Requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in the organization

Fires not only cause significant material damage, they are often associated with loss of life. In order to prevent a tragedy, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures.

Theoretical aspects

The state should take certain actions to reduce the risk of death of civilians due to improper use of sources of fire. That is why the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures are considered not only in enterprises, but also in children's preschool organizations, educational institutions.

requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in dow

Event Purpose

Fire protection contributes to the search for the most economical, effective, efficient, technically possible means and methods of preventing fires. Events held in kindergartens and schools allow you to practice the behavior of children and employees in case of fires. It is rational to use technical means to extinguish fires.

Fire safety is the condition of a particular object, excluding an emergency.

The requirements for the instructions on fire safety measures imply an indication of measures aimed at eliminating the negative impact of hazardous factors on people, structures, material values.

requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in the premises

Causes of Fire

Some production facilities are characterized by increased fire hazard, the reason is the complexity of technological processes, as well as a significant amount of GF and LVH, solid materials, combustible gases, and numerous electrical installations. Among the causes of fires, we highlight:

  • non-compliance with the technological regime;

  • problems with electrical equipment;

  • low-quality attitude to periodic equipment repair;

  • spontaneous combustion of various materials

Among the ignition sources allocated to industrial organizations, the walls of equipment and apparatus, static electricity, and friction of parts that are heated to high temperatures are of particular danger.

Also, careless handling of fire, blowtorches, and smoking in prohibited places often leads to tragedy. Practice shows that the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures at school are most often violated by high school students.

safety comes first

Fire safety measures

They are usually divided into several groups: technical, organizational, operational, regime. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Technical measures imply compliance with the norms and fire regulations in the design of structures, the arrangement of electrical equipment and devices, ventilation, heating, lighting.

Regime measures are associated with bans on smoking and welding in fire hazardous premises.

A set of organizational measures consists in the proper operation of machinery and transport, the proper maintenance of the territory and buildings. This includes a fire drill.

Operational measures include inspections, preventive maintenance, repairs, and testing of technological equipment.

instruction requirements

Business Opportunities

Requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in an organization must be present in the organization's charter documents. The Fire Safety Act provides organizations with the following rights:

  • conduct work to identify the causes and circumstances of fires that occurred at the enterprise;

  • Receive safety information, inform employees.


The law imposes on the enterprise and certain responsibilities:

  • comply with the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures, comply with all instructions of software representatives;

  • develop and implement measures to create a safe environment;

  • conduct propaganda of correct behavior through booklets, quizzes, conduct training for employees on safety measures;

  • include PB issues in the collective agreement;

  • in good condition, contain fire safety equipment and systems, including extinguishing agents, monitor their use for its intended purpose;

  • to provide free access to fire officials in places of ignition;

  • immediate reporting of malfunctions, fires that occur in the school (at work);

  • bring requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in the premises for each employee.

When designing a building, safe evacuation of people should be provided. In particular, in kindergartens, schools on each floor should be posted a route for safe evacuation in the event of a fire.

PB corner option

List of documents on safety precautions

What are the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in a preschool educational institution? To answer this question, we will dwell on the main documents that should be present in the organization:

  • a logbook of ongoing fire drills;

  • an organization order that establishes an appropriate fire regime;

  • instruction;

  • scheme (plan) of evacuation in case of fire;

  • fire fighting plan;

  • safety briefing plan.

important safety facts


What are the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures in a preschool educational institution? A new version of the document should be known to each organization.

1. All employees are allowed to work only after a fire drill. In the event of a change in the features of work, they undergo additional training to eliminate the alleged fires.

2. The frequency of briefing on safety measures - at least once every six months.

3. Employees are required to observe the basic fire safety requirements in the organization and in everyday life, and comply with the safe mode.

4. When using household items, gas appliances, working with combustible and flammable substances, equipment, follow the rules of caution.

5. If a fire is detected, immediately inform the fire department about it, take all measures to eliminate and save the children.

6. Persons who violated fire safety requirements are liable under the laws of the Russian Federation.

7. It is not allowed to clutter evacuation exits, passages with equipment and objects.

8. The following is prohibited in the building of a children's institution:

  • leave electrical appliances turned on (except for the refrigerator) unattended, use them without special fireproof stands;

  • use electric kettles, boilers in rooms not equipped for these purposes;

  • heat open frozen sewer and water pipes with open fire;

  • to light sparklers during festivities, fireworks, stearin candles.

9. It is important to observe the order of the premises. Combustible waste should be systematically disposed of in a specially designated area.

10. A child organization may not have less than two evacuation exits from premises.

11. In winter, roofs, porches, fire hydrant roads are thoroughly cleared of snow.

12. The attic is locked and is kept in order and clean.

13. Evacuation of children in case of fire is carried out by the head of the institution (his deputy).

14. First, children who are in the most dangerous rooms are taken out.

15. Before leaving the burning room (if possible), a wet dressing is applied to the head.

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