Mesotherapy of the abdomen: reviews, photos before and after, contraindications. Mesotherapy of the body and abdomen at home

A slender figure is what every woman dreams of. However, a sedentary lifestyle, snacks, as well as hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation, make their own adjustments, and as a result, we begin to rush to look for an effective diet, we exhaust ourselves in the gym, buy a huge number of different creams, but still we do not achieve the ideal result. The waist area is especially problematic, since after birth the skin loses its elasticity. That is why modern cosmetology offers a fundamentally new solution, this is mesotherapy of the abdomen. Reviews, photos before and after are presented in our article today. Most salons are already actively using this procedure, because it gives good results with a minimum of effort.

mesotherapy of the abdomen reviews before and after photos

Who is the procedure for?

Despite the contraindications, today it is widely advertised and offered to the vast majority of clients of beauty salons. However, you should not resort to this procedure if you are not 20-25 years old. Yes, of this age, the skin is still very elastic, and with proper physical exertion, as well as with the proper diet, it will easily take its former forms. Therefore, the bulk of patients are women older than 25 years, since with the appearance of the first signs of aging, the metabolism slows down and the skin loses elasticity. But it is precisely this category of young women who wants to look not just good, but perfect for as long as possible. Therefore, every year, mesotherapy of the abdomen becomes more and more popular . Reviews, photos before and after fully confirm that this is exactly the way that will give you the opportunity to find perfect forms.

This special injection technique helps thousands of women who are overweight, want to get rid of cellulite forever, and want to return to their former shape after pregnancy and childbirth. She will especially save those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system and cannot tolerate physical activity, as well as preparing or just undergoing the liposuction procedure.

abdominal mesotherapy reviews

Getting rid of cosmetic defects

Indeed, this procedure perfectly helps not only burn fat, but also solve many other problems. Perhaps this is also why abdominal mesotherapy is so popular. Reviews, photos before and after indicate that after the procedure, age spots and scars, scars and stretch marks, spider veins and varicose veins go away, if we are talking about the area below the waist. That is, if you are comfortable with your weight, but there are a number of other related problems, then welcome to the cosmetologist's office.

Types of Mesotherapy

Indeed, in most cases, this procedure should be performed only by a specialist in this field. Of course, there is always the temptation to save, but this is not the case. First of all, a needleless and injection procedure is distinguished, and both one and the other mesotherapy of the abdomen can be effective. Reviews, photos before and after - evidence that the injection procedure gives the fastest effect, so if the problem is serious, then you should choose it. However, it costs more, and it will not work on its own.

In addition, procedures are divided based on the drug that the cosmetologist chooses. This can be homeopathy, that is, extracts of medicinal plants that stimulate skin elasticity, or allotropic mesotherapy. In this case, the effect on specific areas with the help of drugs and vitamins. And of course, specific courses differ in effects on individual parts of the body. If we are talking about the abdomen and buttocks, getting rid of skin folds and strengthening atrophied muscles, then the course will last up to three months. Restore skin elasticity on the neck and decollete in two weeks.

abdominal mesotherapy at home

Does this procedure contribute to weight loss?

If you dream of an attractive figure, but still have not reached your ideal, then it's time to think about a modern procedure called abdominal mesotherapy. Reviews authentically state that literally after the first sessions, your body changes right before your eyes. The contours become more even and crisp, subcutaneous fat cells are destroyed. However, you should not expect that a significant decrease in weight will occur, this procedure is aimed at reducing the volume. Therefore, if you have a lot of overweight, then you first need to consult with a nutritionist, so that he has developed an individual program for you. Moreover, it is better to undergo a mesotherapy procedure after the weight approaches normal.

How does the process of mesotherapy?

Surely it will be important for you to find out about this before you have to lie down on the couch of a mesotherapist. The procedure is that using a very thin and long needle, microdoses of a special drug are injected intradermally. It would seem that everything is easy and simple, but in fact it is a very crucial moment. The depth of administration depends on the treatment area, skin problems and the desired effect. In addition, from dozens of drugs, you need to choose the one that is ideal in this case, and, of course, correctly calculate the dosage. That is why injectable abdominal mesotherapy is not done at home. Reviews emphasize that only an experienced cosmetologist will carry out this procedure completely painlessly and with maximum effect. Typically, the treatment for a specific area is called fractional therapy.

mesotherapy of the body and abdomen

The specific tasks that mesotherapy is aimed at

First of all, this is a decrease in fat cells due to the destruction of their contents. This happens due to the introduction of special active substances. The first four sessions of the course are entirely devoted to this task. Then comes the turn of vitamins and minerals. With their help, metabolism in the body is activated. Five more sessions stand out for this. At the last stage, mesotherapy of the body and abdomen aims to tighten the problem area, to make the skin smooth and elastic. At the same time, a cosmetologist can choose various drugs, but hyaluronic acid is most often used. The final lifting process lasts about five sessions. Duration and intervals between sessions are set individually.

