Evening prayer for the coming dream

There are many varieties of prayers, but one of the most often said among them is evening prayer, which believers should read before going to bed. However, even this prayer has several types, so before you start reading it, you need to understand what each of them means and learn the words of those prayers that you are going to say.

Rules for reading prayers before going to bed

Before you begin to pray before going to bed, it is very important to remember for yourself the evening rule of prayer for a future dream so that your prayer words are heard by God and give you reassurance, absolution and a good night's sleep. And this rule consists in chanting gratitude to God and turning to him with a request for protection from evil thoughts, which often overpower people when they go to bed. Therefore, you need to read a prayer before going to bed, trying to discard all daily worries, chores and thoughts, forget about all the bad things, think only about the good things, so that the soul can completely clear itself of the negative. In addition, it is very important before such a prayer to forget about all the insults that were done to you during the day and forgive the offenders from the bottom of their hearts. And finally, before praying, it is necessary to remember all your mistakes and sins that happened days, and ask for forgiveness from them the Lord merciful.

A very important point of the evening rule of prayer is the choice of the place of conversation with God. This must be a quiet, peaceful place where you feel protected. It is there that you will need to light a candle in front of the icon, clear your thoughts of everything evil, if possible, kneel down and give yourself a sign of the Cross. Only after that it will be possible to begin to read the evening prayer, which in its structure should consist of five parts:

  • preparation for prayer with an appeal to God and thanksgiving to him;
  • repentance with the blessing of light;
  • the words of God, consisting of a psalm, a song and a reading from the Holy Scripture;
  • prayers to the Guardian Angel and the Lord;
  • conclusions with Grace and Blessing.
evening prayer

But if you don’t have time for the full text of the prayer service, according to the evening rule of prayer for sleep, you can get by with the usual appeal to God in simple language, preceding it by reading the prayer “Our Father”, familiar to everyone since childhood.

The types of prayers that are read before going to bed

Before turning to God with prayer, it’s very important to choose a prayer in advance that you will read before going to bed. In total there are 3 types of evening liturgies.

  1. Prayer petitions are those prayer words that are uttered by people in distress and grief. Such a prayer can be attributed to the evening prayer of Macarius the Great: “God, cleanse me from sinners, for I have never done anything good and good to you. Deliver me from the evil one, let Thy will be done for that. And let me open my mouth with impunity. unworthy, in order to praise Thy name and the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit now and forever, and forever. Amen! "
  2. Thanksgiving prayer is our prayer speech in which we thank God for today, our health, well-being and way in the family.
  3. Prayer-glorification is the glorification of God that is present at the end of every prayer. However, you can pronounce it separately, praising the Lord and singing a song of praise to him.

But if you are experiencing a breakdown or get sick, you can do a short evening prayer, which will give strength and allow you to fall asleep in a calm sleep.

The simplest prayers for the coming dream

If you don’t know which prayer to read before you go to bed, you can say the simplest of them, the reading of which is possible even while lying in bed.

  • “In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen! O Son of God, Jesus Christ. I pray to you for the sake of your Blessed Mother, the Rev. Our Father and all saints. I beg you, have mercy on us. Glory to you, Lord, glory, King of heaven! Amen!".

But besides this shortest service, there is another evening prayer for beginners, which should be said every time before going to bed, putting your heart in every word.

  • “O King of all things, all-merciful God! I tearfully ask you, forgive me my sins that I created this afternoon with my thoughts, deeds, or deeds, and cleanse me, Lord, my humble soul from all filth. And give me, please, a peaceful sleep in the night, so that, getting up from the bed in the morning, I served your Most Holy Name on every day of my life. And save me, Lord, from the lust of evil and vain thoughts, so that I, the servant of God (full name), glorify the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen!".

Praying before children go to bed

children's evening prayer

Children also need to be taught from a young age to talk with God. But since they themselves still cannot remember the words of the prayers, instead of them you should read the evening prayer to them, becoming an intermediary between your child and the Lord. These prayers will give the children a sound sleep full of colorful dreams, after awakening from which they will feel full of strength. The first of these prayers will be “Our Father”, and after it it will be possible to read the children’s prayer for Our Lady of Kazan, the prayer “God, if I sin in the present day ...” and the prayer to the Guardian Angel, which the child can not only listen to, but and pronounce it yourself.

  • “The cross is on me and in me, so fly, my angel, to me!” Sit next to me on the wing and help save the Lord from evening to dawn, from this day to the end. ”

In addition, you can call the Guardian Angel to protect the child’s sleep in other prayer words.

  • “In the name of the Lord our God! To me, savior-baptists! Intercede for my soul, turn to it! In the name of the Father, and his Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

And of course, according to the evening rule of prayer, to read these prayers is in a calm, relaxed mood, having rejected all worries, troubles and worldly evil thoughts. If something happened on this day, and you cannot put bad thoughts out of your head, it’s better not to pray the child in the evening, otherwise the result will be completely different.

prayer for the night

Prayer to St. John Chrysostom

If it so happened that you don’t know which prayer to read, then the clergy recommend that you read “Our Father” first and then say the Orthodox evening prayer of John Chrysostom, consisting of 24 lines equal to the number of hours in a day.

