Acne after peeling: causes and what to do?

Peeling is today a popular procedure that is widely used both in beauty salons and at home. Like any other face and body care technique, it requires a number of rules to be followed. Otherwise, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also significantly worsen the condition of the skin. In this case, acne can be observed after peeling. Why they appear, as well as how to deal with this trouble, we will tell further.

Why do acne appear after the exfoliation procedure?

Many girls face a number of problems after such procedures. And this is really paradoxical. Indeed, many girls turn to a cosmetologist precisely because of acne or other defects existing on their skin. Peeling helps get rid of a number of such problems. So why acne after peeling is not a rare occurrence? There are many reasons for this.

Acne after the procedure

Most often, acne after peeling - retinoic, yellow, glycol or other other version of the procedure - appear due to improper actions of the cosmetologist. If you do it at home, making a mistake becomes even easier. Even professional cosmetologists sometimes do peeling wrong. They may not pay due attention to the proper preparation of their client's skin before the procedure. Also, acne or other problems may occur due to the use of low-quality cosmetics.

In some cases, side effects after peeling appear due to the wrong choice of remedy. It is important to consider the type of skin on the face. It is extremely important to select funds individually. If allergens (for example, honey) are present, you need to take this into account and conduct a preliminary tolerance test. Not every cosmetologist applies such precautions. Therefore, various negative consequences are possible, including acne.

Also, the wrong actions of visitors to the beauty parlor cause skin problems. Most often, acne appears due to non-compliance with the recommendations that a specialist gives after peeling. Also, some girls use aggressive detergents when washing clothes. This can cause skin problems after peeling.

Sometimes the rash is not associated with a similar procedure. Acne can be a symptom of some pathologies, most often hormonal in nature. Acne, rashes can appear in adolescence, during pregnancy, when using hormonal contraceptives, etc. In this case, only a doctor can help solve the problem.

Reviews about the procedure

Many girls wonder why acne appears after peeling. First of all, you need to make sure that the procedure is performed correctly. It is especially important to pay attention to the preparation of the skin. If you skip this step or perform it incorrectly, there is a high probability of cosmetic problems and defects. Preparation is carried out differently for different skin types. Otherwise, according to cosmetologists, inflammation may appear that spread throughout the face and is difficult to treat.

Why do acne appear after the exfoliation procedure?

Also, do not carry out such procedures at home. Professional cosmetologists argue that in this case, many people begin to experiment, engage in amateur performances. An improperly selected (albeit quality) cosmetic product will do more harm than good.

According to reviews, acne after peeling is not uncommon if you perform the procedure at the wrong time of the year. It is worth considering that she has many varieties. Each type of peeling has a number of features. Many of them are undesirable to do in the hot season.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, young girls (under 25 years old) should not have face peeling at all. If there is a need for this procedure, only superficial options for cleaning the epithelium can be carried out. In this case, fruit acids are used.

Many women over the age of 25 claim that after peeling they have skin problems. And such reviews are quite common. The fact is that even at an older age, deep cleansing is permissible only as prescribed by the cosmetologist. According to reviews, not every girl is shown face peeling.

Precautionary measures

To prevent the appearance of acne after face peeling, you need to perform a series of preventive actions. This is a prevention that will avoid various skin problems after the procedure.

Precautionary measures

It is important after peeling to switch to a gentle mode in the process of daily care. A complete rejection of the use of makeup is required. Otherwise, the skin regeneration processes are slowed down.

It is necessary to minimize the time of your stay in the heat. Direct sunlight is excluded. After peeling, the epithelium loses its natural defense. Therefore, sunburn and subsequent hyperpigmentation may occur.

When carrying out daily care procedures, it is necessary to exclude the use of scrubs. It is also worth giving preference to cosmetic products in the form of foam or gel. They are easily absorbed, moisturizing the epithelium.

To avoid acne after peeling, you should get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands. It is also temporarily worth excluding physical activity. They cause increased sweating, which increases the risk of complications.

By following these guidelines, serious problems can be prevented. Healing will be faster. The skin will remain healthy.

General recommendations

If acne appeared after peeling, a number of actions should be taken. This will quickly get rid of the problem, restore the health of the epithelium. It is important to take into account the errors that led to such negative consequences. For example, it is worth changing a cosmetic product or contact another cosmetologist.

General recommendations

When the first signs of a rash appear, you should seek help from a qualified professional. It can be a beautician or a dermatologist. The first harbingers of problems are:

  • the skin in some areas changes color (it can either darken or lighten);
  • the entire surface of the face becomes reddish-lilac;
  • a noticeable capillary network appears.

If acne or the listed symptoms appear after peeling, you should consult a specialist. Self-medication can be dangerous. The consequences can be very sad. Skin health may be impaired due to improper actions. Only an experienced specialist will be able to choose the right treatment.

You need to consider the advice of your beautician. Perhaps you just need to wait until the recovery period passes. In most cases, after a while, a healthy looking skin returns. But this is possible only if all the recommendations of the cosmetologist are followed.

Also, a specialist will draw up an action plan in case of acne. This is a set of special procedures that have a comprehensive effect on the epithelium. Only taking into account the features of your body, such as the procedure and the cosmetics used, will the doctor be able to choose the right treatment regimen.

Glycolic peeling

There are different types of peeling. In each case, you need to consider the features of a particular procedure. This allows you to take effective action to get rid of acne. One of the most popular treatment options is glycol peeling. It is suitable for both young and mature skin.

Glycolic peeling

Glycolic acid, which this method proposes to apply, allows you to get rid of age spots, rashes and superficial wrinkles. A professional knows how to choose the right concentration for the treatment of facial skin. In this case, the appearance of acne is unlikely. However, such consequences are still not excluded.

