The fastest diet for weight loss

Any voluptuous sweet tooth secretly dreams of one day becoming the owner of an ideal body, to go to the sea coast and immediately defeat the entire male beach contingent. For this reason, the fastest diet every year reaches its peak in the holiday season, and it invariably leads among such methods of effective fast weight loss.

But there is a drawback to such express diets, which in a short time provide the maximum result. There is a danger that subsequently the weight will be gained at the same speed with which it had previously decreased. The fact is that all fast diets provide fairly strict restrictions on food and after their completion, the starving person, as a rule, begins to overeat significantly. This, in general, is a natural defense of the body, which was suddenly deprived of normal nutrition and is now trying to restore the "lost" calories.

Despite this, if there is a certain desire to find a slim figure, if there is willpower and the desire to win, and finally, kilograms that are bored and spoil the life, you can try and prevent overeating. Moreover, the fastest diet implies a very diverse menu that can satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmets who want to lose weight, while not refusing anything to themselves.

One day fastest diet

In fact, this is a harsh fasting day, and it is advisable to be at home that day. Such a diet is, in fact, starvation, and the body can weaken. Drowsiness and disability are possible. When using this technique, no snacks are allowed, and if you can’t do it at all, it is recommended to drink a large amount of mineral water without gas and walk on foot in fresh air. Grocery stores and bakeries need to be avoided, and it’s better to walk without a wallet at all.

So, in the morning of such a fasting day before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water to fill the stomach. For breakfast, eat two slices of brown bread with butter, a glass of tea with honey and one grapefruit. For lunch, you can cook lean boiled meat - 100 grams of beef or chicken, only without salt, spices or marinade. Plus 200 grams of boiled vegetable salad and one orange.

For an afternoon snack, such an effective diet for quick weight loss offers herbal tea, and dinner can be limited to steamed fish (100 g). Plus fruit salad sprinkled with lemon juice and yogurt.

Two Day Fastest Diet

First of all, you must definitely take a laxative in pills or one glass of decoction of hay grass for the night . Such actions are necessary to cleanse the body. On the first day, you must refuse food, and with an acute feeling of hunger, use kefir of low fat content and drink a large amount of mineral water without gas. On the second day, you can diversify the lean table with boiled rice without oil and seasoning - one glass of rice for the whole day. Stretch rice to 5-6 snacks until 18 pm. If desired, instead of rice, you can boil young potatoes (200 grams per day) and eat it with vegetable salad (300 grams per day), seasoned with vegetable oil.

Three Day Fast Weight Loss Diet

The principle of operation of this variant of the diet is based on a sharp decrease in calorie intake during the day - not more than 1000 calories per day. When choosing this technique, you must completely abandon all sorts of snacks and strictly adhere to the menu.

Sample menu of a three-day express diet:

On the first day for breakfast, two pieces of rye bread with fruit jam and a cup of coffee or tea without sugar are enough. For lunch, eat grapefruit. For lunch, boiled chicken (200g), a small loaf of bread and a vegetable salad, sprinkled with vegetable oil. For dinner, a fresh apple.

On the second day, the fastest diet offers to do without a second breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner. Menu: for breakfast one steep egg, a slice of rye bread and coffee (tea) without sugar. For lunch, low-fat beef broth, 200 grams of boiled vegetable salad and dried fruit compote.

On the third day, the fastest diet involves such dishes: for breakfast, a slice of white bread with cheese, a cup of not sweet coffee or tea. For the second breakfast, a fresh apple. At lunch, stew from vegetables and 300 grams of veal. In the afternoon 200 grams of low fat cottage cheese and one yogurt. For dinner, a fresh fruit salad flavored with lemon juice.

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