  1. God, do not deprive us of your blessings.
  2. God, fire me from the terrible agony of eternity.
  3. God, if I have sinned in deed, word or thought, forgive me.
  4. God, fire me from insensibility, oblivion, ignorance and frivolity.
  5. God, fire me from the devil's temptation.
  6. God, light my heart, which turned black from the wishes of the unkind.
  7. God, I am a sinful man, but You, all-merciful, have mercy on me, because you see how weak my soul is.
  8. God bless me, that I may glorify your name.
  9. God, in the book of life, please write me down and give me a good end.
  10. God, even if I haven’t done anything good before you, but show me how to start doing good deeds.
  11. God, sprinkle with the dew of Your mercy my soul.
  12. God, remember in Your Kingdom that I am sinful, unclean, and nasty. Amen!
  13. God, accept me repentant.
  14. God, never leave me.
  15. God, do not let me get into trouble and bad weather.
  16. God grant me good thoughts.
  17. God grant me contrition, tears and memory of death.
  18. God, give me thoughts on how to confess my sins.
  19. God, grant me the opportunity to become obedient, humble and chaste.
  20. God grant me the opportunity to become meek, tolerant and generous.
  21. God, put my root of good in my heart - awe of Thee.
  22. God, tell me how to love you with all my heart and soul and do your will.
  23. God, protect me from evil people, demons and passions and all indecent deeds.
  24. God, you do everything of your own free will, so let it be done in me too, for you are blessed forever and ever. Amen!

Evening Prayer "Optina Deserts"

Optina Deserts is a man’s monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church located in the Kaluga Region. The history of this monastery begins in the 15th century, and many ceremonies and prayers of this place have a special powerful power. This is especially true of prayers, which were read here before going to bed. Therefore, if you become every day before going to bed, reading the evening prayer of the Optina elders, then you will always be accompanied by a sound and healthy sleep, which is the key to a good and successful life.

  • “In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen! The Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, for the prayer of the pious Pure Mother of God, the reverend our Father and all saints, I ask you to grant us your mercy. Amen! Glory to you, Lord, glory, our King of heaven and Comforter! As always and everywhere you do everything, come and you are now possessed in me, and cleanse us from filth and all evil spirits, and save us our sinful souls. Holy God, strong and immortal, give us your mercy! (Read the last sentence three times). ”
Desert Optina Prayer

Prayers for a dream coming for help

If something goes wrong in your life, you have a difficult question, you don’t know what to do, you should read the evening prayer for help every night before going to bed, which will make it possible to put your life in order and become happy.

  • “O Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ! I ask you, protect us with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, holy angels and the power of the life-giving Honest Cross! Deliver me from all kinds of slander of my enemies, evil people, magic, all evil and sorcery, so that they would not cause me any harm either in a dream or in reality. God, please, may the light of Your radiance save me for the coming dream, morning, day and evening, and may the power of Your mercy leave me from any evil lawlessness, committed by the devil's suggestion. Bring all evil back to the netherworld, those who thought and did it. Amen!"

Another evening prayer for the coming one can also help those who are looking for true love and want to quickly start a family with their loved one.

  • “Oh, all-merciful Lord, I know that my happiness depends on the fact that I love you with all my heart and every day I will fulfill your will. You, God, control my soul and fill my heart with goodness, so that I can please You alone, for You are our God and Creator. And save me from pride and pride, so that only chastity with modesty adorn me. And since your laws command everyone to live in an honest marriage, bring me, God, to this sacred title, not to please my desires, but for the fulfillment of your will, for you yourself said that it was worthless for a man to be lonely and created him an assistant to his spouse, so that together they grew, multiplied and inhabited the land. So hear my prayer, humble, sent from the depths of my heart, give me the spouse of the pious (s), so that together we bless You God the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You can also read evening prayer, which will help children in their development and education. So it needs to be read to all parents who want their children to grow up smart, healthy and happy.

  • “O Lord, our Creator! You adorned us with your image, taught us your law, which is why those who heed him are all amazed. As you gave them to Solomon and all those who seek the secrets of wisdom, open your mind, heart, and mouth to your servant (the full name of the child), so that he enlightens the full power of your writing and law and begins to successfully learn the useful teaching that is taught to him to glorify the holy name Yours, the benefits of the holy Church and the understanding of Your good and perfect will. Bury him from the machinations of enemies and protect him in the purity and faith of Christ throughout his life. May he be strong in reason and in the fulfillment of Your ten commandments, and so taught he will glorify Your name, for You, the Lord are all-merciful, and only You should give worship, honor and glory in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
prayer for the coming dream

And another evening prayer will help you if you read it before bedtime on the eve of the day when a very important event is planned, on which your life depends.

