Really antiradars automobile responses at traffic police caused positive.

Currently, there are many different devices for capturing and damping the radio signal sent by the traffic police radars. In addition, recently, modern radar detectors car reviews for which are generally positive, most often have a low price and easy operation. But it is worth noting that there are devices officially authorized for sale and use, and there are those that can not be used when traveling on the road. We’ll tell you about different types of car radar detectors, and choose which radar radar is best for you and your car.

In general, all automobile radar detectors are divided into a type of radar detector and a special anti- radar. The radar detector is a compact electronic device, the weight of which is about 100-200 g. This device automatically picks up all the radio signals that are emitted by the traffic police radars, and reports this to the driver with an audio signal. In order to choose a good radar detector from a reliable manufacturer, you need to view the rating of radar detectors on the Internet.

By design type, all radar detectors are divided into “direct detection” and “special superheterodyne devices” devices. The first type is a universal receiver that is configured to quickly pick up certain frequencies that are emitted only by DLS radars. Well, in the radar detectors of the second type, you can find a special superheterodyne device that not only picks up, but also generates the frequencies emitted by the traffic police radars, which allows you to "compare" the incoming signal from the outside with the radiated from other devices. If the frequencies coincide, the device gives a warning signal.

Such a radar detector is easily connected via a cigarette lighter or, for example, through a dashboard on the windshield. Depending on the type of modern model of a radar detector, the signal that it receives can be in the range from sound to light. This device is in high demand, but anti-radar car reviews received much higher than the presented sample.

In addition, there is a special device for signal jamming - anti - radar. This is the same device of a universal radar detector, which has only a number of additional properties and functions in its internal structure. Quite often in the conversation of car owners there is also the name of radar detectors according to the type of “active radar detectors”. The main purpose of using this device is to try to give interference to the frequency sent by the DPS radar.

Now such radar detectors car reviews have both positive and negative. The main advantage of this device is the modern design of radar detectors, which allows you to absorb the traffic police radar signal and at the same time give out your vehicle speed value. But radar detectors also have disadvantages. Basically, this is a high price for this device, the cost of which varies from 3000 to 5000 dollars.

In addition, the owners of the device write negative radar reviews to the owners of the device, who still got caught when the speed was not respected. Especially they are afraid of the illegality of acquiring such a device, since the use of radar detectors deliberately interferes with law enforcement agencies. And this is already prosecuted by law.

So if you decide to buy a radar detector, then first think about whether to violate the country's constitution, as well as overpay for such a device. After all, you can buy a passive radar that will warn you about DPS attempts to measure your speed. Try not to break the rules in normal situations.

It is also worth mentioning that the most popular among car owners is the Sho-me 1795 model, which is a modern radar detector that differs from other devices in a stylish case and a large number of various functions, from automatic adjustment of the display to the built-in compass. This anti-radar model allows you to detect DPS radar signals in all ranges.

In addition, many car enthusiasts write positive reviews on the Crunch 2160 car radar, which not only detects all types of frequencies that are used today by DPS radars, but also without any problems converts the received signal and transmits a message about a lower vehicle speed.

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