Economic assessment of natural resources: concept, goals and basic principles

There are non-economic and economic estimates of natural resources. The latter concerns the determination of their public benefit, that is, the contribution to meet the needs of society through consumption or production.

Non-economic assessment shows the significance of the resource, not expressed in economic indicators. These are cultural, aesthetic, social or environmental values, but they can also be expressed in monetary terms, because society decides to sacrifice this amount in order to keep this natural object intact. Here there is a production economic assessment of natural resources, that is, a technological one, where differences of one species are determined based on its natural features. For example, coal brands: brown, anthracite and the like.

Evaluation Options

Different indicators are used - a barrel, a hectare, a cubic meter, a ton and so on. These are points in which the relative size and economic significance of the resource source are calculated. This is a monetary assessment , which determines the market value of a given resource, as well as payment for use, environmental damage, and much more. The economic valuation of natural resources always refers to the economic effect in its monetary value from the use of a source in one form or another. Thus, it turns out that each resource contains a monetary equivalent of consumer value.

Consider the main goals for which an economic assessment of natural resources is made and absolutely necessary. Specialists must determine the profitability of its development (calculate the cost). After that, choose the best option and use parameters, that is, the operation of the facility. The financial efficiency of investing in this natural complex is evaluated. The economic assessment of natural resources performs the functions of analysis in cases of insufficiently rational use. The share of this source in the overall wealth structure of the nation is calculated exactly.

In addition, the economic valuation of natural resources serves as a tax authority. Payments and excise taxes are established for the use of this public domain, and fines are also imposed if damage is caused to the state. The economic assessment of natural resources allows you to determine the collateral value of each resource and object, which is also necessary. After carrying out this procedure, it is much easier to plan and predict the process of using this source. The economic assessment of natural resources allows you to determine the amount of compensation for the disposal or change of the purpose of the purpose of this object. Also, with its help, the most rational forms of ownership of certain natural objects are substantiated.

Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources

Principles of Economic Valuation

The use of various types of natural resources always requires the most versatile characteristics of each object, subject to uniformity in the methods of conducting valuation activities. This requires compliance with the basic principles developed and agreed between experts. The economic assessment of the use of various types of natural resources is made, first of all, according to the principle of complexity, which involves taking into account both used natural objects and those that have come under negative influence. Each of the resources used should be considered in terms of all the recoverable benefits that it brings to the country's economy.

Various methods of economic valuation of natural resources are used, but all of them are taken into account according to the results: as the cost of production, as the total cost of operation during processing and transportation. All of the above applies to the assessment of the resources of the first group. Those objects that cannot be used at the main stage of development and therefore are exposed to one or another impact with a deterioration in quality or complete destruction are evaluated as resources of the second group. A special accounting formula is used when assessing the main natural resources in order to record all this in the cost structure.

Renewable wealth exists on the planet that lends itself to reproduction. Methods of economic valuation of natural resources of such a plan operate on the principle of imperative, when part of the exploitable renewable wealth (for example, forest) is exposed to, in which their quantity decreases or deteriorates in quality. Therefore, this part must be restored in the same form, quantity and quality that was before industrial development.

If natural resources are not renewed, deductions for their economic reproduction or for ensuring their replacement with other materials with the same consumer value are taken into account. Here, all types of economic assessment of natural resources will act on the principle of ensuring reproduction. When an object receives the highest rating, its natural resources are considered and evaluated on the basis of optimization.

The object can be a variety of sources - forests, deposits with valuable minerals, as well as land. The nature of this economic assessment of the use of natural resources is rather sectoral. In addition, a regional assessment is being carried out regarding the totality of wealth in a territorial combination.

What are natural resources?

The main natural resources without which humanity cannot exist are soils, water, animals, plants, minerals, gas, oil and so on. All this is used in processed form or directly. This is our shelter, food, clothing, fuel. This is energy and industrial raw materials from which all comfort items, cars and medicines are made. An economic assessment of natural conditions and resources is necessary, since many types of gifts can dry out, that is, they are used once. Such natural wealth is called non-renewable, or exhaustible. For example, these are all minerals. Ores can serve as secondary raw materials, but their reserves are also finite. Now there are no conditions on the planet under which they would be formed again, as happened millions of years ago. And the rate of their formation is low, since we spend them very quickly.

The economic valuation of natural resources is expressed in

Water or forest can regenerate no matter how much we use them. However, if we ruin the soil, the forest also will not work. Therefore, an economic assessment of natural resources is necessary, socially justified, so that future generations do not have to live on bare earth. Let the forest and water today are considered inexhaustible resources, or renewable, but their transition to the opposite group is quite possible. That is why in each region they must study the state of their land and biological wealth in order to take into account and economic valuation of natural resources. Firstly, this is a cost estimate with certain justifications for choosing common methods and a system of indicators that would reflect all aspects of the value of a particular resource.