  • “Oh, our Lord Jesus Christ, you are the only begotten Son of your holy Father. Many times we have already become convinced that the truth lies in your words and that without your help we cannot do anything. Therefore, with all humility, I expect mercy and good from you. Hand over to me, the sinful servant of God (your full name), this thing that I will begin tomorrow to do with Your good help for Your glory and your Father without beginning, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Yes, and from insomnia, prayer helps, which will need to be read before going to bed.

  • “Oh Lord God, please bless me! I’m going to bed now, and I have a cross seal on me, and on both sides are guardian angels, my faithful guardian-keepers. So you save my soul from evening to midnight, and from midnight to morning. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Evening Prayers for Lent

Despite the fact that the prayers that we read before going to bed according to church rule are always the same, they change during the fast. For, these days are intended to purify our souls, which means that prayer words before bedtime at this time should be special, repentant. A prayer before bedtime should begin with an appeal to God.

  • “Oh, Lord God, You have created all life on this earth, our King of heaven! So forgive me for all my transgressions that I created with thought or deed, for even in a dream I, the servant of God (your full name), do not lose faith in you. I believe with all my heart that I am able to cleanse my soul and deliver me from my transgressions. Every night and every day I place my sincere hope in Your defense. So hear my passionate prayer, give an answer to my tearful requests. Amen!"
evening prayer to god

And after it, you need to read the second evening prayer in fasting, which will be addressed to the Guardian Angel.

  • “Oh, my Guardian Angel, protector of my body and soul! Kohl, I sinned somewhere this day, I ask you, save me from this sin, do not let our Lord be angry with me for him. Pray for me the servant of God (your full name) of the Lord God, that He forgave and forgiven my sins and protected me from doing evil deeds. Amen!"

Reading prayers of praise before bedtime

Also, when going to bed, it is recommended to read the troparia - short evening prayers in Russian, which sing and glorify God and saints, and also are their call to help.

  • “Save and have mercy on us, oh God, save and have mercy! We cannot find any justification for our transgressions, and we bring this prayer to you as our Lord. Save and have mercy on us! ”;
  • “O Lord God, save and have mercy on us, for we trust only in You and Your mercy. So don’t be angry with us too much and don’t remember our sins, but look at us with your Benevolent gaze and deliver us from our enemies. For you are our Lord God, and we are Your people and the work of Your hands. Therefore thy name we invoke this hour ”;
  • “Blessed Mother of the Virgin, open the doors of your mercy to us so that we, with all our hearts, hoping for you, will not be ashamed, and rid ourselves of troubles with your pure prayers. For only You are the salvation of our Christian family ”;
  • “Oh, Lord God, save and have mercy!” We say this phrase 12 times.

Daily Prayers to the Guardian Angel, God the Father, and the Honest Cross

You can still every day before going to bed, read three evening prayers for a dream coming to your Guardian Angel, the Lord God and the Honest Cross. The first prayer is said to the angel, which appears at each of us at baptism and protects us throughout our lives.

bedtime prayer
  • “Oh Christ Angel, my patron saint and guardian of my body and soul! Forgive me all my sins that I committed the day before, and dismiss me from all sorts of deceitful enemies of evil, so that I could no longer anger the Lord God with a single sin. Pray for me the sinful and the unworthy, so that I can become worthy of the blessings and mercy of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God, and all the saints. Amen!"

The second prayer will be a prayer to God the Father.

  • “Oh, Lord God, the King of all earthly creatures, that allowed me to live to this hour. I beg you, forgive me all my sins that were committed by me on the day that passed, by thought, word, or deed, and cleanse my darling cursed from impurities, both mental and physical. And give me the opportunity, Lord, to spend the coming night calmly, so that as I would get up from my wretched bed, I would be able to do what is pleasing to Your holy name, and that every coming day of my life I could gain victory over my enemies, as corporeal and incorporeal. And fire me, Lord, from the passions of evil and bad thoughts empty. For Thine is the kingdom of heaven and the power of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

And the third evening prayer needs to be read by the Honest Cross.

  • « , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , . , , . Amen!"

Morning prayer

, , . , : " , ! !". , , , : ", , , !". , . , : , .

  1. «, , , ! , , , , !»
  2. “Oh, Holy Trinity, save and have mercy on us! God, cleanse us from our terrible sins. Gracious Master, forgive us our transgressions and our iniquities. Holy spirit, visit us and heal our ailments and weaknesses. All for the sake of Your great Name! ”
  3. “Our Father, who lives in heaven, may Thy name be glorified, may Thy eternal Kingdom come, may Thy will always be in heaven and on earth. Give us our vital bread today, and forgive us all our debts, as we always forgive those who owe us, and do not let us succumb to the devilish temptations, but spare us from the intrigues of the evil one. For only Thy kingdom of heaven exists, and glory, and the greatest power, now and forever and ever. Amen!"

There are such prayers.

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