Each student of a pedagogical educational institution faces the task of undergoing practical training, and in order to be in good standing and have positive marks on the eve of the thesis, it is necessary to overcome the practice with dignity, confirming it with a characteristic from the place of passing. We offer several options for the characteristics of student trainees of various pedagogical profiles.
Who needs it and why
The characteristic is issued to the student at the end of the practice and confirms its passage in a particular educational institution, and also describes the quality of the student's work: the administration indicates all the pros and cons of his activities, sets a mark. Then the student takes the characteristic to his university. The characteristics of the trainee's teaching practice should reflect the evidence that the knowledge and skills acquired in the educational institution were applied in the work. Particular attention is required to write a characteristic for the class teacher, since the student is faced with the task of organizing the class, keeping documentation and educational activities.
The following are specific examples of filling out a document.
Elementary classes
Characteristic of a student-trainee at the school, who had practice in ... (indicate the full name of the educational institution) in primary school, F. I. O.
During the internship, the student showed himself as a responsible teacher, striving for self-development.
Despite such a short period of pedagogical activity, he showed the ability to organize the educational process in such a way that the whole class was covered during work, including poorly performing children, who further improved their performance in subjects.
A series of consecutive lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, literary reading, the world around and labor training were planned and conducted. All plans were developed and approved at least three days before teaching.
The lessons were planned methodically correctly, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students. The student owns a teaching method in elementary grades.
Especially the student was given good planning and conducting lessons in literary reading and the world around him, as there is a deep sense of beauty and good knowledge of his homeland and nature. The student managed to become an example for his students, to develop in them the desire to learn new things about his hometown, introducing elements of local history into each lesson.
He managed to help poorly motivated children to prove themselves in creative and intellectual activity, and helped to improve the quality of knowledge in humanitarian subjects.
He rendered a great help to the class teacher in preparing gifted children for city olympiads in the Russian language and mathematics, namely: he was engaged in the selection of additional material and conducting classes.
By his example and through educational conversations, he tried to accustom children to order, work, and careful attitude to textbooks and school supplies.
Owns pedagogical tact, polite towards colleagues and parents.
He was tolerant, patient and considerate in working with children. Repeatedly helped to resolve conflict situations in children, being able to negotiate with them, while not losing respect from any of the students.
In addition to systematic work with the class, work was conducted with parents. Thus, the Super-Family event was held, dedicated to Family Day, where a student-intern was the organizer and leader and proved himself to be a creative and extraordinary person.
The planning and conduct of the parent meeting had slight differences, since not everything that was planned was managed. Due to his small teaching experience, the ability to work with parents is not yet formed at a sufficient level, but there is a great desire to work on his mistakes.
You can evaluate the student’s pedagogical activity during the internship at the mark “5” (excellent).
Summer school camp
Characteristics of student teaching practice in a summer school camp, F. I. O.
A student practicing at a teacher training college passed educational practice at the summer school health-improving camp "Sun" from June 1 to 20.
During the teaching practice, the student proved herself not only as an executive and responsible teacher, but also as a creative, creative person.
She planned and carried out a number of recreational activities for primary school children.
In preparation for the opening of the camp, she was engaged in the design of detachment corners, thought out costumes, slogans and chants.
She perfectly prepared the event dedicated to the opening of the camp shift, managed to engage all the units, the organization was at a good level.
Held the station team game "Treasure Island", where she showed creativity, artistry and a desire to work. Not only organized this event, but also fully prepared the design and equipment for all competitions, skillfully distributed roles and responsibilities, and demonstrated acting skills.
In all activities, along with the children, she took an active part, being able to “ignite” the children's audience, instantly receiving returns.
There is a love for children, respect for the teaching staff, a responsible attitude to filling camp documentation.
She managed to establish friendships with children, while not losing credibility among students.
In the feedback from parents and children about the camp shift, the student's work was noted positively, with many thanks.