Specialized drugs

There are a huge number of them, in addition, each has its own indications and contraindications. But still, with what drugs is mesotherapy of the abdomen performed? Preparations, as we have said, can be used different. However, lipolytics are used as a means for burning fat. It can be "Phosphatidylcholine", "Triac", "Yohimbine", and they are administered not in pure form, but as part of complex cocktails. Carnitine and amino acids also enhance this effect. The course also includes drugs that affect blood vessels and eutrophics. Very often, ozone is used as the active substance. With the help of "Dermostabilon" the homeopathic effect of the course is achieved. Various acids are used with great success to give elasticity to the skin. Hyaluronic acid is most often found in cocktails, although any other may be included. A prerequisite is the presence in the cocktail of a vitamin complex and minerals.

mesotherapy of the abdomen drugs

Mesotherapy of the abdomen at home

If you do not have time or desire to visit a beauty salon or you want to save on this procedure, you have only two options. The first is to call a beautician at home. He will carry out the necessary manipulations and schedule the next visit. If you, without having a specialized education, want to carry out these procedures at home, then there is another option - to purchase a special mesoscooter. This is an applicator equipped with needles that penetrate the skin by no more than one millimeter. In this case, injection solutions are applied to the skin, after which they are rolled on top of the roller. Buy them in specialized stores or in a pharmacy. Remember that even using the roller, you must carefully study the instructions. It cannot be taken for a long time in the same place, and the needles should not be pressed deeply into the skin, otherwise wounds may appear through which the infection will enter the body.

However, it should be noted that mesotherapy can remove the stomach only to a certain extent, especially using a mesoscooter. Injections give a stronger effect, however, it should be remembered that the maximum weight loss result that is voiced in the reviews is minus seven kilograms per full course. That is, if you are faced with the task of losing weight more globally, you will have to look for another solution.

remove belly with mesotherapy

Contraindications and possible harm from the procedure

Like any cosmetology procedure, it has its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, mesotherapy of the abdomen is not at all painless. Of course, the pain threshold is different for everyone. For some it’s a mosquito bite, and for another it’s a difficult test. Therefore, it is better to prepare mentally in advance. However, in some cases, employees of beauty salons should not only warn you of the possible consequences, but also refuse to carry out such procedures. Most often, advertising sources report that you are offered a completely safe procedure called abdominal mesotherapy. In this case, contraindications are not voiced, so today we will fill this gap. First of all, it is an allergic reaction to drugs. Poor blood coagulation, inflammatory processes in the treatment area should also stop the beautician. The list of contraindications includes long-term pregnancy, renal and liver failure, serious vascular pathology and oncology, as well as various viral diseases.

The cost of mesotherapy

Salon treatments are not cheap, but judging by the reviews, the result is worth it. Women enthusiastically describe the effect that they have been striving for for years with the help of classic diets and sports, and they were able to achieve it only after the course passed. Indeed, judging by the photo, the skin becomes perfectly smooth and smooth. Surely all women are familiar with disappointment when you go up to the mirror after a heavy diet and see a tumbled belly and loose skin with many small folds. Mesotherapy helps to avoid this and provide a perfect silhouette. The cost will depend on the equipment and cocktails introduced, as well as on the application area. This is approximately 3000 rubles per session, if we are only talking about the abdomen. If you want to work on your stomach and buttocks at the same time, then one session will cost 4300 rubles already. The interval between visits can be from 7 to 15 days, while the standard course includes from 6 to 10 procedures.

abdominal mesotherapy

Key recommendations

The technique of mesotherapy of the abdomen and body is one of the most revolutionary areas in cosmetology, however, it should be remembered that in order to achieve the result, a full course of procedures is required. But after 45 years, women do not recommend it, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to slow down the aging process of the skin. If your skin is very sensitive, and the pain threshold is high, notify the beautician about this, there are special techniques to reduce pain. We must be prepared for the fact that after the session redness and bruises will remain on the skin, they will pass in about 7-10 days. A few days after the procedure, you can not apply cosmetic preparations to the skin, as well as go to the pool and sauna.

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