The structure of the political system

The political system works as a whole due to the fact that the elements that make up it constantly interact with each other. But at the same time, it is simply not their sum. The concept and structure of the political system are inseparable from the concept of the meaning of each individual element. Therefore, theoretically, it is split for various reasons into its component parts.

The structure of a political system can be based on an understanding of its role. Then it is examined from the perspective of the type by which interaction occurs between subjects playing certain roles and relying on certain patterns.

In addition, the structure of the political system may be based on an institutional approach. This is due to the fact that servicing specific needs and performing functions is assigned to each institution.

Also, the structure of the political system can be delimited by the principle of stratification. In this case, it is based on the order in which some groups participate in government. As a rule, decisions are made by the elite, carried out by their bureaucracy, and citizens are already forming their own institutions of power representing their interests.

The fact that the structure of the political system is based on various foundations indicates the hierarchical nature of its elements. That is, its components are also organized according to the same principle as the whole of it. And from this it follows that the political system always consists of several subsystems. Interacting with each other, they form integrity.

1. Institutional subsystem. It looks like a complex of political, state and other institutions that express the interests of various groups and individuals. The most global needs of society are realized with the help of the state. The degree of specialization and differentiation of functions and roles within this structural element determines its maturity.

2. The regulatory subsystem. It is constituted by the complex of all norms on the basis of which the authorities fulfill their roles. These are some kind of rules that can be passed orally to the next generations (customs, traditions, symbols), but can also be fixed (legal acts, constitutions).

3. The communicative subsystem. It looks like the interaction of political actors that follow the above fixed and unfixed rules. Relations can be built on the basis of conflict or agreement. They can also have a different focus and intensity. The better organized the communication system, the more power is open to citizens. Then she enters into a dialogue with the public, exchanges information with her, and responds to the demands of the people.

4. The cultural subsystem. It is constituted by the priority values ​​of the main confession, subcultures available in society, patterns of behavior, mentality and beliefs. This subsystem establishes relations between citizens and politicians, gives their actions a universally valid meaning, leads to harmony, mutual understanding, and stabilizes society as a whole. Of great importance is the level of cultural homogeneity. The higher it is, the more effective are political institutions. The main element of the cultural subsystem is religion, which dominates in a particular society. It determines the behavior of individuals, the forms of interaction between them.

5. Functional subsystem. It is a set of technologies used in politics to exercise power.

The structure and functions of the political system are inseparable from each other , and not only its components. The fact is that the function of each element implements one specific need. And all together they ensure the full functioning of the political system as a whole.

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