Vacation application at your own expense: sample. Learn how to properly apply at your own expense

To correctly draw up a vacation application at your own expense, it is better to have a sample at hand, because an accidentally made mistake in the future can play a cruel joke.

Legal grounds

application for leave at your own expense sample

Any employee has the right to contact the management of the enterprise with a request for short-term leave. This right is confirmed by law. In life, unforeseen situations often happen when a person needs to resolve certain issues. But, being at the workplace, problems can not be solved, and the absence without appropriate permission can lead to dismissal. In this situation, article 128 of the Labor Code provides for the right of the employee to apply to the employer with such a request. He just needs to apply for leave at his own expense, a sample of which can be taken in the personnel department. Then the document will need to be endorsed by the immediate superiors and transferred to the head of the enterprise for signature. After this simple procedure, an employee can calmly not go to work and go about their business. He will have a corresponding mark in the report card, and the absence will be on completely legitimate grounds. In addition, it must be borne in mind that this is an unpaid vacation. These days, the employee retains only the workplace, so this vacation is also called "without pay."

Good reasons

However, you should know that this kind of vacation is not always provided. By itself, it is an agreement between the parties. In this situation, the manager has the right to decide for himself whether the reason for the future absence of the employee is serious or should be refused. The main reasons are usually listed in the collective agreement. In other cases, the issue is decided at the discretion of management. When compiling a vacation application at your own expense, the sample can only be taken as a basis. The remaining information is added at the discretion of the employee. Usually I do not cause problems when employees apply for leave in connection with marriage, the birth of a child or the death of close relatives. In these cases, collective agreements usually provide for the possibility of absenting up to five calendar days from the workplace. But there are different reasons. In other situations, a vacation application is also written at your own expense. The sample in these cases is supplemented by more specific information. Sometimes the employee prefers to state the true reason in a personal conversation.

Legal deadlines

As you know, absolutely any employee can take a vacation at his own expense. However, its duration during the year should be no more than 14 calendar days. They, in principle, can be taken immediately, or every month to ask the authorities. If the reason is valid, then unnecessary questions will not follow. But there are certain categories of citizens who can by this right at any time at their discretion. These include: fathers or single mothers with children under 14 years old, as well as parents who raise 3 or more children under 14 children or children with disabilities under the age of 18 years. The state meets such people and gives them the opportunity to get such a vacation without specifying reasons, simply for family reasons.

take a vacation at your own expense

This also applies to working disabled people and close relatives (wives (husbands) or parents) of servicemen who died or were injured during military service. The state also meets those who combine work with studies in higher or secondary specialized institutions. They can take this leave for the duration of the session or for the time they take the entrance exams.

Another vacation in parts

Each employee has the right to receive paid annual leave during the year . This right is recorded in the 19th chapter of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Its duration, subject to Article 115, is 28 calendar days. But sometimes it happens that a person needs only a couple of days to solve his problems, and he has already been fully utilized leave without pay for the year. What to do in such a situation?

application for the next vacation

The Labor Code provides for the possibility of providing basic leave in installments. Section 125 states that basic annual leave may be granted to an employee in whole or in parts. Moreover, it must be remembered that one of them must be 14 calendar days (no less). The rest of the issue is decided by agreement with management. If the administration of the enterprise considers it possible, then the employee will need to write an application for the next vacation and take the number of days that he needs. But only the leader will decide. He has every right to agree with the arguments of the employee or to provide him without any explanation.

Employee Voluntary Desire

Sometimes there are situations when the management of a company forcibly forces employees to go on unpaid leave. This need is sometimes explained by the lack of funds at the enterprise or low demand for manufactured products. The company prefers to save money on salaries, rather than working “in the warehouse”. The desire is understandable, but all arguments of this kind are baseless and illegal.

vacation application at your own expense

If the company cannot provide its employees with work, then it is obliged to pay them a forced downtime, and not demand to go on vacation for free. It must be clearly remembered that the employee must write an application for leave at his own expense (without payment) on his own initiative, and not under coercion of management. This should be his personal desire, and not the whim of his superiors. In such a situation, workers may contact the labor inspectorate or the city government to restore order and restore justice. True, in this case, they risk, after the anger of the bosses, to lose their jobs altogether. Perhaps that is why, with the tacit consent, the collectives of some enterprises go on leave en masse without pay and hopefully wait for the end of their forced rest.

Application form

application for leave at own expense example

Each employee at least once during his entire labor activity took a vacation “without payment”. Life is full of surprises, it is impossible to foresee everything. It is not at all difficult to write the right vacation application at your own expense. An example of design looks like this:

  1. The application is written in the name of the head of the enterprise. In the upper right corner of the blank sheet, full name is indicated. and position, and just below the details of the employee.
  2. Below the center is written the word "statement".
  3. Next, the red line is a statement of the request indicating the number of days and the reason. Typically, a statement says "for family reasons." If the reason is confirmed by documents, then the word “application” is written a little lower and all the attached forms are listed.
  4. The document ends with the personal signature of the employee and the date of the application.

After that, it remains to receive only all the necessary resolutions and wait for the publication of the relevant order. After that, the application has become valid.

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