The school’s administration and the authorities of the summer school health camp believe that (F. I. O.) deserves the highest possible rating of his practical activities, and puts her a mark of “5” (excellent).
Class teacher practice
Characteristic of a student practicing internship at school, F. I. O., who was a class teacher in secondary school No. ... from September 4 to October 5.
(F. I. O.) passed practical training as a class teacher of grade 5 "B".
The student was tasked with observing the class, maintaining documentation and conducting educational work with the children's team.
During the internship she managed to show herself to be a comprehensively developed teacher.
When filling out the documentation, namely the characteristics of the students, the social passport of the class, a high level of literacy of the trainee, knowledge of scientific pedagogical terminology, attentiveness and accuracy were noted.
At the stage of observing the children's team, she was able to notice the main positive and negative aspects of the class and, having analyzed it, she correctly selected the ways to solve problems.
Held a series of classroom hours and educational events that were aimed at uniting the children's team.
An educational lesson on tolerance can be considered particularly successful. Having picked up the necessary techniques and strategies, she received a return from the children, positive feedback and interest to develop the topic further.
One of the memorable events was the "Autumn Ball" for students in grades 5-6. Helped the children of the class to prepare at the highest level and get victories in the nominations “Best Autumn Reader”, “Mr. Autumn”.
The student at a high level owns information and communication technologies and uses them in her teaching activities.
Throughout the practice, diaries and textbooks were regularly checked, and class attendance was monitored by children. Accustomed children to systematic duty in the classroom and school.
When conflicts arose, the trainee managed to settle them without offending anyone.
During her work, she managed to become a good mentor and a great friend for students who just moved to the middle link, who are in a crisis period.
Particular attention was paid to self-management skills in the classroom. Roles and responsibilities were clearly distributed among the children, and monitored their implementation.
The class teacher and the school administration believes that F. I. O. coped with her work perfectly, and puts the mark "5" for practical activities.
English language
Characterization of trainee teaching practice at school as a teacher of foreign languages.
(F.I.O.) passed practical training as an English teacher in high school No. ...
During his career, he proved himself to be a responsible, diligent student.
He systematically came for consultations to his mentor, F. I. O., a teacher of foreign languages and the head of the methodical association at school.
Successive lessons on the topics My family, My day, Weekend were planned methodically correctly. Each lesson had a clear and accessible explanation of the new material for the children. Systematically checked homework and tracked the growth of each student.
He distinguished himself with a deep knowledge of English and foreign literature. I always found answers to the most intricate questions of students and managed to attract children to learning English.
He owns modern pedagogical technologies, such as critical thinking, problem learning.
In the lessons he often used the group form of work, which allowed many children to be liberated, become more active and love the English language.
He showed fluency in information and communication technologies using an interactive whiteboard.
The main problem for (F. I. O.) was that it was difficult for him to maintain discipline at the proper level, in connection with which some types of work did not give the expected result, since the students' attention was not riveted to the teacher. So, the control on the topic At school showed that most of the class did not learn the material.
The school administration believes that student practice can be rated at "4" (good).
Physical Education
The characteristic on the student student of pedagogical practice as a teacher of physical education. During his stay in practice at a comprehensive school (F. I. O. student) showed high knowledge of program material, the ability to manage and manage the class.
From the first days of practice, he skillfully involved children in the educational process, managed to arouse interest in team sports games, such as basketball, football, pionerball. He organized a top-level sports and entertainment event "Fun Starts" for students in grades 3-4, receiving positive feedback from the school administration, children and parents.
During the lesson, he often changed activities, which contributed to attracting the attention of children and maintaining discipline. Properly applied the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. He supported every student.
In preparing and conducting the lessons, I took into account the advice of the teacher (F. I. O.) received at the consultations. Effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activity of children.
The student demonstrated a good faith attitude, punctuality, and creativity. He carefully prepared for the lessons. Actively used information technology. Extracurricular activities and competitions held were planned and carried out taking into account age and individual characteristics.
