Despite the high level of development of Internet networks, in our time there is a high level of loneliness, moreover among fairly smart, talented and interesting people. A guy and a girl who have held together a series of years together are already a rarity and an exception to the rule.
Era of loneliness
Why is this happening? In a world where there is a lot of information and opportunities, it is difficult to make acquaintance, people move away from each other and lose their warmth. This may be due to the fact that every more or less ambitious person who has at least some talents or a banal desire to work has thousands of opportunities to score his day with a variety of activities, work, hobbies, and at the end of the day just come home to watch the series and fall without hind legs. And tomorrow the same series of changing tasks will begin.
In general, time is wasted, something is happening, life is not so empty, even there is some sense, goals and objectives. But whenever a smiling couple passes by holding hands, an anxious thought of loneliness may slip through my head and painfully stab into my heart. On Valentine's Day, many lonely people generally experience depression and hatred of others.
Perverted views
And yet - why does a girl need a boyfriend? If you return to the primitive system, for a woman, a man was a defender, breadwinner and support. Well, of course, no one canceled instincts. So nature conceived of people that representatives of different sexes are attracted to each other to breed.
Of course, to speak purely about the material side of life and the satisfaction of sexual needs is a sign of nearness. Although now Western ideals are creating such ideals that everything goes to that. All this is the desire to create a consumer society.
In addition, films focus on bed scenes and fights. Of course, it looks so cool that teens grow up with the realization that this is enough. And then people are drawn to idols from TV screens, and they donβt notice possible happiness under their nose.
Going to extremes
Why does a guy need a girl? Glossy magazines are full of all kinds of offensive jokes about the fact that a woman is needed only for sex and doing housework. As a rule, they are created by men who once had bad luck with love, who hated the entire feminine gender.
Ladies, by the way, also do not lag behind the gentlemen, create feminist camps and shell the enemy with sharp jokes. So there are wars, as a result of which representatives of both sexes want to find out who should and should not do what. A person with a normal psyche looks at it with a misunderstanding. Such subjects, because of their grievances, have long forgotten what a beloved guy and girl are.
Binder thread
Well, we understood how it should not be. But what kind of relationships need to be built so that everything in your personal life is quiet, peaceful and adequate? The partner should first of all be treated not as a means of satisfying lust or service personnel, but as a companion, friend, ally.
In addition to life and bed, you should have common values. This doesnβt mean that your hobbies should be the same. You can get involved in completely different things that do not overlap. Concepts about moral principles, rules of behavior, life priorities should be common.
For example, if a man considers money to be the main thing in life, and a woman - spiritual development, they are unlikely to agree on everything. It happens and vice versa. One way or another, one will be blamed for insensibility, and the other for infantilism. A smart girl or boyfriend is looking for a couple who can understand, and not call nonsense, the most valuable thing.
Take off the pink glasses
In general, youth is full of disappointments and deceptive illusions. Someone cannot be cured of them even at a conscious age. We are talking about those situations when we fall in love with appearance. Both young girls and young boys can suffer from this .
There is nothing wrong with appreciating good external data. And quite another - to forgive your soulmate for disrespectful attitude or to turn a blind eye to obvious shortcomings, incompatibility of value systems only because a person is attractive. Although, of course, to abandon such an experience is also not worth it.
If the fruit seems sweet, you should not make it also forbidden, so that you want even more. You can try to establish a relationship, but at the first sign of neglect or lack of understanding, draw conclusions and continue to scan the environment for a suitable partner.
The importance of simple joys
Often you can hear statements that ladies have forgotten how to be weak, gentle and defenseless. Why does a girl need a boyfriend if she herself can earn money, achieve success and so on?
The fact is that the approach is extremely wrong. Here a young man is seen as a glass box with toys or a barrel of cotton candy. But in fact, this is the same person as you.
Beautiful and smart people can just share their impressions, walk, talk. Sometimes this is enough for happiness. Such ordinary joys are sorely lacking for the modern younger generation. At first glance, they seem insignificant and not bearing practical value. Of course, consumer inclinations were nurtured in us. And here are some conversations under the moon. About what?
The opinion of others and self-esteem
Understanding why a girl needs a boyfriend, it is worth focusing on the psychological aspects of the issue. With the sexual sphere, everything is clear. Hormones are not going anywhere. But for some reason, everything does not happen as in the primitive system, where sexual relations were practically not controlled and could be erratic. Although it is again cultivated in our time.
The psychological state of a person depends on his self-esteem. Everyone needs to know that he is good, right, doing the right thing. It is advisable to recognize some features that distinguish us from other human masses. Why does a guy need a girl, if not in order to realize that she considers him to be the best, exceptional?
Of course, there are extremely self-confident people, but even they need to get some kind of external assessment. When we are praised, we blossom before our eyes. And sincerely a compliment can only be given to one who truly loves. People fall in love when they see each other a little more positive features than others.
Appreciate those who respect you
It is not worth denying that even humanism is based on selfishness, but it is not a sin if the actions of an individual do not harm anyone. A smart girl will take seriously not one who considers her an empty place or her own thing, but a young man who sees in her what she respects herself for.
By the way, itβs quite a common occurrence when teenage girls fall in love with bad boys and crave the moment when their heart melts. Of course, he will remain the same reckless daredevil, and only she will have complete control over him, only she will know his tenderness and sincere devotion. These are girlish dreams. There are also reverse situations when young guys are overlooking the first beauties of the course at the university, and they do not even look at them.
In both cases, as a rule, there is someone nearby who looks at us with admiration, who can be a fairly faithful and faithful companion. But as mentioned earlier, the forbidden fruit is sweeter.
Awareness of the value of a calm trusting relationship comes when the torment of the heart and excessive passions are too tiring and you just want to talk heart to heart, take a walk holding hands, feel like you are being received, appreciated, respected. No matter how self-sufficient a person may be, all this is necessary for him. Still, people are creatures created for life in society, so communication, especially so warm and pleasant, we need as air.
Relax and love each other
Speaking about why a girl needs a boyfriend, one should not overly focus on money or beauty. Not bad when all this is. But the most important thing is that you just feel good next to the person, it is interesting to listen to him, so that you feel that you can tell about your impressions.
The main thing is to relate to relations calmly, not to start them because it is necessary or they all already have it, and even more so not to satisfy sexual needs. These areas need to be separated. Do not reduce the relationship to sex and do not assume that love is built only on passion. Planning here is also pretty silly.
Do not look at a potential partner as a goal and a future husband from the first month. This is your friend, enjoy his company and shared moments of tenderness. How things go further - this will already be visible, the road arises under the feet of the walking.