How to make a change house with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction

For the period of construction of a full-fledged house, you can build a change house, which is perfect for temporary residence. Even after the completion of the main work, the change house will not remain out of work. It can be used as a country house or a place to store equipment, household supplies and work clothes. Ready-made cabins are inexpensive, but there is no need to spend money if you can build such a structure yourself by buying only materials and missing tools.

Sometimes you don’t have to buy anything, because you can use improvised materials in construction. And if you have experience in carrying out such work, then the whole tool is in your arsenal. Thus, it turns out that the cabins cost almost free. And if you manage the work yourself, then you will also get aesthetic pleasure not only from the process itself, but also from the operation of the house.

Planning recommendations

DIY cabins step by step instructions

The change house is a secondary utility room, but you should not take it lightly to the process of its construction and arrangement. At the first stage, a drawing is prepared. You can borrow the one suggested in the article. The scheme will allow you to imagine how the building will fit into the landscape.

The project will help determine how much material you need to purchase. Dimensions and layout can be selected at your discretion. Industrial constructions have a length of 6 m, while their height is usually 2.5 m. Regarding the dimensions of the house and its layout, you should focus on your preferences and needs. A compact but practical building will be a 3 by 6 change house. With your own hands you can erect it with ease.

Place recommendations

do-it-yourself cab

At the first stage, it is important to determine where the change house will be located. At this stage, you need to think about whether the structure will be transported. If you are going to build a house for a couple of seasons, and then remove it to another place, then it is better to place the building as close as possible to the exit from the site.

It will also be necessary to determine its purpose of the premises. If the change house will play the role of a shed for storing tools and household supplies, then it is better to install it in the center of the long side of the house so that you can approach the building from either side of the plot. Some home masters during the operation of the change house fit it under the bath. If you also decided to follow their example, then it is better to start construction in a remote corner of the site, while remembering the fire safety rules.

Construction estimate

Before starting the construction of a 3-by-3 change house with your own hands, an estimate must be prepared. For such a building, a bar in the volume of 0.6 cubic meters will be needed. A wooden board (1.5 m 3 ) should be purchased. You will need a wagon, mineral wool in a volume of 9 m 2 , as well as 12 bags of sand. We should not forget about the FSB blocks, they should be prepared in the amount of 9 pieces.

For processing wood you will need an antiseptic. You should not buy the material back to back, because during construction unforeseen expenses may arise. Quite often, for example, nails are defective or a roll of sheet material is torn. As calculations show, one square meter of equipped change house costs about 5000 rubles.

Home improvement

Before installing doors and windows, it is better to purchase them in a finished form. Windows must have a swing structure, there must be at least two of them in the building, because otherwise you will have to spend time installing ventilation. When arranging the building, the first step is to build a rough floor from the boards, which are first treated with an antiseptic. Products are stacked as tightly as possible to each other and fixed with screws to the frame. Waterproofing spreads on top - the film is attached with a construction stapler.

When a 6 by 6 m change house is being built with one's own hands, one should work on technology. It provides for the installation of additional beams, which are nailed to the base. These elements will be needed for laying thermal insulation and fixing the second layer of boards. Between the lags, a distance must be maintained that corresponds to the parameters of the selected insulation. Mineral wool, which is inexpensive and has optimal qualities, is excellent for thermal insulation.

Insulation is placed in the space between the lags. A vapor barrier is fixed on top. In this case, the stapler helps a lot. At the final stage of the floor device, the finishing material is laid. It consists of boards that are fixed to the lags with screws. Such a coating can be ennobled with paint or varnish.

External cladding

By building a 6 by 6 meter change house with your own hands, you can leave it without external casing. As for structures made of metal or wood, external decoration is required without fail. The frame is covered with a waterproofing film, and the joints between the strips are glued with tape.

The following materials are suitable for external cladding:

  • siding;
  • composite panels;
  • wooden boards.

Look good and change houses, sheathed by a block house. That section of the frame, which is designed under the porch, there is no need to sheathe.

Panel technology

The most inexpensive are the shield type structures. The frame is usually made of timber, the exterior finish - from the lining. The inner lining can be performed using particleboard or MDF. The role of insulation is foam or glass wool. For a rough floor, you can use an unedged board, while an inexpensive panel material is laid on top.

