Face cream after 50 years. Rating of anti-aging creams

Usually, the age “after fifty” is associated in women with such an unpleasant condition as menopause. In addition to all the other “gifts” of this difficult period, not directly related to the appearance, there is one that is difficult to hide from prying eyes. The skin begins to rapidly age, thereby causing women a lot of unpleasant emotions.

The effect of age-related processes on the skin condition

This is due to the fact that the main substances responsible for the health and beauty of the skin, elastin and collagen, almost cease to be produced in the body. The level of estrogen decreases, which leads to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands and drying out of the skin. It loses its elasticity, the cheeks and chin sag, the oval of the face changes its shape, “swims”. Many wrinkles appear. Those that were before, become deeper and more noticeable. Eyelids go down. Under the eyes, circles or bags form or enlarge.

What to do? Waving your hand at everything and living somehow further? This option is also possible if you are not particularly worried about the appearance, and you are calm about the aging process.

rating of the best creams for wrinkles

But those who want to keep youth and beauty as long as possible should not despair. Of course, youth cannot be returned. But you can do a lot for yourself, even at home. We will not talk about:

  • plastic surgery (they have a short-term effect at this age);
  • visiting beauty salons (not everywhere they are).

A good result gives a face cream after 50 years. The rating of this product indicates its diversity. But the cream itself will not save the situation.

Much for your skin can do the right thing. Here are some tips for women aged 50-60.

Face care

  • Wash your face with cold water. Soap is better to replace with foam for washing.
  • Toner marked 50+ treat the face after washing. It will restore the pH balance, enrich the skin with antioxidants.
  • Never leave makeup on your face.
  • You can cleanse your skin with lotion purchased at the store or prepared on your own. Ice cubes made from water or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  • Periodically (every three days) use face masks made of fruits, vegetables, yeast, oatmeal, honey. These substances have an anti-aging effect.
  • Learn how to massage your face.
  • Protect it from aggressive weather conditions (sun, frost, rain).
  • Every day, nourish cleansed skin with creams.

What cream is needed

Creams for skin care after 50 years should be used both day and night. They have different composition and functions.

face cream after 50 years rating

Daylight should have a light structure, perform protective functions and serve as a base for makeup.

Night cream nourishes skin cells, which are actively renewed at night while we sleep. It should contain extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils. It is supplemented with seaweed and minerals, amino acids. An effective cream using ginseng root and placenta.

DIY rejuvenating cream

If you don’t trust your face with any purchased creams, but you still need to take care of it, you can make an anti-aging cream with your own hands.

To do this, melt the base substance (wax, solid oil) in a water bath. Mix with honey, glycerin, lanolin, liquid essential oils (for rejuvenation) and cosmetic oils. Add vitamin capsules. Dilute with water. After removing from the water bath, thoroughly beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put the cream in a jar and store no more than a month.

As you can see, many ingredients for its creation need to be bought in a pharmacy. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is easier to buy a finished product.

Cream from the store

You can choose from your existing arsenal suitable for you face cream after 50 years. The rating of this product takes into account its effectiveness and price.

tips for women 50-60 years old face care

It also includes sunscreens. After all, at this age, tanning does not improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, protection elements are included in the best anti-aging face creams.

The ranking is headed by the Japanese Kanebo Sensai Cellular Performance Cream. A few days after the start of use, you will see a decrease in the number and size of facial wrinkles. Suitable for any skin. Apply twice a day, this non-greasy face cream after 50 years.

The rating continues to the sunscreen of the well-known and trusted manufacturer Nivea Sun SPF 20. It contains antioxidants. Update for quality protection after 2-3 hours.

And Chanell does not need to be recommended.

creams for skin care after 50 years

Her assortment also has face cream after 50 years. Rating highlights CC Cream Complete Correction SPF 30 / PA +++. It performs five functions at the same time: prevents wrinkles, moisturizes, creates a feeling of comfort, protects from sunlight, creates an even tone.

Eye wrinkle cream

The skin there is moisturized worse than other areas and is more prone to wrinkles. It is not for nothing that a woman, after reaching the age of 22, already needs to have a tool in her arsenal to care for this problem area.

And after 50 the situation escalates. Creams should remove not only traces of fatigue, but also swelling, smooth wrinkles. In addition, do not hurt your eyes. Therefore, when choosing such a cream, give preference to products approved by ophthalmologists.

best anti aging face creams rating

The rating of the best creams for wrinkles under the eyes is headed by Mizon Marine Collagen. It tightens the skin, removes circles and reduces swelling. The skin becomes firm.

Japanese Shiseido Benefiance Eye Cream allows you to get and maintain the desired result.

Inexpensive, but quite effective cream "Bark" contains extracts of plants such as cornflower, parsley. It contains caffeine, shea butter and olive. But there are no preservatives.

Observance of simple but effective rules for face care and the use of a cream suitable for you will help to preserve youthful skin for a long time.

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