If acne appears after glycolic exfoliation, you will need to consult a dermatologist for help. Most often in a similar situation, the doctor prescribes a set of effects:

  • Every day, the face is wiped with Miramistin. This should be done 2-3 times a day.
  • A course of antihistamines is prescribed, for example, Suprastin or Claritin. They take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for a week.
  • In the process of washing exclusively tar soap is used.

It is forbidden to squeeze out both large and small acne after peeling. Also, alcohol-based products cannot be used to cauterize them. Makeup is also prohibited. With it, you can not mask acne. If after completion of the treatment course no improvement has occurred, you need to undergo a course of full-fledged medical treatment. A preliminary diagnosis is carried out, which allows you to establish the cause of such a pathology.

Jessner Peeling

Acne may occur after peeling Jessner. This type of procedure refers to aggressive acid exposure. The appearance of acne after it is not uncommon. The special composition penetrates deep into the skin, causing significant irritation. This procedure should be carried out by an experienced professional.

Directly before peeling, a comprehensive preparation of the dermis is carried out. There are also a number of recommendations that must be followed during the recovery period. Any violations of the methodology can lead to serious negative consequences.

It takes several steps if you notice acne after peeling. What to do in such a situation, the cosmetologist will tell. Most often, experts prescribe the following:

  • Several times a day, the face is wiped with anti-inflammatory lotion. Antiseptics can also be used instead. They may include aloe, alcohol.
  • During the week, you need to drink 2 tablets of an antiviral drug. For example, it could be Acyclovir.
  • When puffiness, redness appears on the background of rashes, antihistamines should be taken.

Usually, the recovery period after such a procedure lasts about a week and a half. If, after taking the medicine, there is no visible improvement even after 4 days, additional consultation with a dermatologist is needed. If there is an infectious lesion of the dermis, the listed restoration methods will be useless. In this case, complex treatment is required.

Yellow peeling

Acne after yellow peeling is extremely rare. This is a gentle and relatively safe technique. It is also called retinoic peeling. In this case, the effect is only on the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, side effects in most cases can be avoided. Only with complete disregard for the rules that must be followed during the recovery period can different problems appear.

Yellow peeling

In this case, a doctor’s consultation is required. The cosmetologist gives a number of recommendations that you need to adhere to during the recovery period. If you ignore them, get ready for serious consequences. Acne is allowed after peeling for 5-7 days. If they do not pass in a week, they are actively spreading over the surface of the skin, urgent treatment is needed. Dermatologists in this case often prescribe the following:

  • Cream with panthenol to be applied in a thin layer on the skin. Such drugs accelerate healing, relieve inflammation.
  • "Clindamycin Lotion" is used to disinfect the epidermis. It is applied to the face at night.
  • Chlorophyllipt is used throughout the day. They rub the affected areas of the skin.
  • Bepanten cream also promotes the healing process.
  • If rashes occur due to a Demodex tick, you need to undergo a course of therapy when using Trichopolum. It is prescribed in tablets and topical preparations.

Salicylic and carbon peeling

Of course, acne after chemical peeling is not uncommon. This is an aggressive type of procedure that can cause significant harm if the rules are not followed. It is much safer to use “soft” types of peeling in the process of facial skin cleansing. These procedures include the carbon and salicylic type of procedure. They are suitable even for those girls who are distinguished by sensitive skin.

Salicylic and carbon peeling

Carbon peeling involves the use of a laser in processing. Therefore, the epidermis has a minimal effect. The appearance of acne after such exposure is rare. This is possible due to the development of an allergic reaction. It occurs due to the stress that the skin experiences during processing.

More often, acne after face peeling appears after treatment with salicylic acid. But this phenomenon is due to improper preparation for the procedure. This can happen if the cosmetologist did not diagnose the presence or absence of a dermodex tick on the skin. Also, during an exacerbation of chronic endocrine disease, such effects are unacceptable. The procedure in this case almost always ends with the appearance of rashes.

If acne occurs after carbon or salicylic peeling, you should not crush or scratch them. A dermatologist prescribes antihistamines that are drunk for 3 days. The person is wiped with an antiseptic.

Almond peeling

Of course, acne after peeling can upset every girl. However, the likelihood of their occurrence after a gentle procedure is much less. This is true for almond peeling. In the processing process, preparations are used that are made on a safe basis for skin health. Therefore, rashes in this case are practically excluded.

Panthenol Cream

The almond base, unlike other varieties of formulations, does not remove the upper layer of the epidermis. It does not clean the deep layers of the dermis. This procedure is indicated for young girls who have corresponding skin problems. Almond peeling is allowed even with visible inflammation on the skin.

The only reason rashes may appear after a similar procedure may be penetration into the epidermis of the infection. In this case, the doctor prescribes the treatment regimen based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the causes of the pathology.

Some general tips

To minimize the risk of acne after peeling, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. Perform the procedure only with an experienced, qualified specialist. He must comply with all hygiene standards and requirements.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist must exclude the possibility of the presence of a dermodex tick on the skin. Otherwise, such an effect is contraindicated.

If you are taking medications or have chronic diseases (especially endocrine ones), you need to warn the beautician about this.

After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer with an ultraviolet filter to the skin. Skin after peeling becomes vulnerable. Therefore, she needs protection and proper care. During the recovery of the epidermis, sports, visiting the bathhouse, and the beach are prohibited. It is also worth refusing to take a hot bath.

It is best to visit a dermatologist before carrying out such procedures. He will give recommendations on choosing a peeling technique. Perhaps this procedure is contraindicated for you. Therefore, you need to responsibly approach the choice of care procedures. Also, you should not carry out such effects at home.

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