For example, land should be assessed to determine tax rates and cost indicators for areas of high environmental importance. Prominent foreign and domestic scientists dealt with these issues. Among them, one can note I.V. Turkevich, K.M. Misko, O.K. Zamkov, A.A. Mints, E.S. Karnaukhova, T.S. Khachaturov, K.G. Hoffman. Abroad, the tasks of economic assessment of natural resources were considered by F. Harrison, N. Ordway, D. Friedman, P. Pierce, R. Dixon and others. Thus, a unified methodology was developed, which allows to determine the cost value of land and biological resources using indicators that are comparable in importance and adequate to the actual value of the object.

The natural potential of Russia

The environmental management system is always equipped with a comprehensive characteristic, where the natural resources of a particular region are served together. Like industry accounting, the value of natural wealth flows into a system, which means much more than just a list of certain properties of categories that make up a certain amount. Resources should be balanced so that the internal tension of the accounting system is not created when, for example, there is no assessment of the economic complex. With a deficit of natural resources, the system acquires some signs, and with an excess, completely different ones, however, an integral idea of ​​the basic properties of the environmental management system can be obtained, since the accounting system performs just such functions. The economic assessment of natural resources provides precisely the integral potential of the natural resources available in the region.

In Russia, the Sakhalin Oblast and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area are the richest in them. An economic assessment of natural resources makes it possible to reasonably determine that the Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk Oblast, Komi-Permyatsky and Yamalo-Nenetsky Districts, and Krasnoyarsk Territory have slightly lower indicators. Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Oryol, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kursk regions, as well as Udmurtia and Komi are well provided with resources. Minimum useful resources in the Caspian regions. This is the Astrakhan region, Kalmykia and Dagestan. The leader in the intensive use of national wealth is the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area. It should be noted that these data relate to accounting, socio-economic assessment, forecasting of natural resources. The main purpose of the assessment was to analyze the structure of regional nature management.

Economic valuation of natural resources allows


When studying various resource groups, the volumes of their development are revealed, which helps to solve the problems of analysis in the environmental management system. The economic assessment of natural resources is expressed in the display of structural diversity, as well as adaptation opportunities among the features of a particular region in the process of development of objects. With minimal imbalance in the environmental management system, the object is the core, according to accepted terminology. Regions with a large imbalance are called peripherals.

Types of imbalance can be different. Most often these are cases of insufficient use, for example, of rich deposits, or too intensive development of the poor. Thus, the peripheral type of environmental management refers to a conservative or crisis subtype. Nuclear or peripheral properties can also be expressed in different ways, which affects the final results. To obtain them, complementary methods are needed: state diagrams in coordinates that reveal the degree of adaptive stability. It uses the types of economic valuation of natural resources listed above.

In the regions there is always a different balance of nature management. For example, an economic assessment of natural resources in Russia shows a high degree of heterogeneity. The imbalance is significant in regions where rich nature is not used enough, as well as in areas where the environmental management system is absolutely unprofitable. These are Mari-El, Chuvashia, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Gorny Altai. A better balance, where resources are used with fullness and diversity, is observed in Ingushetia, Tuva, Kamchatka, Yakutia and some other areas from the same group assigned to the crisis type (periphery).

If nature management is carried out in a complex, but monotonous and monotonous, problems of a different nature arise. The natural potential is running out in the Orenburg, Rostov, Astrakhan regions, in Dagestan and Kalmykia, as well as in the Stavropol Territory, since it is used too intensively, despite the fact that there were not too many riches here initially. The economic classification and assessment of natural resources in the northern regions, where industry is highly developed (Murmansk, Magadan, Chukotka, Taimyr, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), presents another picture of sharp contradictions. Here nature has long been demanding compensation for damage caused to it.

Methods of economic valuation of natural resources

Why rich regions suffer more poor

Assessment of natural resources and economic classification show that regions where there is little wealth in the bowels use it very irrationally. However, it is possible to balance the interaction of economic complexes with nature management. For example, in Astrakhan, Dagestan and Kalmykia, to use in production a very small number of forms of using the gifts of nature there. Only then will their development become effective. The same can be observed in the Taimyr and Nenets districts. This also applies to Murmansk, Magadan, and the Southern Urals.

In the Caucasus, for example, there is a shortage of many resources. However, their use is very intensive. In such cases, small private forms of management come to the fore. Each company with a narrow specialization in such regions will certainly grow. For example, nature created the steppes of Kalmykia for sheep breeding, and the same massifs in Orenburg are clearly intended for farming, which can be determined by their composition. However, climatic features suggest constant instability in both regions. Leads most often to water use. The economic assessment of China's natural and labor resources in the northern and northwestern provinces is very similar to our Kalmykia.

A harmonious and balanced environmental management system is observed in the metropolitan areas (Moscow and Leningrad), as well as in the Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, Ryazan, Vologda regions, in Bashkiria, Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Here the proportions are stable, nature management is comprehensive, and small enterprises are quite developed along with industrial leaders. In the structure of management there are multidisciplinary and single industry manufacturers with highly specialized production. This is reflected in the accounting and economic valuation of natural resources.

