Why are you getting fatter? Products that make you fat. Why don't French women get fat

what makes you fatter
What makes you fatter and what needs to be done so as not to put on weight? This issue is relevant not only for modern women, but also for the stronger sex and even children. Surprisingly, most often people ask it themselves and, of course, cannot find the right answer because of their incompetence. In this regard, we recommend contacting experienced nutritionists who know their job and certainly can tell you about what makes you fatter and can not lose weight.

Unfortunately, not all people have free money to visit a specialist. That is why we will try to answer this question in this article.

Why are you getting fatter?

There are several factors why a person begins to gain weight. And most often people understand what exactly their completeness is connected with. But the likely abandonment of their favorite habits makes them literally “blind.” In this regard, our task is to open our eyes to stout people who want to find slim and sexy forms.


products from which get fat
“What makes you fat, if you eat little and rarely?” - with this question, patients often turn to experienced nutritionists. But if all the analyzes of this person are in order, and he does not take any hormonal drugs, then the specialist is rather skeptical about this statement. Indeed, people leading a healthy lifestyle , including eating right, will never gain extra pounds. However, most women and men are still confident that they do not consume so many products to get fat.

Nutritionists call this effect self-deception. After all, it is necessary to objectively calculate the number of snacks and meals eaten per day, as it turns out that they have several times more calories than a person should. So let's find out together what exactly contributes to completeness.

Fattening foods

Absolutely all modern products contain elements such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are essential for the normal development and existence of the human body. They contribute to the growth of muscles and bones, are responsible for the healthy state of organs, etc. But all is well, in moderation. After all, these elements can both help your body and destroy it.


get fat from honey
Most often, foods that make you fat contain a lot of carbohydrates. These include our favorite pastry, pasta and bakery products, as well as fruits, juices, sugar and other sweet and flour ingredients. That is why, during diets, experts recommend flatly abandon the listed components. But what to do if not only proteins and fats, but also carbohydrates are necessary for the normal development of the body?

The fact is that the latter are divided into two groups: simple and complex. Carbohydrates, called monosaccharides, quickly increase blood sugar, which affects not only human health, but also on his figure. Complex elements are absorbed more slowly, and their digestion requires much more energy. So what do you think, what carbohydrates contain all of the above products? Of course, they are completely composed of monosaccharides and quickly lead to fullness.

Are they getting fat from bread or not? This question is also very often asked to nutritionists. It should be noted that from bakery products people get fat most often (after confectionery sweets). But this is only if this product is as fresh as possible and made from higher grades of wheat. If you can’t completely refuse bread, we recommend choosing rye bread crumbs or special diet bread.

It is also worth noting that from honey get fat no less than from granulated sugar. After all, this ingredient, although it is a useful product, still consists practically of carbohydrates alone. Most often, honey is recommended for those who can’t live without sweets at all, and you need to put your figure in order as soon as possible. At the same time, it should not be eaten with bread and butter, you can only enjoy a couple of spoons for breakfast or lunch. By the way, by abusing this product, you can not only harm your own figure, but also health. After all, honey is the strongest allergen.

get fat from bread


“Only those who eat it get fat from fat,” so many nutritionists joke. What is the reason for this? As you know, fat is 100% fat. And if excess carbohydrates, getting into the human body, are first converted into triglycerides, and only then deposited on the stomach, sides and hips, then the presented element does not need to undergo any chemical reactions, it immediately finds itself secluded places in the mentioned parts of the body. That is why you should also refuse such a tasty and aromatic product.

Are you getting fat from porridge? To answer this question, you should understand what this dish consists of. As a rule, it includes cereals, milk and spices, including granulated sugar. As for the first product (buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.), most often it contains complex carbohydrates that are beneficial for the body and almost never negatively affect the figure. But, as you know, porridge is made in milk, and in the end they also add a piece of butter. It is these fatty components that can let you down, as they will clearly contribute to the fact that you again gain extra pounds. In this regard, nutritionists recommend boiling porridge exclusively in water and without the addition of simple carbohydrates such as granulated sugar.

fat getting fat

Carbohydrates + Fats

As we found out above, the two named components are the most terrible enemies of our figure. Then it is difficult to imagine what will happen if they are combined together.

Let's remember which daily dishes we love the most. These include:

  • cakes, cakes, sweets, chocolate and other confectionery;
  • Navy pasta, salads based on mayonnaise and vegetables, mashed potatoes with fried and fatty meat, sausages in pastry, hamburgers, french fries, sandwiches with butter, cheese and other main dishes;
  • fatty soups with potatoes, rice, noodles and dumplings, etc.

If you consider these products in more detail, then we can safely say that every day you eat a killer combination of carbohydrates and fats. It is from this and all your problems with being overweight.

Are coffee getting fat or not? It is definitely quite difficult to answer the asked question. And before you do this, you should again find out what kind of drink in question. If you are used to drinking coffee with cream and sugar every day, then yes, from this combination you will certainly gain weight. If you are a supporter of a black drink without milk and sweeteners, then you are in danger.

Thus, we can safely conclude that our figure is destroyed by improper and unbalanced nutrition, which most often consists of such a killer combination as carbohydrates and fats.


Unlike the other two elements, proteins do not affect the human figure. That is why today, diets that are based on products mainly consisting of the substance presented are quite popular. These ingredients include low-fat varieties of meat, fish, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans), seafood, dairy products, etc. But surely each of us understands that such components also include harmful elements in their composition. It’s hard to imagine cheese, milk or cottage cheese without fat. Although today there are such products that are most devoid of the substance mentioned.

get fat from coffee

However, it should be noted that, unlike the combination of carbohydrates and fats, proteins and triglycerides do not contribute to rapid and significant weight gain. Especially if you use them in moderation.

Nation features

Why don't French women get fat? At one time, this issue became the headline of a very interesting and fascinating book. But in order to answer it, it is not at all necessary to re-read this publication again and again.

Indeed, there is an opinion that the French are not subject to completeness. But this is only partly true. After all, the habit of eating a lot of junk food originates from birth. For example, the Russians have always been distinguished by the fact that they loved to eat tasty and plentiful. One need only recall how historians described the royal tables that were laid for the holidays and celebrations. As for the French, their nation is still associated with moderation and caution. Perhaps that is why they are picky in food and never allow themselves to eat too much.

why french women do not get fat

How not to get fat?

If you tend to be overweight, then you should pay special attention to your diet. After all, an extra piece of cake can contribute to the fact that after a few weeks you will not be able to fit into your favorite dress or pants. To do this, it is recommended to develop a separate menu, which will significantly differ from the diet of your loved ones and relatives. Of course, at first it will be difficult for you to refrain from your favorite dishes, but after a couple of weeks of effort this habit will disappear by itself.

Active lifestyle

Another answer to the question of why people are getting fat can well be the lack of movement. Indeed, few people go in for sports today, preferring to sit at a computer or TV once again. But in order to find a beautiful and sexy figure, these habits should be abandoned. After all, nothing burns excess fat like a jog or a banal walk in the park. It is also worth noting that if the calories in you are many times higher than the number of energy units that you spend during physical movements, then you will never lose weight. In this regard, you should always remember the balance and know the measure when eating food.

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