Sultanite Stone: Magical Properties

Gemstones, although they are classified as inanimate matter, possess, in fact, their own disposition, their own natural energy and even their personal destiny. Moreover, the older the mineral, the longer it "lives" among people, the stronger its effect on the host. It is often not clear at all: does a person own a stone or does a stone control a person. One of such wonderful creations of Mother Earth will be discussed in our article.

Familiar stranger

sultanite stone
This is a sultanite stone. The wise men of the Ancient East wrote about its amazing properties. Its main homeland is Turkey. There, the oldest, largest deposits were found, and its mining has been conducted for a long time, and the sultanite stone got its name precisely because the Turkish sultans loved to adorn themselves with it. And, of course, give to your wives and concubines! However, in Russia, in the bowels of the Urals, diaspora deposits (the second name of the stone) are also found.

Chameleon among the crystals

sultanite stone characteristic
The main charm and mystery of the mineral lies in its ability to change color. Yes, he is the same chameleon as amethyst or alexandrite, only has an even more diverse range of shades. Those who have a sultanite stone among the ornaments can observe a stunning metamorphosis. On a bad day or with a dull lamp, it looks intensely green, like juicy spring grass after a refreshing shower. The similarity effect also increases the brilliance of the gem - glass, with pearlescent reflections. So rain or dew on plants sparkle under the sun. Carefully polished, expertly cut by an experienced master jeweler, the sultanite stone generously gives people the peculiar beauty that its nature endowed. When the light is brighter, the mineral takes on new shades - from green-brown to amber-yellow, honey. But that is not all! Violet, pink, raspberry, olive and cognac, greenish gray - this is the color spectrum of this miracle. Therefore, jewelry made of stone, on the one hand, is considered universal, suitable, practically, for any clothes. And on the other hand, it is precisely due to the “chameleoniness” of the stone that it is better to know in advance what kind of lighting is in the place where you are going to go with these jewelry. You must admit that a delicate pink dress in combination with amber-colored stones in earrings is some bad manners!

Silver rim

sultanite stone properties
We continue to study sultanite (stone). Its characteristic will be based by us not only on the occult properties of the gem, but also on compatibility with precious metals: gold and silver. Esotericists believe that silver is more purely energetic. Therefore, rings with a frame from it are powerful talismans and helpers in magic rituals. Yes, and the noble cold silver luster harmoniously combines with any color shade in which sultanite can be painted. A stone whose characteristic is associated with many faces (multicolor) acquires stability and constancy of influence just next to silver. It, in turn, gives the crystal additional brightness, radiance and a luxurious look.

Gold rim

sultanite stone magical properties
On the other hand, diasporas - and now the stone is still quite rare. And at the end of the 19th century, private collectors were proud of their few copies. Therefore, gold, moreover, of the highest jewelry test and the best quality, is precisely the setting that the crystal deserves. By the way, sultanite (stone) exhibits very interesting properties of litmus paper: surrounded by base gold, it fades, loses its natural luster and game, depth and amazing transparency. It seems that the diaspora is falling asleep. But it’s worth changing the frame - a miracle of awakening will begin right before your eyes. Having noticed this peculiarity, in ancient times master jewelers determined with the help of sultanite whether fake gold or not. But the mineral itself cannot be synthetically created, such as artificial diamond cubic zirconia. And fakes are excluded here.

The esoteric meaning of sultanite

sultanite stone Price
Diasporas translated from Greek means "dispersion." It is very fragile, when heated, it begins to crack and break up into small grains. This, by the way, also differs from other terrestrial rocks by sultanite. The unusual properties of a stone also appear in this way: if its owner faces a serious illness, the mineral itself will crack. It is as if he consciously warns the owner of the impending danger. The gem is also very useful to those who are involved in the creative or intellectual sphere. Here, the sultanite stone exhibits magical properties in that it awakens a tendency for meditation in people, reflects on a philosophical mood, indicates non-standard ways of solving problems. Promotes the development of imagination, creative imagination. Like most transparent crystals, the gem suits the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In contact with them, the stone sultanite reveals especially magical properties: it instills poise, hones intuition, develops the gift of foresight. They can hope for his help and earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. With their emotional limitations, the bright gem positively affects the sphere of feelings, awakens cheerfulness.

Stone cost

The diasporas of the woman were adored for its juicy or gentle, pastel colors. The ladies noticed: if a jewelry with a crystal was worn even by a not very beautiful representative of the weaker sex, in the eyes of those around her she looked unusually attractive. For this, to this day, the Sultanite (stone) is in favor. The price of a pair of female earrings, for example, in jewelry stores ranges from 24 to 26-29 thousand rubles. A ring with a gem is in the range of 13,400-16,500 thousand. True, jewelry is not the most objective criterion, because the amount is indicated not for the mineral itself, but for all jewelry. Naturally, depending on what size and quality, such as cutting sultanite (stone), the price in different stores can vary greatly. Plus, the design of the jewelry, additional inlay ... And yet, no matter how expensive the stone may seem to you - get it! You can enjoy the crystal for many years, filling the soul with joy and good mood!

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