Self-sufficient areas of the country

Regions with key resources always fit well into the economic space of the state (unlike those that nature has deprived of resources). The environmental management system of self-sufficient territories and regions fully allows their autonomous life with a minimum of export and import of raw materials for enterprises and products for the population. The tasks of economic assessment of natural resources include calculating the self-sufficiency of individual regions by taking into account the needs of importation of products for various industries (total demand plus interest to it) and exceeding the development of resource sources against intra-regional needs (total production of goods plus a percentage of it). Summing up these indicators, it is possible to calculate the degree of involvement of this economy and this region in the all-Russian exchange of natural wealth.

The degree of resource self-sufficiency can be characterized by the size of enterprises that have nothing to do with either export or import. This is how the opportunity is used to assess the sovereignty of each region and its potential with a fairly high degree of objectivity. This is especially important if the level of integration of the region into the all-Russian economic space is not high enough. For example, in the Norilsk industrial region, the degree of self-sufficiency reaches 85%. The situation is the same in the Astrakhan and Sakhalin regions.

Economic assessment of Russia's natural resources

In Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk, Kamchatka Regions, in Komi, Taimyr, and Primorsky Krai, this figure is about 80% (it is noteworthy that almost all of these regions are coastal). On the other flank of integration are Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Ryazan, Oryol, Lipetsk regions, Kuzbass, Moscow, Yakutia, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Their level of self-sufficiency in resources without external supplies amounted to only about 58% of the total mass of goods. Of these regions, only Yamal has direct access to the external borders of Russia. True, this helps him quite a bit, since there is no sea transport on the peninsula, there are no ports at all.

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At present, the economic valuation of natural resources should reflect the feasibility of involving a particular object, for example, a deposit, taking into account exploration and the degree of its exploration, volume, limitation and replenishment, possible terms of use, license, tax, environmental and other payments, possible losses from improper design and damage due to external negative factors.

The main purpose of the assessment is to accurately determine the value of the resource in its value expression in the developed mode of rational, integrated, safe use. It also takes into account all the limitations of the environmental plan for carrying out economic activities or work related to the exploration and development of natural resources.

In this case, tasks are solved for which an economic assessment is necessary. The balance of the development of resources, their consumption and efficiency (actual, planned, potential) is justified. It is also mandatory to account for the composition of the remaining wealth of the country of each natural resource. A forecast and an economic development plan are needed. Only in this way is it possible to solve the strategic issues of economic security of the state.

Mechanisms are being developed for transferring the wealth of the country into possession or use based on an economic assessment of natural resources. In addition, the establishment of systems of economic incentives and taxation in this area. It substantiates strategies, medium- and long-term development plans in the social and economic sphere of both the state as a whole and individual regions and territories. Indicators of economic assessments of natural wealth are included in the system of public relations, in the solution of issues of national scale.

Types of Economic Assessments of Natural Resources

Microeconomic level of valuation of natural wealth

Here, an economic assessment is needed to determine the cost of a particular source of natural resources, to plan and predict their use, to justify the feasibility of developing facilities, and then their operation, to select means of conservation for the society of natural resources and timely decommissioning of facilities. Economic evaluation is necessary when choosing the optimal terms of use, volumes and technological tasks. It is necessary to determine the economic efficiency of investing in a complex of natural resources, estimated losses.

Also, economic valuation helps to take into account national wealth in the overall structure and in the balance of the wealth of the entire nation. In addition, excise taxes and payments for use are established with its help, the amount of compensation is determined in cases where the natural resource changes its purpose or ends. Economic assessment has a lot of tasks. All of them are associated with an increase in the rationality of the use of certain natural objects.

Valuation today helps to solve a huge number of problems of the national economy. First, a mechanism is being created for accounting for national wealth and a system for their reproduction. The principles of investing in operating industries are being developed, new management methods for developing reserves are being introduced, issues of resource conservation are being addressed, the development of territories is ensured, which does not upset the general balance, and much more. Secondly, with the help of an economic assessment, various losses are taken into account, which are often associated precisely with the improper use of natural resources, and the monetary consequences of the impact of economic activity on the ecology of a given region are estimated.

Accounting and economic valuation of natural resources

Three concepts

It should also be noted that it is not entirely correct to understand economic valuation as merely cost conclusions about the state of certain natural resources. All of the above types of assessments are only stages of completeness and finality of conclusions. Here it is necessary to single out three interrelated concepts that have historically and methodologically developed over a long period of research and practice. The first is costly, the second is market, and the third is socially valuable.

When determining the cost concept, methods are applied in the following sequence:

  1. Costs are determined: pre-production, directly production and reproduction.
  2. The costs are determined: reduced, closing and break-even.
  3. Differential costs are estimated: transport, accommodation and the like.

When determining a market concept, the following indicators are evaluated:

  1. Rent.
  2. Investments.
  3. Environmental benefits and damage from activities.

The social value concept takes into account the following assessments:

  1. Ecological and economic.
  2. Socio-economic.
  3. Accounting value.

And only on the basis of these three concepts of the approach to assessing resources, it is possible to accurately determine the economic significance of a natural object, taking into account the goals and objectives.

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