The student was distinguished by his diligence and responsibility, all assigned tasks were completed in a timely and conscientious manner.
Description on the future Russian language teacher
The pedagogical characteristic of the trainee at school as a philologist has some features, therefore, is mandatory in this article as an example.
Characteristic for a student (F. I. O.), who passed pedagogical practice as a teacher of the Russian language and literary reading.
The following classes were assigned to it: 5 "a", 5 "b", 7 "b", 7 "d", where some classes had a mathematical bias, while others had a humanities, with the aim of trying their hand with different children.
During the internship, the student showed a good level of knowledge in the subject and a high level of methodological training. I approached the lessons creatively, the lessons were new, interesting.
The student from the first lesson has attracted students of all classes. Even the most inactive children worked with great interest in the lesson, since the tasks corresponded to their level of knowledge in the subject.
Preparation for the lessons was carried out systematically. Every day I brought to class various visual aids, printed cards with fascinating assignments.
Affordable communication of the material to the students; the children well learned the knowledge gained in the lessons.
The student demonstrated excellent knowledge in psychology and pedagogy. Both in theory and in practice, she took into account the individual and age characteristics of schoolchildren, and won the authority of students with her openness, humanity and love for her work.
The characterization for the trainee was compiled by teachers and the school administration, who decided that (F. I. O.) was worth the highest mark for completing teaching practice - “excellent”. The school administration proposes to provide a place of work for this student at the end of her studies.
Characteristic for a student who has completed internship in a preschool organization
Characteristic for a teacher-trainee (F. I. O.), a student of a teacher training college, who had practice in kindergarten ...
During the internship (F. I. O.) she proved herself to be a competent student with basic methodological techniques. The work was carried out responsibly, efficiently, during the demonstration lessons always used additional and visual material.
For all the time (F. I. O.) showed the ability to plan not only educational and cognitive activities, but also excelled in educational work.
She conducted repeated classes with children on moral education, a patriotic orientation, learned the national anthem, as well as state symbols.
(F.I.O.) implements the tasks of upbringing in the process of children's activities, knows how to organize children in various types of activities, attract their attention, activate cognitive activity, and arouse interest in it.
(F. I. O.) conducts individual work with children at a high level. The student owns information and communication technologies and skillfully applies them in her practice.
He knows and applies all the norms of health-saving technologies.
She took part in all the creative activities of the kindergarten, and also provided all possible assistance in the design of the hall for the holidays.
This characteristic for the trainee was compiled by the pedagogical council of the school. Based on the results of pedagogical practice, a student can be rated "excellent".
Educational practice
A sample of the characteristics of a trainee conducting educational activities is presented below. A student-student (F. I. O.) passed educational practice in secondary school No. ... in the period from ... to ...
For all time, a great educational work has been done, which covered several types of orientation: moral, patriotic, intellectual.
In practice (F. I. O.) came in advance prepared: the topics of classroom hours and intra-school events were taken, for which preparation was in progress during September. She constantly kept in touch with the head teacher of educational work, as well as class teachers in the primary grades of this educational institution, came to consultations, listened to recommendations and made the necessary amendments.
The first event held by the student was dedicated to the week of friendship at school. (F. I. O.) organized the "Mail of Friends", the students wrote letters to each other with wishes and offers to make friends. The idea was highly appreciated by students.
She worked as a leading event, "Miss Autumn" in high school and "Golden Time" in elementary school students, showing herself at the proper level.
The characteristics of the student-trainee at the school were compiled and agreed upon by the school administration, which believes that (F. I. O.) deserves high marks for its activities - “excellent”.
All students are different
Writing characteristics requires knowledge and experience. And sometimes even an experienced teacher seeks help.
If the practice is production, the trainee’s characteristics will be different from passive activity. The above samples are suitable for more active practice.
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