Since what year is Putin the president of the Russian Federation? What year did Putin become president for the first time?

The distant and last year of the 20th century was a turning point in the history of our country. That year, a whole series of events took place that determined the course of Russian history in the first two decades of the 21st century. The year 1999 preceded the beginning of the first presidential term of V.V. Putin was saturated with fatal and terrible events. The outbreak of the second Chechen war, the aggressive election campaign before the December 19 State Duma elections, terrorist attacks in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the assault of the Basayev and Khattab gangs on villages in Dagestan, criminal showdowns, the war in Serbia, etc. That year, the crisis of political power put the country on verge of disaster. Since what year has Putin been president and how has his election affected the history of our country in the 21st century?

The crisis of political power

Since what year has Putin been president?

The complete failure of economic reforms, the consequences of the devaluation of the national currency that began a year earlier, and many other circumstances made B. Yeltsin an extremely unpopular figure in the eyes of an overwhelming number of voters. No political advertising and fraud could ensure the victory of B.N. Yeltsin in the upcoming 2000 elections, as happened in 1996, the impeachment campaign of the president, which unfolded in the State Duma, threatened to develop into prosecution and punishment of those responsible for the looting of the country - B.N. Yeltsin and the people standing behind him. Leading opposition parties - "Fatherland - All Russia" and the Communists - directly blamed for the failed reforms and plunder of the country on the family of President B.N. Yeltsin and the oligarchs. Slogans and statements of this nature emanating from the opposition found widespread support among ordinary voters and were a real threat to the ruling Yeltsin elite.

The phenomenon of Putin's Russia

Since when did Putin become president of Russia?

Since what year has Putin been president? Since 2000 , Russian history begins a more consistent and progressive development, acquires some certainty and stability, and is characterized by a number of economic and political achievements. This can be called a phenomenon of Putin's Russia, but before the March 2000 elections, no definite historical paradigm existed. The year 1999 hides a lot of alternative historical options that were all discarded in the State Duma elections in December 1999 and in the presidential election in 2000. All but one.

Since when Putin became the president of Russia legally

Since what year Putin became president.

V.V. Putin won the presidential election on March 26, 2000, gaining nearly 53% of the vote. Since what year is Putin the president of the Russian Federation? The first term began on May 7, the date of the inauguration. G. Zyuganov was the closest rival of Putin in these elections, who received significantly fewer votes - 29.2%. But at the time of the March elections, V.V. Putin was already the acting president, so the year 2000 is not the date that should be considered the beginning of his presidency.

Since what year is Putin the president of the Russian Federation? In fact, V.V. Putin began to carry out full presidential functions earlier, namely, on December 31, 1999, when the previous Russian president B.N. appointed him to this post Yeltsin. It was on the last day of the outgoing 1999 V.V. Putin received from B.N. Yeltsin's entire spectrum of presidential powers. In the morning, at 11 o’clock, in the presence of the patriarch and in a festive atmosphere, the first president of Russia handed over presidential powers to V.V. To Putin. The new president was also handed over all the attributes of state power, including the “nuclear suitcase”. The first decree of the acting president was a document guaranteeing the inviolability of B.N. Yeltsin and his family members, as well as promising not to prosecute these people in court. Since what year is Putin the president for the first time? The beginning of the first presidential term must be considered from May 7, 2000, when the inauguration took place.

From what year did Putin become president and what preceded this

Since what year is Putin the president of the Russian Federation.

Appointment V.V. Putin’s highest position in the country was preceded by a series of dramatic events. The richest people behind B.N. Yeltsin and actively using influence on the highest power in the country for the sake of even greater personal enrichment, needed a new politician who could lead the country, maintain power preferences for the former elite and give them security guarantees. One of such influential people was B.A. Berezovsky, who was the actual owner of the first TV channel. Thanks to the aggressive election campaign that took place in the fall of 1999 before the Duma elections, through the efforts of these people they managed to gain enough votes to form one of the largest Unity (Bear) factions, which was to become the pillar of power of the new president V.V. Putin, who at that time was the chairman of the government. Appointment V.V. Putin’s presidency was preceded by a very complex election campaign aimed at gaining the ranking of both the future president and the parliamentary majority in the upcoming elections.

Features of the election campaign of the second president of Russia 1999-2000

since what year is Putin the first term

The main emphasis in this election campaign was placed on the war in Chechnya, the fight against terrorism and the restoration of order in the country. As the main character, the head of the FSB, V.V., was elected Putin, who was appointed prime minister in August 1999. In those days, the powers of the chairman of the government were actively used to achieve success in an independent political career. Prime Minister Primakov, who was dismissed in May 1999, led with Luzhkov a political party that posed a real threat to the ruling elite ahead of the December elections. The political significance of the figure of the chairman of the government grew sharply against the background of losing president B.N. Yeltsin.

