The origin and meaning of the name of Shem

Before you call a child with one name or another, it is important to find out its meaning and origin. The name of Sim gives the impression of something small, gentle, quiet, which is consistent with the character of the bearer of the name. Feminine and pleasant in communication, the girl amazes others with her kindness, responsiveness and sincerity. She is incredibly lucky and has amazing intuition, so she easily succeeds in any business and rarely makes serious mistakes.

Origin and meaning

The sonorous female name has Hebrew roots and means "heard by God." This is the most common version that most linguists adhere to. However, some experts insist on the Arabic origin of the name of Shem and believe that it is interpreted as "honest." It is believed that the female name is derived from the Persian word, which is translated into Russian as "appearance, face."

Talismans and astrological characteristics

Astrological characteristics

The talismans and astrological symbols of the owners of the name include:

  • patron planet - Jupiter;
  • element - Air;
  • good days of the week: Wednesday, Sunday;
  • time of year is summer;
  • totem plants: coltsfoot, poppy;
  • Suitable colors: orange, purple, red.

Astrologers advise calling the baby a given name, if she belongs to the zodiac sign Virgo, this combination can activate the most positive character traits.

Childhood and youth

The value of the name for the girl has a direct impact on the formation of the personality of the owners of the name Sim. Fate has prepared the baby a happy and carefree childhood surrounded by loving family members. The girl has the warmest and most trusting relationship with her father, whom she looks like, so she is often called the “father’s daughter”. The character inherits from the mother.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Sima is distinguished by his diligence, responsibility, hard work, desire for order. The girl’s room is always clean and tidy, there are no scattered toys. She willingly takes on any work and always brings the job to the end so as not to let down or disappoint her family. She always tries to be useful and does not cause anyone inconvenience.

The owner of the name is studying diligently, for which all teachers and teachers love her. Often a girl becomes the "face of the school", she is put as an example to other students. She thoroughly prepares for all tests and exams, attends electives, but she can not be called a jerk. On the contrary, Sima is very sociable, adores companies, easily finds a common language with both boys and girls.


The meaning of the name Sim gives its owner kindness, responsiveness, honesty and devotion. A woman appreciates close people very much and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, even if it causes her certain inconvenience. The owner of the name charges others with her optimism, so they are drawn to her. She is always in a good mood, does not complain about problems and does not share personal experiences with anyone.

Sim name Origin

Despite sincerity and openness, Sima knows how to hide her feelings and emotions. Even those close to her are unaware of her anguish and are ignorant of her problems. The woman herself does not seek help and advice, preferring to deal with her chores alone.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Sim gives its owner charisma and incredible charm, so she never lacks fans. Nevertheless, the girl can make excessive demands on the chosen one. I must say that many guys admire, but they are also afraid of a smart and principled young lady. Because of this, Sima’s personal life does not work out for a long time.

Personal life

In a loving relationship, the owner of the name is faithful and faithful, but the first marriage usually fails. For a long time, a woman cannot recover, and therefore does not even consider other gentlemen as potential husbands.

She finds spiritual harmony in adulthood, in her second marriage. For the sake of the spouse and children, the bearer of the name can sacrifice a career. He treats children with special trepidation, surrounds him with love and care, because of which they can grow up very selfish.

Job and career

The numerological meaning of the name of Sim promises the girl material independence and luck in large projects. The owner of the name, whose figure of fate is the figure of eight, is a minion of fate in life. Nature awarded her incredible intuition, determination, willpower, so the girl may well become an outstanding public figure or politician. Organizational skills come in handy in leadership positions. Sima is able to easily raise the most unprofitable enterprise thanks to her talents and high intellectual abilities.

Job and career

The meaning of the name Sim gives its owner sociability and sociability, so she usually chooses those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. For example, a doctor, teacher, hairdresser, seller, social worker, etc. The authorities appreciate the girl for hard work, responsibility, full dedication. She can be entrusted with the most difficult tasks, without doubting that she will complete them on time.


Unfortunately, nature did not reward the owner of the name good health. Since childhood, she often has colds, so she needs to strengthen her immunity. In adulthood, problems with the musculoskeletal system may occur, therefore excessive physical activity is contraindicated.


The combination of sounds greatly affects the characterization and meaning of the name. For a cat, Sim, by the way, is one of the most common nicknames, because it sounds soft and very cozy. Pet owners claim that these mustachioed pets are especially affectionate, kind and curious. Most often they call Bengal, Angora, Scottish fold cats.

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