When the craftsmen build a 6 x 3 m change house with their own hands, they often use iron of small thickness for the roof. Due to the absence of stiffeners, the web will not deform, while the roll insulation can settle, which will cause the building to freeze.

Base work

If you are going to build a change house with your own hands 3 by 6 m, then it will be necessary to make a foundation that is slightly larger along the perimeter than the main building. As an exception, ready-made cars on wheels, for which a base is not required, are used. At the first stage, it is necessary to rid the soil of the upper fertile layer. The walls and bottom are compacted, which allows you to get a foundation pit.

The pit is covered with geotextiles, and a layer of sand is poured on top, which is well compacted. Cinder blocks are placed symmetrically on the pillow. Each support is protected by a layer of roofing material. If you plan to attach a small porch to the cabins, you should provide for the installation of supports at this stage.

Wood use

DIY cabin 3 by 6

Do-it-yourself cabins can be built of wood. If you decide to follow such a technology, then at the next stage you can begin the construction of the frame. First, a beam is laid, it is necessary to arrange it along the perimeter of the building. Additionally, you can strengthen the structure by placing the beam in the center. Opposite sides are interconnected. For this, the lags are fixed with a bar of the lower harness. The connection can be made by any suitable method. The spike-groove connection has proven itself perfectly. In this case, anchors and metal corners are used.

To connect the elements pre-made selections. The vertical corner intermediate posts are mounted in the next step. Intermediate supports should be placed in increments of 1 m. For this, a beam with a square section and a side of 15 mm is used. At this stage, an opening for the door is left. In order for the frame elements to be securely connected, self-tapping screws and metal corners should be used. At this stage of construction, support pillars for the porch are installed, if available.

When building a change house with your own hands, you must ensure a difference in height between the vertical supports on the front and rear sides. The difference should be 50 cm, it will provide a slope of the roof, on the surface of which atmospheric precipitation will not be delayed.

The next step will be the installation of a bar of the upper harness. Support racks have different heights, so you should first lay down the beam on the tops of high supports. And then you need to connect low racks and install side crossbars. The connection is made using familiar technology with selections and nails.

Erecting a change house with your own hands, you will need to get a frame divided into rectangular sections. In order for the structure to be more durable, it is necessary to connect the upper and lower corners with beams from the boards. Next, you can begin to fix the rafters. They will be attached to the upper roof lath.

The boards should be as even as possible in order to simplify the installation of the crate. Rafters are installed in increments of 600 mm. Particular attention must be paid to the strength of the joints on the roof beams. When the cabins are built with their own hands, the roof should have a protrusion beyond the borders of the frame. This will provide the possibility of a drainage device on the back side, while a visor should be installed on the front.

The material for covering the roof is chosen at its discretion. Ondulin is great for this purpose. It is mounted with an overlap, and it is necessary to start work from the bottom of the ramp. Before this, a crate of boards is laid out. A waterproofing film is covered on top. Instead of ondulin, you can use slate.

Use of a construction trailer as a basis for a change house

how to build a change house with your own hands

The change house from the trailer with your own hands you can also be erected. This method is great for those who do not want to mess with the assembly of the frame and other activities. The finished wagon is purchased and equipped for the utility room. Such designs do not need a separate foundation.

Before installation, you will only have to level the platform and install the container. If a used car is equipped, it is necessary to study its condition. Traces of rust are cleaned, and damaged elements change. Patches are applied to the through holes.

The metal is painted with a special paint, but first it is coated with a primer. If you are interested in how to make a change house with your own hands, then using the described technologies, you will also need to think about warming. As soon as all arrangement activities are completed, it is necessary to carry out installation on the frame from the trailer.

Using a metal profile

DIY change house photo

The frame can be formed from a metal profile. Such construction will require great efforts, but the change house will last longer. Before carrying out the work, you will need to prepare:

  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • corner;
  • tassels;
  • roulette wheel;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • screwdrivers;
  • grinder;
  • construction stapler; hacksaw.

You will also need materials, among them:

  • profiled pipe;
  • galvanized sheet steel;
  • primer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rivets;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Reiki
  • corrugated board;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • staples;
  • OSB plates.

As for the profiled pipe, it should have dimensions from 2 x 2 to 4 x 6 cm. You should also prepare the mounting rail with a cross section of 2 x 4 cm. Self-tapping screws will be needed to install the corrugated board.

