Thrush is one of the most common female diseases. It is not included in the category of genital infections, and therefore occurs even in adolescents. Bacterial candidiasis is manifested by unbearable itching, which can greatly complicate the life of any girl or woman. To avoid this, it is necessary to find out the causes of this disease, as well as determine the most effective drugs for its treatment.
Disease definition
Candidiasis is a gynecological disease that manifests itself as a result of the active reproduction of Candida fungus. A huge number of factors can provoke its active division. These include: poor-quality underwear, abuse of junk food, stressful situations, decreased immunity and poor hygiene. Symptoms of thrush are not very noticeable. There is a strong burning sensation, intolerable itching and white, cheesy discharge. To prevent the disease from developing into a chronic form, you need to know how to get rid of itching with thrush.
Why does itching occur?
This unpleasant symptom can be localized both from the inside of the vagina, and on the external labia. Internal itching appears due to the presence of microorganisms of the fungus, and external due to secretions, which are constantly in contact with the skin. They cause irritation of the mucosa and bring a huge amount of discomfort to the woman.
It is almost impossible to relieve itching with thrush without appropriate treatment. When passing from a favorable environment, the fungus firmly eats into the skin. Therefore, using ordinary washings, unpleasant symptoms can be removed only for a few minutes. That is why, with the appearance of a burning sensation and characteristic discharge, it is urgent to make an appointment with a gynecologist to find out how to get rid of itching with thrush once and for all.
What to do before you see a doctor
It is not always possible to get to the gynecologist on the day of going to the hospital. Therefore, while waiting in line, you need to try to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and severe itching. To do this, adhere to certain rules:
- Wash thoroughly after each visit to the toilet room.
- When washing, do not use soap and too hot water.
- Wear cotton underwear. It should not be cramped.
- Stop drinking alcohol and cigarettes.
- Review your diet. Sweet, floury and fried strengthens an itch.
By following the above recommendations, you can significantly improve your well-being, waiting for a visit to the doctor.
How to treat itching with thrush
Bacterial candidiasis is treated by various methods. It is only important to go to the hospital and pass the appropriate tests that confirm the disease. Only after this the doctor will give advice on how to get rid of itching with thrush and prescribe medication. The treatment regimen depends on the severity of thrush:
- The symptoms of candidiasis and severe itching can be eliminated with topical preparations. They will stop the reproduction of the fungus and normalize the microflora of the vagina. Such medicines include various tablets, suppositories, ointments and creams.
- If candidiasis develops into a chronic form and appears more than 2 times a year, you will have to use heavier artillery. In this case, the doctor prescribes antifungal antibiotics. In order to prevent re-infection with thrush, the woman's sexual partner should also undergo treatment.
Bacterial candidiasis pruritus medicines
Pharmaceutical companies produce a huge number of drugs designed to combat thrush. Because of this, when visiting a pharmacy, it is difficult for many women to understand how to get rid of itching with thrush in the presence of a huge assortment of antifungal agents. In order not to complicate the disease and not run into low-quality drugs, you need to get a prescription for medicines from your doctor. You can not self-medicate and choose drugs on the advice of a pharmacist from a pharmacy. Only a gynecologist can prescribe an effective and safe treatment.
How a doctor selects drugs for bacterial candidiasis
When thrush and severe burning are worrying, what to do will be prompted only by a qualified doctor. The choice of medication always depends on the results of the tests, the symptoms of the disease, as well as the presence of an allergy to the components of the drug. Most doctors select for women a whole range of drugs that not only eliminate the symptoms of thrush and intolerable itching, but also treat the problem from the inside, eliminating a possible relapse of the disease. Comprehensive treatment includes the following drugs:
- Antifungal agents, antibiotics. They will destroy the fungus, as well as other pathogenic bacteria caused by the development of thrush. The most effective drugs in this category are drugs such as: Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Ketonazole, and Levorin.
- Very effective in the fight against candidiasis and drugs with a combined type of action: Neo-Penotran, Terzhinan and Polygynax. They are produced in the form of ointments or capsules.
- Comprehensive treatment is always based on taking probiotics. These funds normalize the microflora of the body and create the necessary level of acidity of the mucous membranes. These include candles or tablets with bifidobacteria.
- To strengthen and enhance the immune system, the doctor prescribes immunocorrectors. Thrush and severe burning can not be cured without taking such drugs.
