What is obsidian? Types of obsidian, magical and healing properties

His first description is found in A Treatise on Stones. It was written by Theophrastus, a naturalist from Dr. Greece, who lived in the IV century BC. e. So what is obsidian? The scientist did not give a name to the mineral, but he described its properties in detail, and also referred to combustible materials - it is interesting that the stone bubbles and swells when heated.

what is obsidian

Obsidian also arises on fire. Its other name is volcanic glass (volcanic glass, because it is a solidified lava; glass, because it has reflectivity, a characteristic luster). If you step on a broken mineral, the sensations will be about the same as when walking on simple fragments.


We continue to find out what obsidian is. Scientists claim that oxygen and molten magma are needed for its occurrence. Breaking out of the volcano and along its slopes quickly flowing down, the lava is enriched with gas, after which it freezes. Thus obsidian is born.

Place of Birth

So what is obsidian? Being a volcanic mineral, it is concentrated in seismically active zones. Among them: Mexico, Ecuador, Japan. In the last country, the main deposits are concentrated on the island of Hokkaido. Also obsidian rich in Kenya, Iceland, Italy, New Zealand and Peru.

snow obsidian

The most valuable samples are brought from the USA. There, mining is conducted in Idaho, Arizona, California, Nevada and the rest of the states in the river basin. Mississippi. Interestingly, the charm of such volcanic American glass lies in its absolute transparency.

Various types of obsidian are mined in Russia. Volcanic glass is found in Kamchatka and in Karelia. On the peninsula, its deposits are concentrated directly on the Sredinny ridge.

At this point in the western part of the mountains, the Itkovayemskaya deposit is being developed. Mining is also carried out near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky at the Nachikinskoye field. The supplier of this mineral is also the North Caucasus. There are small deposits in the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Khabarovsk Region.

Physical properties

According to the chemical formula, volcanic glass is silicon oxide (SiO 2 ). Sometimes oxides of alkaline earth and Christmas-tree metals are mixed with it. The mineral with them becomes brown, reddish, greenish. A huge rarity is the stone of snow obsidian (its magical and healing properties will be given in the article later).

It contains crystals of cristabolite of white or gray color. As a result, the stone becomes spotty. Sometimes there are more milky tones in it than the basic dark shades. This is where the name came from - snow obsidian.

obsidian stone properties suitable for

Although the standard color of this breed is considered to be black. This is a characteristic feature of the bulk of these minerals. At the same time, black obsidian (a stone whose magical properties have long attracted people) can be with blue, red, emerald lines, striped.

They are visible only if there is a light source that is directed to the mineral, as well as good polishing of the sample. And due to the ability to transform in artificial and natural rays, this breed is also called rainbow.

Obsidian also has a conchoidal fracture. The ability to crack with the appearance of sharp edges proved to be the reason for the practical use of the mineral. Today in museums are tools made of this glass, whose age is 9000 years.

Such devices are simple fragments of obsidian, only modified, additionally pointed by man. The ancestors of the breed "conjured" to cut the skin, meat, and remove animal skins from it.

The stone came in handy even for sharpening wooden copies. The hardness of this glass is about 6 points on the Mohs scale. This is quite enough to make rods.


The inhabitants of the Paleolithic shards of the breed did not become limited. They began to be attached directly to the handles. Thus axes turned out. Then the pieces of mineral were used as tips for spears and arrows.

obsidian species

Further, the thirst for beauty prevailed. Humanity has made a mirror. Snow obsidian was used to make the first samples. Such mirrors have been found in Ethiopia and North America.

Our ancestors from the frozen lava carved ritual figurines and figures. Obsidian also came to jewelry - a stone, properties, to whom it suits, the methods of use of which were described by the Egyptians. They believed that the mineral can preserve aromatic oils, while their properties will be much longer. Consequently, the vessels for the esters were made of this glass.

Crafts, dishes, jewelry made of mineral are made now. Although in modern times the breed is also used in construction, for example, to expand some types of cement. Among finishing materials obsidian is also found.

