Sebastian: the meaning of the name, characteristic, compatibility and destiny

According to phonosemantic analysis, the name Sebastian gives the impression of something gentle and light. Despite the external serenity and gentleness, the owner of the name is a leader by nature, has a complex and controversial character. He will be able to become a harmonious person in case of successful implementation in the profession, and for this he needs the help of his relatives. Thanks to a huge number of talents, he can become a highly qualified specialist in almost any field. Among the famous owners of the name: German composer Bach, satirist Brant, therapist Kneipp, Spanish conquistador Belalkasar, Chilean film director Alarcon, athletes Colloredo, Laro, Daisler, Lacroix.

Sebastian Bach

The meaning and origin of the name

The exact origin of the name Sebastian is not known for certain. Linguists put forward 2 main versions:

  1. It has Greek roots, is derived from the adjective σεβαστός (sebastos), which is translated into Russian as "sacred, respected, respectable, exalted, worthy of respect."
  2. Sebastia was called one of the cities of the Roman Empire. According to this interpretation, the interpretation of the male name is "Sebastian, a man from Sebastia."

This name-form came to Europe from Byzantium, becoming especially popular in the Middle Ages. In the ranking of the most common and sought-after names in the world, it today occupies only 1693 place.

The full form of the name is Sebastian. Abbreviated and diminutive treatment: Seb, Seb, Basti, Savos, Tan, Seva, Sevasha, Bastin, Basho. Synonyms include: Sevastian, Sevastian, Sebastian.

Name day and patron saints

Saint Sebastian

The name holders celebrate their name day in the days of veneration of the memory of the holy patrons:

  • Rev. Sebastian of Poshekhonsky - March 11, December 31.
  • Martyr Sebastian of Mediolan (Roman) - April 2.

The main patron of the carriers of the name among Christians and Catholics is considered the martyr Sebastian of Mediolans, who lived in the III-IV centuries. n e He served as chief of the palace guard under the Roman emperor Diocletian, who saw paganism as the support of his power. Having learned that one of the best legionnaires is a follower of Christianity, the ruler decided to execute Sevastyan: to tie to a tree and pierce with arrows. The man miraculously survived, he himself appeared to Diocletian, after which the emperor became even more angry. Enraged pagans stoned the saint to death, and threw the body into a ditch. Sebastian was buried by the pious Christian Lukin.


The meaning of the name Sebastian gives its owner activity, optimism, vitality. Outwardly, this person gives the impression of being frivolous and careless, but, in reality, he has a solid core, he knows exactly what he wants from life. It is selfish, incredibly stubborn. A man cannot be persuaded or forced to do anything against his will by threats or blackmail. The only way out is to interest Sebastian. Then he can reconsider his attitude to a particular situation.

A man has a sharp mind, a phenomenal memory, and creative abilities. He is respected by friends and colleagues, knows how to be grateful. Of the flaws in character can distinguish vindictiveness and envy.


Sebastian’s fate is not easy, because he often can’t concentrate on one thing and wastes energy. Constantly torn between two fires, this guy as a result does not succeed in any sphere. He will be able to achieve success only if he finds a stimulus from the outside and learns to keep emotions in check. The help and support of loved ones will allow Sebastian to reveal talents and creative potential.

Career and job

The value of the name Sebastian guarantees its owner an excellent professional implementation in the field of medicine. Insight, good intuition, sociability will allow a man to become an excellent psychologist or psychotherapist. He will be able to achieve good success in gynecology, surgery, but on condition that he learns to observe working discipline.

In communicating with colleagues, he manifests himself as a strong-willed, resolute person with strong convictions. Being a leader by nature, he seeks to subordinate others to his will. He is a tough and principled boss, feels more comfortable in a leadership position.

Angry boss

Love and family

The holder of the name is incredibly successful with the opposite sex. Women are attracted to his masculinity, charm, inaccessibility, but only a patient and wise chosen one who is ready to give her husband the palm will be able to get along with him.

The meaning of the name Sebastian gives its owner touchiness, selfishness, stubbornness and exactingness. A wife must always admit that he is right and obey all things without question. In return, the man will give her all the tenderness, affection and care. The bearer of the name is a wonderful father: loving, at the same time strict and fair.


Love and family

Sebastian will be happy in marriage with Polina, Barbara, Veronica, Arina, Irina, Milan, Alesya. Unsuccessful alliance with Yana, Tatyana, Taisiya, Vasilisa, Valeria, Alina, Natalya, Taisiya.

Numerology named

Number 1 in numerology

In numerology, the number of the fate of the name bearers is one. Such people like to be the first in everything, they are generators of ideas. They are active, energetic, purposeful, they know exactly what they want from life and know how to make dreams come true. Thanks to leadership qualities, they often occupy leadership positions and quickly move up the career ladder.

The negative astrological meaning of the name Sebastian is egoism, stubbornness, authoritarianism, aggression. Such men are prone to rash and impulsive actions, because of which they often fall into unpleasant situations. They react painfully to criticism and cannot stand moralizing. A well-developed self-esteem does not allow them to admit their mistakes, even if they are obvious.

Talismans and astrological characteristics

The talismans and astrological symbols of the name holders include:

  • the corresponding zodiac sign is Leo;
  • patron planet - the sun;
  • element - Fire;
  • a good day of the week is Sunday;
  • metal - gold;
  • mascot stones - aquamarine, sapphire, turquoise, chrysolite, sandstone, muscovite, mica;
  • totem animal - moose;
  • Suitable colors are orange, gold, yellow.

Having learned what the name Sebastian means, we can conclude that all its owners are strong and charismatic personalities. Fate favors these men, because they are grateful and know how to value what they have. Despite their complex nature, they will make up a wonderful party for wise and calm women who agree to support the patriarchy in the family.

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