Sea dew, wedding color, obscure dress, Rose-Marie. Under these gentle and mysterious names, an ordinary rosemary shrub hides. Their plant received for its small light blue flowers with a delicate sweet smell. Its height can reach two meters. The flowering season is from March to May. In Russian latitudes, rosemary, as a rule, does not grow, but it is an excellent houseplant.
Rosemary has a lot of useful properties that people have long learned to use with benefit for themselves. Mostly dense glossy leaves are used, from which rosemary essential oil, widely used nowadays in medicine and, especially, in cosmetology, is obtained. To obtain a valuable emulsion, the leaves must be collected before the plant begins to bloom. Then subject them to rapid drying at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees Celsius.
Most often, rosemary essential oil is used for the face. It has the property of rejuvenating the skin, promotes cell renewal, healing of inflammatory processes, cleanses and tones. In addition, it effectively fights hair loss, strengthening the bulbs. If you have problems with the scalp, then rosemary essential oil will help get rid of such a persistent disease as dandruff.
Depending on the composition of the oil, it is divided into three types: verbenone, cineole and camphor-borneol. They all affect skin differently.
The first type has the most beneficial effect on dry skin. The use of oil will water every cell with the necessary moisture, improve the appearance of the face. Verbenone-type rosemary essential oil helps discolor unwanted pigmentation, removes fine and shallow wrinkles, improves skin tone, and returns lost elasticity. Even small scars and scars do not resist the healing power of this natural doctor.
The birthplace of cineolic rosemary is called Tunisia. This oil provides a good blood flow to the skin, which will give it a healthy glow and radiant appearance. Its peculiarity is a pleasant and persistent aroma, which has become the reason for the use of the cineole type of oil in perfumery products.
If you have oily skin, then the main problems are most likely shine, black spots and pustular inflammation. All this will help eliminate camphor-borneol rosemary essential oil . The use of this type will tighten the enlarged pores and make them less visible on the skin, help eliminate excess sebaceous secretions. It is also very effective in various rashes, eczema.
An extract from rosemary leaves can be purchased at pharmacies and specialized stores, which makes it affordable for everyone. To start a skin healing course at home, it’s enough to add a plant emulsion to ordinary face masks or creams with just a few drops. Rosemary essential oil goes well with cosmetic clay. In addition, there are a sufficient number of simple and effective recipes based on other oils: castor, milk thistle, pumpkin, apricot and others.
When using oil, remember one simple rule. You can not go outside in sunny weather immediately after applying it to the skin. At least an hour must pass before the product is well absorbed. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting additional pigmentation of the treated skin areas.
Include this miraculous plant in the composition of your favorite cosmetics, and the blossoming beauty of your skin will not be subject to wilting. Rosemary is the key to a healthy and radiant skin that is easy and affordable for everyone.