a spear, as well as various clubs and axes. The strongest weapon in his arsenal is the ax of Perun. The Slavs, who found fragments of ancient stone tools in the ground, sincerely believed that these were fragments of spears and arrows that the god of thunder and lightning had dropped during the battles. Such artifacts were highly valued by the Slavs, they attributed healing and magical properties.

Other duties

In addition to the patronage of warriors and warriors, Perun was the god of thunder, thunder and lightning, he was also responsible for the management of the elements and controlled some areas of human life.

amulet of the ax of Perun

In earlier times, people believed that in the first spring thunderstorms it was this particular god who opened clouds with lightning so that “tears of heaven” would rain down on the earth - rain. In addition, Perun monitors the implementation of laws, and in case of violation can well punish drought and famine. For the misconduct of people and their bad deeds, a thunderer could burn down human dwellings.

Thus, Perun, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, was:

  • the god of thunder, lightning and thunder;
  • a supervisor who monitors the implementation of laws;
  • the patron saint of all warriors who defended their homeland, land and family;
  • a symbol of princely power.

In the second photo of the ax of Perun in a modern version.

How was he worshiped?

To such a god as Perun, on whom the life of people depended, shrines were created in Kiev and Veliky Novgorod, where specially made idols were installed. The body of the god of thunder was cut down from the oak, which was considered his symbol, the mustache and ears were cast from gold, the head from silver, and the legs from iron. In his hands he held a mace decorated with precious stones, resembling lightning. In front of such an image, a fire was constantly burning, which was supported by a special priest. If for some reason the fire died out, then the priest responsible for him was executed.

Modern archaeologists have found many shrines dedicated to Perun, which were created in the open.

ax of Perun
An idol was installed in the center, an altar in the form of an iron ring for sacrifices was placed in front of it. Around the image of Perun, six or eight holes were dug, in which bonfires were made.

The terrible god sacrificed quite often, but the largest took place on the eve of the battles, natural disasters and unrest. The largest number of offerings occurred on Perun Day, celebrated on July 20.

When did they begin to make charms?

According to the data obtained as a result of archaeological excavations, the amulet of the “Ax of Perun” began to be made in Kiev in the X century. It was there that two axes of the specified period were found.

photo of the ax of Perun
One of the finds was a poleax made of lead, on which an ornament of parallel lines, circles and zigzags was applied. The weapon repeated the oldest type of Russian ax with a wide blade and an internal recess. During the reign of the first princes of Kievan Rus, around the X century, Perun was the patron saint of soldiers and princely squads. Princes Oleg, Svyatoslav and Igor swore with the name of this god with their squads when concluding agreements with the Greeks. Beginning in the XI century, amulets in the form of a Russian ax began to be cast in large quantities in bronze, which became popular in cities such as Suzdal, Drogichin, Novgorod, etc.

Who helps?

Today, the ax of Perun is considered a strong male amulet. Usually they were given to soldiers to increase courage and valor, increase strength and attract good luck in military affairs. However, archaeological excavations show that in the 11th – 12th centuries this amulet was also widely used by women who honored the Thunderer and hoped for his protection and patronage. In addition, around the same time, the ax of Perun changes its meaning somewhat and is used to protect against negative magical influences, such as the evil eye and damage, as well as to attract good luck in the implementation of plans.

Usually this amulet was made of silver or bronze of various sizes. To increase the protective forces, special signs, symbols of the sun or lightning were applied to this magic item . The silver ax of Perun is a symbol for the leader, leader. It means purity of intent, spiritual and physical strength. In addition, this amulet is able to protect its owner from negative influences and low thoughts.

Magic action

Ax of Perun meaning
Undoubtedly, the ax of Perun is a guard of warriors that carries military energy. Those who fight for their people and land, he will protect in battle and avert danger.

Today this amulet can be used more widely: it can strengthen perseverance and perseverance, determination and courage in people not related to the military sphere.

This magical sign protects not only its owner, but also his family. It was used in a variety of life situations throughout life. So, to protect the house from evil spirits, the ax was planted in the jamb of the house. To protect the newlyweds at the wedding, so that no one would cause harm or curse, a circle was circled around the young with an ax. In order to drive away evil spirits from the house where the woman gives birth, they placed these weapons at the threshold. They beat a pole-ax with a shop where someone died, believing that in this way they “cut” and expel Death.

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