Foundation preparation

If you consider a photo of change houses, it will be easier for you to carry out construction with your own hands. The technology that provides for the use of a metal profile is no exception. The base for this design is assembled from a 4 x 6 cm pipe. Products are cut in accordance with the dimensions of the building. The pipes are welded together, which will allow you to get a rectangular edging.

There should be two identical rectangles. One will go to the floor, and the other to the top. In order to ensure the reliability of the floor, a grid of profiled pipes is created inside the rectangle. In the described case, the width of the change house is 250 cm. With these parameters, it will be enough to weld three pipes along the entire length inside the edging.

Transverse blanks are welded in increments of 50 cm. When the change house is being built with your own hands, you should definitely study the step-by-step instructions. At the next stage, the technology involves the use of a galvanized sheet, which is attached with screws to the base. The latter must be turned upside down and laid down on the supports of the cinder block. Instead, you can use a leveled pad. The design is not fixed to the cinder block, because the change house will be held by its own weight.

Rack Mounting

Before you begin to build a change house with your own hands, step-by-step instructions must be studied. It involves the formation of vertical supports from pipes with a square section with a side of 4 cm. Products are cut into pieces whose length is 250 cm. Supports are mounted at the corners of the base. The angle at the junction of the racks with the base should be straight.

The aligned stand must be fixed by welding. The same algorithm sets up racks for the remaining corners. To increase strength, intermediate racks should be installed. In order not to disturb the geometry of the structure, it is necessary to take another rectangular base from the pipe formed in the previous step. This design is placed on top of the corner posts.

The resulting cubes must be scalded with racks and struts. First, pieces of square pipe with a side of 4 cm are used. They are set in height and vertically welded between the upper and lower base. The recommended step is 100 cm. At this stage, you need to provide an opening for the door.

If you want to know how to build a change house with your own hands, you should get acquainted with the technology. At the next stage, it involves the installation of a cross member along the contour of the supporting structure. Having determined half the height of the change house, you will need to weld the pipe to the upright posts. Spacers are made from a profiled pipe 2 x 4 cm. This product is cut into 30 cm pieces. The blanks should have edges cut at an angle of 45 ˚. The resulting spacers will need to scald the corners of the structure. Additionally, you can also scald the floor.

Roof device

do-it-yourself 6x3 change house

Once you have made the lower part of the frame and the wall, you can start making the skeleton of the roof. Trusses are made in the form of isosceles triangles. For this, a 2 x 4 cm pipe is used. A distance of 1 m is maintained between the trusses. These elements are welded along the length of the frame.

In this case, a professional sheet acts as a covering material. If desired, you can use any other material. The metal elements of the frame are coated with a primer, after drying which can be applied paint.

Change house on runners

The project described in this section provides for the installation of a change house on runners, on which you can move the building to any place. If it is not planned to move the building, then concrete blocks can be laid under the runners. As formwork, you can use galvanized buckets that have become unusable.

When the do-it-yourself cabins are built with an area of ​​3 x 3 m, at the first stage, pieces of timber should be laid. Their size should correspond to the parameters of the building. The beam has a square section with a side of 100 mm. A 40 x 50 mm beam is laid on the outermost elements. The workpiece is located on the rib and is fixed with steel corners. Logs are located on the runners, a bar 40 x 50 mm acts as the latter. OSB sheets are stacked in a checkerboard pattern. Their thickness is 20 mm.

When the change house is built by yourself, a step-by-step instruction is surely studied. It provides for the construction of the back wall after the formation of the base. The height in this project is 190 cm. The walls can be erected using a 40 x 50 mm beam. The upper and lower connecting elements are a 40 x 20 mm board. The whole structure can be assembled from a 40 x 50 mm bar.

The next wall is going to be where the window will be placed. The side wall has a height of 250 cm. The upper wall board is fixed with an overlap on the rear wall. The height of the front wall is 5 cm less than the high edge of the side wall. Rafters will be laid there.

Before you build a change house with your own hands, the instruction should definitely be studied. Having familiarized yourself with it, you will be able to find out that the final work will be manipulations on roof sewing. In this case, OSB lists are used, which are staggered. Then, a profiled sheet is laid on the roof.


DIY change house

At the first stage, you can make an estimate for the change house. , . , . . . . .

For ease of use, water can also be inside. Making the system capital is not worth it. It is enough to connect a flexible hose to the source and bring it through the prepared hole. A tap is commonly used to shut off water.

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