BSUFK (Belarusian State University of Physical Culture): description, features of admission, specialties and reviews

Physical education and sport in modern life play an important role. They allow you to achieve the beauty and perfection of the body, improve health, harmonize physical and spiritual forces. Many people are interested in physical education and sports, decide to become specialists in this field. One of the universities in Belarus offers such individuals to receive appropriate higher education. It is about BSUFK. So abbreviated is the Belarusian State University of Physical Education.

About educational organization

For a long time, an educational institution has been operating in the capital of Belarus, which is training specialists for the field of physical education and sports. Since its foundation, it has been a small gymnasium. It trained only a few dozen people.

For more than 80 years, the university has grown, developed and improved. Now it is a large educational institution in which more than 4,500 students study. They are not only citizens of Belarus. Among them are foreigners. People come here to study from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other countries.

Belarusian State University of Physical Education

Educational work

The Belarusian State University of Physical Education sees its main task in the training of qualified specialists. The faculties existing in the university deal with its decision:

  • sports pedagogical faculty of martial arts and games;
  • sports pedagogical faculty of mass sports;
  • Faculty of Tourism and Physical Education Wellness Plan;
  • Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism;
  • Faculty of retraining and advanced training.

The university, first of all, offers its applicants to get higher education at the first level, having studied in one of the areas of undergraduate studies. The university invites people to cope with this to the magistracy. According to statistics, 51 people are currently studying in it. After obtaining a diploma, further education is possible. Belarusian State University of Physical Education has a graduate school, doctoral studies.

Belarusian State University of Physical Education

Scientific activities of educational institutions

The activities of the university are not limited to providing higher education opportunities and organizing the educational process. In addition, the university is engaged in scientific activities. Over the next few years, the educational institution plans to work in the following areas:

  • improving the training system for sports, physical education, tourism;
  • improving the training of a sports reserve and qualified athletes;
  • physical education of the population, therapeutic, adaptive and health-improving physical education, rehabilitation.

uo Belarusian State University of Physical Culture

University International Activities

In addition to educational and scientific activities, the state university is engaged in the establishment of international relations. This special department is working in the structure of the university of physical education. The tasks of this unit include:

  • informing foreign citizens about the conditions of admission, study;
  • implementation of academic exchanges;
  • participation in various international events;
  • establishing contacts with foreign universities, educational organizations.

BSUFK: specialties

The educational institution offers a wide range of specialties. For example, one of them is physical therapy. At the university, students study the impact of an active lifestyle on health and well-being. They learn to use massage and physical culture in the presence of various diseases, pathologies. As a result of training, students receive 2 qualifications, in accordance with which they can work as instructor-methodologists and teachers.

Belarusian State University of Physical Education reviews

Another area of ​​training is sports pedagogical work. There are several specializations: coaching, sports psychology and sports direction. On each of them 2 qualifications are assigned, one of which is a physical education teacher. The second qualification depends on the specialization:

  • the qualification awarded for coaching is a coach for a specific sport;
  • in sports psychology - a psychologist;
  • in sports directing - manager-director for sports events.

An interesting area of ​​preparation is hospitality and tourism. Upon successful mastering of the educational program, students receive the qualification of a specialist in the field of hospitality and tourism. However, until it is received, they master a huge number of disciplines such as the geography of international tourism, the organization of work of tourism enterprises, and tourist resources of Belarus.

University Entry Scheme

To get to BSUFK (Belarusian State University of Physical Education), you must first submit documents. They are processed by the selection committee. Work with applicants is carried out for a certain period of time, established by the Ministry of Education of Belarus. After submitting the documents, days are assigned for the entrance exams.

After passing the tests, the enrollment procedure begins:

  • first, students are those who have the right to do without passing exams;
  • then some applicants are enrolled out of competition (for example, orphans);
  • persons who are not eligible for benefits participate in the general competition;
  • a special competition is held separately;
  • as a result, lists of applicants are formed.

Belarusian State University of Physical Culture

Admission Exams

To enter the Belarusian State University of Physical Education, you need to pass 3 entrance tests. The first is the language (Belarusian or Russian - depending on the decision of the applicant). He gives up in the form of centralized testing (CT). Other disciplines are considered core. The main profile test in almost all areas of training is physical education and sport (it is a practical task). An exception is the specialty associated with hospitality and tourism. Here, the first profile test is geography in the form of CT.

The second specialized subject in all areas of preparation (with the exception of hospitality and tourism) is biology. The result of it is taken at the university of physical education in the form of CT. But on hospitality and tourism, it is necessary to undergo centralized testing in mathematics.

bgufk specialties

Grade Grades

UO "Belarusian State University of Physical Culture" provides each entrant with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with passing scores of past years. Information for the period starting from 2012 is available on the official website of the educational institution.

As an example, we can cite the data provided by the Belarusian State University of Physical Education - passing scores for 2016 for the budget department:

  • the maximum passing score was 276 on sports and tourist activities (specialization - management in tourism);
  • the second place in the number of points belongs to sports pedagogical activity (coaching in the field of karate), the minimum acceptable threshold value is 269;
  • third place can be given to hospitality and tourism - 265 points.

The lowest passing score on the budget was for specializations related to sports pedagogical activity (coaching). Here are the results:

  • 122 points - equestrian sport;
  • 133 points - billiard sport;
  • 150 points - wow.

uo Belarusian State University of Physical Culture

Belarusian State University of Physical Education: reviews

The educational organization receives positive feedback from students. The most important advantage, according to many people, is a wide range of areas of training. Of particular interest is the direction associated with coaching. Here you can choose a specialization, from gymnastics to bullet shooting.

Some students like the setting at the university. They are attracted by such features as a friendly atmosphere, good faculty. Also, the advantages include the presence of a specialty, which does not necessarily need to be a physically prepared person. This is hospitality and tourism. Absolutely any people can come to this direction.

UO "Belarusian State University of Physical Culture" (BSUFK) is a good place to study for those who lead an active lifestyle, are fond of sports. Passing points in some areas are small, so it’s quite possible to go to a budget place at this university.

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