Features and methods of economic theory evolved in accordance with its historical nature. In particular, it manifests itself in the fact that new directions, having passed the test of time and practice, enter this discipline in accordance with a more fundamental approach. Thus, they enter into general science as special manifestations of fundamental knowledge.
The study of phenomena and processes within the discipline is carried out using analysis. In accordance with its nature, a normative and positive economic theory is being formed. The latter area is engaged in the study of phenomena and processes in the form in which they are, that is, the actual, actual state of affairs. The normative direction provides for the use in the study of value judgments and ideas about what processes and phenomena should be.
When creating, developing the theory within the framework of the discipline, various methods of economics are applied. These methods are used to penetrate the secrets of science, study its development and functioning.
Methods of economic theory
Acceptance of scientific abstraction is considered one of the main methods of knowledge of discipline. This method does not involve the use of any tools or devices. This technique involves the knowledge of the essential, the deep, the main on the basis of distraction from random and atypical manifestations and features. Using this method, knowledge of laws, categories, laws, principles of use or action is carried out.
The inductive method involves the derivation of the provisions in accordance with the direct observation of the facts and their subsequent generalization. The deductive method, on the contrary, involves first creating versions and hypotheses, and then researching and confirming them using real facts. It should be noted that these methods of economic theory are used quite often.
The use of synthesis and analysis allows, to some extent, to "divide" science into components. At the same time, each component is subjected to thorough study. After research, all the elements are united again into unity, synthesized, studied and considered as a whole.
The method of a systematic approach involves the study of economic science as an integrated system of interconnected and interdependent components that have common characteristics.
The dialectical method involves the identification and study of deep connections. These connections are hidden from the outside. The use of dialectics makes it possible to distinguish between essence and phenomenon. This technique focuses more on the change, development of the studied objects and processes. The most important impulse of development is the internal inconsistency of the phenomenon and the need for its resolution. This leads to the formation of a new or modification of the previous process.
Economic theory is a fairly accurate science. Usually, all processes, phenomena, results can be measured and quantified. In this regard, the methods of economic theory are also various formulas, calculated indicators, graphs and more.
At the same time, science is not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative discipline. Of course, much in the economy can be calculated. However, discipline is not only the creation of any product using any equipment. The real economy is primarily people and their physical, moral and intellectual work. In this regard, the study of science should be carried out using various means and methods.