Builders were able to make liquid volcanic glass, which is applied to the floor, walls, and then freezes. This is very convenient, because there is no need to process joints with sealant, you can make curved surfaces.

Healing properties

In folk medicine of the East, the stone is associated with the sacral chakra, which is responsible for passion, sexual expression, and creativity. But products from it (for example, a ring with obsidian) are not recommended to be worn by lithotherapists, as this can harm the kidneys. Jewelry with lava should be worn only for colds and other diseases that have arisen due to excessive hypothermia.

obsidian ring

Recovery will accelerate precisely obsidian. Ayurveda also advises the mineral for gastrointestinal ailments. Doctors of India prescribe volcanic glass in cases of problems with pressure, as well as in case of a malfunction in the heart.

Magical properties

We found out what obsidian is, but what are its unusual properties? He can “download” information from the future, then transferring it to a person. Mages carry polished balls from this glass to themselves. With the help of spheres, sorcerers look to the future.

We can say that the generator of ideas is obsidian (stone). Properties to which it suits and other information has always been interesting to humanity, today we are opening the veil of secrecy. Obsidian gives clarity of thoughts, arouses imagination, the ability to consider the problem in a complex, and also to solve it as efficiently as possible. Consequently, the frozen lava is the talisman of scientists, businessmen and other people in the creative sphere and intellectual labor.

Amulets and Talismans

An excellent amulet is considered to be a stone in a rosary. It is recommended for men. It is worth noting that the energy of the stronger sex is close to obsidian. Stone saves men from evil deeds and sin. It is believed that if you put a piece of obsidian under the pillow during daytime sleep, you can get information from your forefathers.

Obsidian (stone): properties, zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that the stone has the most beneficial effect on people who were born under the sign of Capricorn. The stone is most shown to them, because obsidian can change them for the better, giving determination. It is also a stone of Leo and Sagittarius. The mineral will take these people under guardianship, being a protective amulet for diseases. In addition, obsidian jewelry can be used by Scorpions, Gemini and Aquarius. But the Virgo and Cancer mineral is completely unsuitable, because it turns them into irritable and vengeful persons.

Obsidian snow stone magical and healing properties

It is interesting

There is a legend in Transcaucasia, which says that once Satan was so angry that small pieces of his nails flew to the surface of the earth along with lava. The local population has since called the stone "the nail of Satan."

And the American legend says that once the colonists attacked the Apache camp. Local warriors did not want to surrender to the pale-faced invaders, therefore, they rushed into the mouth of the volcano from a cliff. The remaining women mourned their husbands for three nights, after which their tears turned into stunning black stones. The local population therefore calls obsidian nothing more than “Apache tears”.

The cost of the stone, care and differences from a fake

Obsidian should be purchased in specialized, trusted stores. To date, very often give out a fake for a natural stone, although it has a small price. For example, a pendant in silver with a cabochon, whose diameter is 3 cm, costs about $ 30; small minerals will cost $ 5 altogether.

Rainbow obsidian is more expensive; specimens with interesting stains, which form a heart shape in section, are especially valuable. Their price reaches 500 y. e.

In order not to fall into trouble when buying, because instead of obsidian you can be sold stained glass, you need to know its distinguishing features:

  • artificial substitute, if you take it into a fist, it will heat up quickly, natural stone will keep cold for a long time;
  • natural mineral has a clear shine along with a saturated matte shade;
  • lower the shelf into the water: in the event that after a short period of time it acquires a blurry color or fades, then, most likely, you have an analogue in front of you;
  • natural stone always has various inclusions; it does not happen to be homogeneous.

black obsidian stone magical properties

This mineral is fragile, therefore, it is important to take care of it carefully. You need to remember:

  • you can not leave the mineral for a long time in the sun or in water;
  • jewelry should be stored in a soft separate case;
  • do not expose it to chemicals;
  • Protect from temperature changes and strong shocks;
  • clean with cold water and a mild soapy solution, then rinse and wipe with a cloth.

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