Onion facial mask: recipe, ingredients, reviews

What are good face masks based on such a simple ingredient as onions? Firstly, they eliminate wrinkles, improve complexion, and help remove age spots. And they are simply indispensable for those who suffer from imperfections, such as pimples or black dots. In a couple of applications, an onion facial mask will relieve acne, neutralize all foci of inflammation, disinfect the surface of the skin and significantly improve blood circulation. We have prepared for you a selection of the best face masks, the main ingredient of which is onion.

Onion Facial Masks for Acne

The benefits of onions for the skin

We suggest figuring out what useful qualities onion has, what exactly allows it to be used in cosmetology. The thing is that onion includes the following components:

  1. Vitamins A and E. They allow you to protect the skin of the face from the negative effects of the environment, slow down the aging process, accelerate tissue regeneration, and, therefore, rejuvenate the skin.
  2. Quercetin. This substance defeats even deep wrinkles, able to prevent the appearance of new ones. In addition, quercetin perfectly nourishes the skin.
  3. Biotin. This substance, also called vitamin H, is extremely rare. Its benefit lies in the fact that it stimulates the renewal of epidermal layers. In addition, biotin protects the skin from overdrying.
  4. Essential oils. The pungent smell of onion face masks is due to allicins. So called essential oils, which include a large amount of sulfur. Thanks to them, collagen is formed, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
  5. Folic acid. This substance reduces inflammation on the skin, eliminates acne.
  6. Cobalt. If you want to dry the skin and cleanse it of pathogenic bacteria, a mask with onions is what you need.
  7. Vitamin C. Due to its content in a cosmetic product, the skin brightens. And in combination with flavonoids, it stimulates blood circulation. The result of using such a mask is a healthy and even complexion.
Onion face masks with honey

It is worth mentioning that the composition of onion face masks includes a large number of antioxidants and other active substances that provide deep nutrition, increase tone, smooth wrinkles. Of particular note is the fact that the onion does not have age restrictions: you can use masks prepared on its basis for adolescents (after all, with their help you can get rid of rashes and black spots), young girls (this will help keep your skin fresh and supple for a long time), ladies aged (they will regain smooth and radiant skin).

Application features

In order to make a mask at home, you can take onions of any color - white varieties, yellow or red, are suitable. True, the largest amount of nutrients is found in yellow onions, white and red are inferior to it, but not significantly. You can make masks from fresh onions, or you can pre-bake it or boil it. Please note: after heat treatment, onion loses a large number of active ingredients, so this ingredient can only be used for masks that will rejuvenate and nourish the skin.

Onion face masks: recipes

Beauticians recommend using onion masks once a week. Before applying the composition to the face, be sure to test it on a neutral area of ​​the skin. It is best to hold a small amount of the mask on the bend of the elbow for 15 minutes. After that, you must wait two to three hours. If there is no negative reaction, the product can be applied to the face.

How to quickly get rid of the smell of onions?

Many women refuse onion face masks due to the unpleasant odor that remains on the skin. We hasten to inform: you can get rid of persistent onion amber, the method depends on the type of skin. So, oily skin after applying such a mask must be wiped with water mixed with fresh lemon juice. The optimal proportions are two tablespoons of juice per liter of warm water. Young women with dry skin, cosmetologists recommend using oil - sesame, sunflower, olive are perfect. You can wipe the skin with grape seed oil.

Another way to help get rid of the pungent onion smell is to use essential oil. This is suitable for owners of both oily and normal skin. Young women with normal skin should dissolve a few drops of one of these essential oils in a liter of water:

  • lily of the valley;
  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • coconut;
  • ylang-ylang.
Onion face masks for wrinkles

For those with oily skin, it’s best to take any base oil instead of water. The resulting liquid must be wiped on the face.

Purulent acne masks: onions and oatmeal

Women say: this onion facial mask for acne has a truly wonderful effect. To prepare it, you need to take one medium-sized onion, grind it in mashed potatoes. Another ingredient in this cosmetic product is oatmeal. They must be brewed in boiling water, cool and mix with onion puree. If the composition for the mask turned out to be liquid, you can add a small amount of honey to it. Keep the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes. You can store such a cosmetic product in the refrigerator for a week.

Onions, potatoes and honey

From purulent pimples a face mask with honey, onions and potatoes also helps. For it, you need to prepare potatoes - one piece should be boiled in a quarter liter of milk, and then mashed. To a potato you need to add a tablespoon of honey and onion puree. Keep this composition on your face for 20 minutes. Mineral water will help to strengthen the effect - it is recommended to wash off the face mask with honey.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Tired of inflammation on the skin? We recommend preparing a mask of onions and parsley. The onion must be divided into two parts, one half must be chopped, combined with one tablespoon of parsley leaves (chopped) and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After this, you need to add white clay to the mixture - a couple of tablespoons is enough. The composition must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Hold for 15 minutes.

Onion face masks with parsley

Onion juice for wrinkles and age spots

In order to prepare an onion facial mask that smooths wrinkles, you need to take a tablespoon of juice, half a spoonful of thick honey. Mix these components well and apply on the skin. After the mask has dried, remove it with a damp cloth and wash your face with warm water.

Onion juice will help to whiten the skin, saving it from age spots. To prepare a mask with this effect, you need to mix two tablespoons of the juice of the bulb, mashed pear. A quarter cup of milk should be added to the mixture. After 15 minutes, this mask should be washed off with cool water.

Onion peel

For what purpose should onion peel be used? Means based on it will help get rid of blackheads and wrinkles. The recipe for an onion mask for rashes and inflammation is simple: you need to combine the onion husk and cold water in a ratio of 1: 10, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for ten minutes. After this, the product must be cooled, filtered, mixed with natural yogurt and applied to cleansed skin.

Onion husk face masks

Such a remedy will help get rid of wrinkles: three parts of a decoction of onion husks prepared according to the recipe above must be combined with one part of green tea (the stronger it is, the better). The composition is insisted for an hour. After this, you should take a clean cotton cloth, soak it with liquid, apply on face and keep until completely dry. Flushing such a composition is not necessary. Please note: in an onion face mask from wrinkles, there must certainly be openings for the mouth and eyes.

Remedy for black dots

In the fight against black dots, onion-based cosmetics are simply irreplaceable. For the most effective, you will need onion and carrot juice, olive oil - one tablespoon each, one egg yolk. All ingredients need to be mixed, rubbed into the skin with light movements. This is best done on massage lines. In the reviews of the onion mask for the face of a woman, they note - this composition eliminates imperfections after the first application! Rinse off the mask is recommended after twenty minutes.

Onion face masks: reviews

From irritation

To prepare such a composition, grate the onions. We need two tablespoons of onion puree. To it add a spoonful of sugar and 500 milliliters of water. Cook the mixture over low heat for an hour and a half, then strain. A spoonful of honey should be added to the cooled mass. The finished product can be impregnated with a cloth to apply it to the face, or simply wipe the skin twice a day. Women note the positive effect of onion masks, but only if they are done regularly, that is, at least once or twice a week for several months.

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