Moscow Aviation College named after N. N. Godovikova: description, specialties and reviews

Moscow Aviation College named after For more than 85 years, N. N. Godovikova has been the “forge” of aircraft technicians and aircraft mechanics. Founded in 1930, MAVIAT graduated over 35,000 specialists for the country's aviation industry. Today, the successor to the glorious traditions of the institution has become the Godovikov Polytechnic College, created in 2014 by the merger of a number of educational institutions.

Moscow Aviation College named after NN Godovikov


At the junction of the 20-30s of the past century, an unprecedented surge in interest in aviation was observed in the USSR. Both ordinary toilers and senior executives followed the development of aircraft manufacturing. Aircraft designers (often self-taught) offered all new types of aircraft, and engineers - interesting technical solutions. In order to streamline the development of the industry and saturate it with specially trained, theoretically and practically savvy specialists, on April 26, 1930, the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR decided to create the Moscow Aviation Day and Evening College.

Initially, there were 4 branches:

  • Aircraft building.
  • Operational.
  • Motor-building.
  • Design.

In 1938, the educational institution was reorganized into the Moscow Aviation Technical College. N. N. Godovikova. The name is given in honor of the hero pilot who died while trying to fly to America across the Arctic Ocean with a visit to the North Pole.

Moscow Aviation College Godovikova


Despite the modest status of a secondary technical institution, a college for the country was even more important than many universities. The educational process was organized thoroughly. There were daytime, evening, correspondence departments. Branches were organized at the aircraft factories so that specialists would increase knowledge on the job.

In 1958, MAVIAT moved to a new building at 23 Klara Zetkin Street, which is still used today. With the advent of the space age, interest in aviation specialties has increased again. In the past, the competition reached 5 applicants for a place. To improve the level of training, laboratories and production facilities were created, equipped with real instruments and equipment used at domestic aviation enterprises.

Interest in the industry faded in the 90s, which affected the activities of the college. Funding, as well as support for aircraft factories, declined. A number of disciplines had to be closed. The team miraculously managed to maintain the main direction - aircraft and rocket science. Today we are witnessing another revival of the aviation and space industries, which will require a large number of skilled workers.

Polytechnic College named after N N Godovikov

Polytechnic College. N. N. Godovikova

In 2014, the capital's Department of Education, in order to optimize the educational process, decided to create, under unified management, the Polytechnic College (GBPOU PK) by merging the Moscow Aviation Technical School, secondary schools No. 225, No. 603 and the Moscow State College of Book Business.

Today, on the basis of the former technical school, training continues at the department of GBPOU PC named after Godovikov "Aircraft and Information Systems" in technical specialties, including in the field of aircraft and rocket science, automation of technological processes and programming.

Moscow Aviation College named after Godovikov


The AIS department has a modern educational and scientific base, there are all laboratories provided for by the curriculum of specialties. They are equipped through the acquisition by the college of the necessary instruments, devices, personal computers, as well as through the transfer of products, aggregates, machine tools, and other equipment to aviation enterprises. Even at the time of the Moscow Aviation College. Godovikov introduced the practice that the existing installations, models and devices made by students as real course projects are later used in the educational process.


AIS has a highly professional teaching staff:

  • seven teachers were awarded the honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”;
  • 16 teachers were awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation”;
  • More than 70% of teachers have the highest qualification category.

Over the years, teachers have written 8 textbooks, annually prepared 40-50 teaching aids and developments. And today, the team continues the glorious traditions of the Moscow Aviation College named after N. N. Godovikova, improving the curriculum following the development of the aerospace industry.

GBPOU PC named after Godovikov

Studying proccess

The high level of training of specialists is confirmed by such examples: in nine olympiads of secondary specialized educational institutions of Moscow (each involved more than 150 educational institutions), the combined teams of the Polytechnic College took 8 times the first team place and 1 time the second. Many student developments were demonstrated at youth technical creativity exhibitions and were awarded with medals and diplomas of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC) and international awards.

At the student design bureau of the Moscow Aviation College of Godovikov (and later at the GBPOU PK), gliders and a light-weight sports aircraft were designed, built and tested, which successfully participated in various competitions and flights.

In the learning process, students receive not only good theoretical, but also practical training. They carry out laboratory work, term projects, undergo primary vocational training and receive the rank of working profession. Invaluable experience allows you to get practice on the profile of the specialty at the leading enterprises of the aviation industry (OKB named after S.V. Ilyushin, OKB named after A.I. Mikoyan, Vanguard, etc.). Upon completion of theoretical training, students undergo internships at enterprises and in places of future work. At the end of the course they pass the State Interdisciplinary Exam.

Moscow Aviation College named after Godovikov


Today, the same disciplines are taught at the AIS department of the Polytechnic College as previously at the Godovikov Moscow Aviation College. Technicians and programmers are trained in the following specialties:

  • Aircraft manufacturing.
  • Computer systems.
  • Industry information systems.
  • Automation of production processes.
  • Programming.


The activities of the Polytechnic College started not so long ago, so it’s difficult to make full reviews about the institution. According to some students, the educational institution has not yet become stronger, some training programs are a little outdated and need updating. This is especially true for the programming specialty.

It is much more interesting to know the opinion of graduates of the Moscow Aviation College named after N. N. Godovikova. Many specialists who received a ticket to life within the walls of MAVIAT in the specialty "Aircraft Production" recall with warmth and gratitude the years of study. The study of theoretical knowledge was accompanied by practical training at specialized aircraft factories, therefore, by the end of the technical school, young specialists already had certain skills and could immediately start working without retraining. It is hoped that this positive practice will be reintroduced in the newly formed college.

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