Expressionist artists and their paintings

In Soviet times, there were a fairly large number of artists who represented the unofficial art of the USSR. One of these artists was Lucian Gribkov.

Born and worked Fungus Lucian in Moscow, participated in joint exhibitions with other artists. He painted mainly oil paintings in the direction of abstraction. This is one of the most striking and memorable artists of the “thaw” period.

Artist's style of work

The style of work was very close to abstract expressionism. This style during the thaw became a cult, its characteristic features were a random and asymmetric image of objects, which was fully symbolized by the emotions of the artist. Drops of paint on canvas were also allowed, the paintings were painted mainly with wide brushes, the strokes of which were never corrected.
It should be noted the attitude of Lucian Gribkov to the studio "New Reality". This is a creative union of the time in which the artists were abstract. The studio began its existence in 1950, and broke up in about 1950-2000.

Russian Abstract Art Foundation

            Lucian Gribkov belonged to the foundation of Russian abstract art. This foundation was a nonprofit organization that was consciously committed to promoting cultural, political, and social requests. The purpose of the community was to convey to everyone the beauty of abstract art.
The foundation's activities included educating people and finding new talents. The latter forced to organize a studio "New Reality", which was headed by Belyutin. He was an outstanding and talented person. He was one of the main who played a very important role in the development and popularity of abstract expressionism.

Artistic activities of Lucian Gribkov

The graduate of the New Reality studio was Lucian Gribkov. In addition, he conducted active artistic activity, regularly attended the so-called “Belyutin faculties”, and participated in many seminars. Lucian Gribkov often used combinations of blue, green, red and yellow in his works. This gave him the opportunity to express his thoughts and personality.

The paintings of this artist and all the canvases of abstract expressionism develop thinking, make you think about life, and sometimes about the feelings of the author of the canvas, his feelings, thoughts. Such paintings look good in any interiors and never go out of style. Lucian Gribkov painted stunning paintings, participated in many exhibitions and was actively involved in the development of abstract expressionism.

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