Further actions aimed at revealing the positive image of the new political leader of Russia were associated with overcoming the threats of terrorism and the war in Chechnya. Channel One B.A. Berezovsky actively criticized both the Luzhkov-Primakov party and the Communist Party. This time was remembered by all citizens of Russia on Friday’s performances on the First channel of the famous TV presenter Dorenko. The struggle against Chechen terrorism unfolded throughout the country, and military operations began in Chechnya itself, the successes of which could be interpreted through mass media controlled by power structures as victorious. The charismatic image of the new Russian politician V.V. From the very beginning, Putin began to be perceived as the image of an uncompromising fighter for state interests, capable of protecting the country.

When Putin actually came to power

Since what year has Putin actually been president? If in 2000 the Putin era began officially, on the basis of the will of the people, then the actual presidency of Putin began a little earlier. We can assume that it began with the decree of the first Russian president B.N. Yeltsin on the appointment of V.V. Putin to the position of interim at the end of 1999. And maybe it’s worth considering that his presidency began even earlier - from working as Prime Minister since August 1999, when in the hands of V.V. Putin concentrated an extremely large fullness of power and began to form the features of modern Russia, which later historians call Putin?

Popular support is the key to success for the presidency

From what year Putin became president of Russia, from that year you need to count the time of the beginning of a new era. Many features of the reign of the second president of our country have manifested since 1999, when the country approached a historic fork and was actually on the verge of collapse, full of anarchy and civil war. Historical realities forced VV Putin to act toughly, uncompromisingly, at the same time he had to not lose popularity among Russian voters, “be on the frame”, present evidence of real affairs and achievements, speak vividly and figuratively, realizing that only the support of the majority is the key to the success of all his affairs and beginnings.

The first steps of the new leader of the country

Since what year has Putin become president and new politician? It is possible that in 1999 the history of Russia had many alternative development paths, but since 2000 there have been no alternatives. V.V. Putin did not leave a single chance to influence the history of the country to so many people who before that were very influential. In that year, two Russian oligarchs, V. Gusinsky and B. Berezovsky, immediately lost their influence. The course taken by the new president to fight the oligarchs in 2000 was carried out in the future, but the methods of struggle that were applied in the first year of V.V. Putin, remained roughly the same. V. Gusinsky controlled his own NTV channel and in the pre-election parliamentary race supported the Luzhkov-Primakov party “Fatherland-All Russia”. Critics regarded the change of leadership of NTV as a direct fight against dissent.

What were the true political views and preferences of the new president

An interesting tactical move, which reveals a little the true political preferences of the new president. To create a parliamentary coalition of the majority, the party of V.V. Putin's "Bear" teamed up with the Communist Party - its ideological opponents. The Luzhkov party, behind which Gusinsky stood, Yabloko and other political forces, now called the fifth column, did not then gain control of any of the committees in the State Duma. Behind the president’s rhetoric of adherence to free market ideas, there was always a determination to tightly adjust economic processes where necessary.

The fate of political opponents

since what year is Putin the president of Russia

From what year Putin is the president of Russia, from that time the sunset of the era of the Yeltsin oligarchs begins. In June 2000, V. Gusinsky, in exchange for freedom and the opportunity to go abroad, “voluntarily” transferred his property and the media belonging to him to those merchants who supported the new president in all elections. B. Berezovsky also left the country, resigning from his deputy powers, under the threat of prosecution for fraud, which he abused during the reign of B. Yeltsin. The ORT channel has ceased to be dependent on the previous owner. The removal of large oligarchs from politics and the deprivation of their ability to support opposition movements to the current government have become an important guarantee of the success of such a long reign of the second president of Russia. The oligarchs lost their influence one by one, and the power of the new president continued to strengthen. In 2004, the year Putin became president for the second time, the Yukos trial was in full swing, the main person involved - the oligarch Khodorkovsky - was in custody, and the tactics of dealing with objectionable oligarchs remained the same.

The struggle for the country or the struggle for power

It is difficult to say to what extent the methods of dealing with oligarchs who left the political scene were legal, but V.V. popular support Putin from this did not decrease. The fighting in the Chechen Republic turned into losses even greater than in the previous military campaign, and the course of military operations was not always brilliant, but everyone knew that the country's interests were at stake. Voters forgave the second president for many controversial decisions in the subsequent years of V.V. Putin, because they believed that their expediency was ultimately dictated by the interests of the state and the common good. Since what year has Putin been president 2 times? This happened in 2004, when Russian citizens again supported the second president in the elections. And in 2004, and in 2012, after another victory in the presidential election, and in 2014, when tragic events took place in Ukraine, the popularity of the second president continues to remain unrivaled.

High ranking question

since what year is Putin president of the Russian Federation

An important role in this matter was played by propaganda. Even in the first presidential race V.V. Putin relied on a bright frame that creates a positive image of a person who is unable to put his personal and selfish interest above the interests of the whole society. Fighter flight, downhill skiing, participation in judo sparring, military dressing - all these are elements of the image of V.V. Putin clearly entered the consciousness of most people from the first days of his power. What could Vladimir Vladimirovich change when he became a public figure from the very year that Putin became president? Deadline VV Putin has slightly changed the details of the image, but the logic of the political decisions of the second president as a whole remains the same.

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