The modern construction market is ready to offer its customers a huge mass of construction and finishing materials for any construction and repair work. One of the most sought after finishing materials is foam. In order for the surface finished with such panels to serve for a long time and efficiently, glue for foam is needed. After the panels are glued, they are additionally fixed with dowels. To install this type of fastener, holes are pre-drilled.
What is penoplex?
Penoplex (or extruded foam polystyrene) is one of the latest heat-insulating materials. It has a finely meshed homogeneous structure. Manufacturers offer customers two types of insulation boards. Material with a density of 35 kg / m³ is called "Penoplex 35", with a density of 45 kg / m³ - "Penoplex 45". These two types of the same material differ from each other in thermal engineering parameters, combustibility and compressive strength. When choosing glue for Penoplex 35, you need to know that the main area of its application is thermal insulation in civil and industrial construction (insulation of foundations, socles, roofs, organization of underfloor heating, etc.). At the same time, Penoplex 45 is mainly used in road and rail construction and in laying gas and oil pipelines in regions with low temperatures.
The material is not affected by aggressive biological environment, chemically inert. It is characterized by low heat conductivity and water absorption, high strength. Glue for "Penoplex 35" due to the presence in its composition of a flame retardant (a substance that does not support combustion) is difficult to burn. During combustion, it emits two types of gas - carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide - which distinguishes it from a number of organic materials that burn with the release of a whole complex of harmful substances. "Penoplex 45" can withstand a load of up to 50 tons per 1 m³.
Factors affecting the choice of glue
Before you stop your choice on any type of adhesive for foam, you must take into account the specifics of the work. It is known that the adhesive composition for surface finish indoors may be completely unsuitable for outdoor use. It is important both the influence of temperature changes, and the impact of an aggressive external environment (UV radiation, high humidity during the rainy season, etc.).
In addition, the surface that will be finished is of great importance. A special glue for insulation will be needed (penoplex is one of the most popular at the moment). Modern buildings are built from reinforced concrete structures, bricks, foam concrete, etc. Further, surfaces are additionally finished, for example, plastered. All these factors affect the choice of adhesive for working with foam boards.
Varieties of adhesives
The strength of the finishing work performed is directly affected by adhesion - the adhesive strength of the glue with the base warmed. Any adhesive composition offered to customers is always accompanied by instructions that describe in detail the main characteristics. The accompanying document describes the types of insulated substrates on which it is possible to use this particular adhesive for foam, the permissible moisture parameters. Indicate the temperature regime at which it is possible to carry out finishing work, the temperature range at which the finish will last a long and high quality.
The adhesives used to work with foam can be divided into several types:
- mineral (cement);
- gypsum based;
- waterproofing;
- polyurethane;
- composite polymers.
The most important difference between these groups of products is the component on the basis of which they are made. A composition based on cement or gypsum is recommended for use on dry substrates. Otherwise, it will harden quickly. An alternative is to knead small portions of glue and use it quickly. This fact cannot be attributed to advantages, however, adhesive compositions based on such substrates (cement and gypsum) are currently in greatest demand among buyers.
Waterproofing adhesives for working with foam are usually produced on the basis of bitumen.
When choosing glue, one should not lose sight of the characteristics of the material that will be glued. When working indoors, you must always pay attention to the drying speed of the glue: any foam adhesive has a rather corrosive smell, and it will be difficult to ventilate the room well enough in winter.
Glue foam
A fairly new material used for installation combines the properties of two fasteners: sealing foam and glue. Adhesive material is used to connect porous heat-insulating plates to the surface and to adhere structural porous blocks to each other.
There are three types of solidification strength. Construction adhesive-foam is characterized by the highest holding ability and perfectly replaces the masonry mortar. Finishing adhesive foam is used for interior work, has a high fire resistance class. However, the adhesion of this type of material is lower than that of building. For work with expanded polystyrene, there is its own adhesive foam. For foam, foam, any heat and sound insulating materials that are produced in rolls or plates, such an adhesive is most suitable because of its low cost.
It is possible to work with material on any construction grounds. 10-15 minutes are enough for preliminary setting of the glued surfaces, the complete hardening of the adhesive foam will occur within 4-8 hours. The bulk of these adhesives involves working at temperatures from +5 ° C, but there are those that can be worked at -10 ° C.
Adhesive "Titan"
The trademark "Titan" belongs to the Polish company Selena. A significant part of the production is universal adhesive compounds and sealants. During the repair, the help of professionals may not be necessary if you appreciate the Titan universal adhesive. For styrofoam, the Professional Styro 753 series is most often used. The composition is resistant to the atmosphere, able to withstand multiple freeze-thaw cycles, does not shrink.
In order for the surfaces to be glued to fit tightly together, to glue well and to serve for a long time, it is necessary to correctly calculate the consumption of glue for foam. If there are no skills to work with this material, the glue will be consumed significantly more than what the manufacturer indicated on the packaging
Glue Tabs
There is a list of components that are prohibited for use in the manufacture of adhesive compositions for working with foam, foam, extruded PPP. In no case should there be fuel and lubricants - kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel. Of the aromatic compounds, benzene and toluene are not acceptable. Do not use polyester and coal tar, formaldehyde and formalin, any kind of solvent.
Penoplex sticking technology
Before proceeding directly to sticking the foam, it is necessary to clean the surface of contaminants, dry it well and think through the installation diagram in advance. Glue for foam can be applied to insulation boards in several ways: continuous, strip and spot (or beacon). Usually preference is given to the strip version. Plates of foam plastic are smeared with adhesive strips in increments of not more than 30 cm and are tightly pressed to the insulated surface. The joints formed are filled with scraps of material or foam.
Polyfoam adhesive, the consumption of which is usually indicated on the packaging, can be guaranteed to be stored for a year. He will not lose his consumer qualities even longer if he is not stored in places with sub-zero temperatures.
Issue price
The glue with the highest cost is not necessarily a guarantee of high quality, if the environmental factors and the specifics of the work were not taken into account when choosing. The use of universal compounds, as a rule, reduces the cost of work than the use of highly specialized glue. Quick-hardening compounds can even be used very economically (if the work is performed by a professional).