"Fluconazole" - the most popular medicine
This drug is the most popular remedy for bacterial candidiasis. It has a low cost, and one day of treatment is sometimes enough to eliminate an intolerable itch.
"Fluconazole" is released in the form of capsules of 150 mg of active substance. Gynecologists prescribe it for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina, dermatomycosis, as well as deep endemic mycosis. To eliminate thrush, just take one capsule of the medicine. Reviews about this drug are very positive. In some cases, women noted the appearance of allergic reactions such as:
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- dizziness.
However, such negative consequences were extremely rare. Basically, "Fluconazole" is well tolerated and effectively fights with signs of thrush.
Antifungal agent "Terbinafine"
This drug fights against pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in the microflora with bacterial candidiasis. "Terbinafine" can be prescribed for diseases caused by yeast, mold or dermatophyte. The positive effect of the drug manifests itself after a few hours after taking one tablet. Unfortunately, a similar result is overshadowed by an impressive list of contraindications. Terbinafine is also known for its side effects: nausea, an allergic reaction, edema, and dizziness.
Treatment of itching with thrush with candles
When thrush, itching and burning are worried, not every woman knows what to do. But in order to cure candidiasis once and for all, it is important not only to choose a good medicine, but also to decide on the most convenient form of release. The leader among all medications for thrush are vaginal suppositories. With the help of them, you can quickly recover from all the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. The most effective are the following drugs:
- Livarol. Vaginal suppositories with the main active ingredient ketoconazole. They are prescribed for acute manifestation of thrush or its relapse. In addition to effective treatment, Livarol suppositories are devoid of side effects. However, before you start taking them, it is recommended to visit a doctor.
- "Irunin." Gynecologists prescribe these suppositories for the detection of mycosis and candidiasis of fungal etiology. To treat thrush using Irunin will take no longer than 3 days. Severe itching disappears after the first day of treatment. Of the minuses of this tool, it is worth noting the inability to use during pregnancy, as well as the presence of possible side effects.
How to use vaginal suppositories with thrush
Regardless of the type of suppository that the doctor prescribed, it is necessary to take into account some rules for their use:
- Before introducing suppositories, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and wipe them dry with a towel.
- Inserting candles is recommended at night.
- The procedure is carried out lying on its side. The knees should be bent towards the chest.
- Do not use vaginal suppositories on critical days. Some women often wonder how to get rid of itching with thrush during menstruation. In this case, it is better to pay attention to antifungal tablets, and put off the candles until the end of critical days.
- During treatment, you need to abandon sexual activity.
How to treat itching during pregnancy
You can get bacterial candidiasis during pregnancy. It occurs due to a sharp decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. Every pregnant woman who finds herself in a similar situation will think about how to get rid of itching with thrush with folk remedies, and not with medicines. The complexity of treating thrush during this period is that far from all drugs are allowed for pregnant women. Fortunately, it is possible to cure thrush even at a later date. The main thing is to identify unpleasant symptoms in time and go to the gynecologist. Most often, the doctor prescribes safe topical preparations. The most effective and popular are Terzhinan, as well as Pimafucin.
Folk remedies for thrush and itching
In order to overcome the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis, it is necessary to be treated not only with medicines, but also with folk recipes. They will increase the effectiveness of the drugs used and improve well-being. It is home remedies that will help in how to get rid of itching with thrush at home in women. Based on many years of experience, decoctions of medicinal herbs are considered leaders in the treatment of candidiasis. They can do douching, bathing and washing. Doctors recommend using dry marigold and chamomile inflorescences in equal proportions.
Reviews on the treatment of thrush
You can find out how to get rid of itching with thrush at home in women quickly and effectively, even without leaving home. However, not always knowledge from magazines and notes helps to eliminate candidiasis forever. Numerous reviews of women who have suffered all the hardships of this disease suggest that the treatment of thrush should always be comprehensive.
Few people managed to drink one capsule of "Fluconazole" and completely forget about candidiasis. Most often, the disease returned within a month. To prevent this from happening, many women advise paying special attention to personal hygiene, proper nutrition and the choice of underwear. They also recommend that immunity be enhanced in every way, as well as avoiding stressful situations. Even with the appearance of mild itching, you must immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist for advice so as not to start thrush, which without timely treatment quickly develops into a chronic one.