The information that enlightened people live among us has been exciting, scaring and enrapturing humanity for several years. A vivid example of enlightenment is the Dalai Lama.
He, like his enlightened compatriots, differs from ordinary people in that if you look at him with the so-called “subtle” (energetic) vision, you can see the unusual luminosity surrounding him, unusual for ordinary people.
Signs of enlightenment
Enlightened people, according to esoteric researchers, have a very even and clean energy field that gives clean, direct rays (usually multi-colored). It is also known that enlightened people living in big cities are forced to hide their luminosity so that they are not recognized.
According to a certain group of mystics, enlightenment is not connected with the arguments of logic. To be enlightened means to go beyond the boundaries of physical and mental capabilities. A physical body that is not adapted to changes of this kind often does not withstand the load, and the phenomena that a person has to face are so powerful that they provoke mental and physical health disorders. Especially enlightenment affects the quality of sleep: a person becomes so meaningful that sleep cannot master his body.
What kind of enlightened person is he? Signs that should not be confused with anything
In Tibet, many times the facts of absorption of a person by rainbow light were recorded, but such cases there are commonplace. Through years of meditation, Tibetan lamas learn to separate the mind from the body. As a result, the body becomes unnecessary: the mind takes it with itself into eternity in the form of absolute energy.
In the 60s of the 20th century, a Tibetan lama - a person with an awakened, enlightened consciousness, asked his relatives not to disturb him and retired to his hut for a week. After this period, rainbow light “poured” from all the cracks in his house, and the llama himself disappeared without a trace.
Can “negative characters” achieve this state?
Adolf Hitler, who, according to individual research groups, possessed the skills of a psychic, did not doubt that there was a place on the planet called the hollow Earth. The idea of the existence of a hollow Earth, inhabited by creatures that cannot be called people, has indeed been discussed more than once among the esotericists. The assumptions of the Russian researcher of the occult magic of the German fascists Sergey Zubkov completely coincide with this statement.
The reason for the racial purges that Hitler loved to carry out in the Third Reich, the scientist considers Nazi attempts to attract the attention of the underground "masters" who were supposed to take part in the reconstruction of the familiar world.
Did Hitler have a chance to become an enlightened person? According to authoritative esotericists, the presence of paranormal abilities is not enlightenment, but rather a continuation of the game invented by the mind and ego. True, sometimes a game moves to a new level, that is, it becomes more sophisticated (but does not cease to be a game).
But this is not the pinnacle yet - it is the mind that builds upon obstacles striving for the True reality beautiful obstacles, making him think that he is almost at the goal. But if there is no real mentor next to the “player”, there will be no one to warn him that he has played too much.
All these games and levels, the stages of awakening and enlightenment from the point of view of Unconditional Reality are a figment of the human imagination, since there are neither players, nor sleeping, nor lost, nor Absolute, nor relative reality on the way to the spiritual heights. The mind uses information about the stages of enlightenment only to calm the ego. And the most widespread ways to approach God all come down to a gradual and not without duality, hard daily work, the completion of which requires many years (or lives).
Enlightenment does not guarantee physical health
How long do enlightened people live? For several centuries, the answer to this question has shocked materialistic scientists.
Some historians and psychologists who deny the existence of True Reality admit that an enlightened person may well be socially adapted and successful in the professional and financial fields. Indeed, people who are ideal in all respects cannot be unhappy in family and social life.
The majority of materialists consider the fact that enlightened people who, it would seem, were closest to Divine miracles, became a victim of earthly diseases from which they died prematurely, as the main false argument that does not fit into the esoteric picture of the world.
Earthly body - fragile thing
Indeed, many enlightened teachers were dying of cancer and other incurable diseases. Buddha, for example, died after several months of torment caused by poisoning. His many followers, observing the suffering of his Master, first expected a miraculous recovery, and then - the resurrection from the dead. But the miracle never happened.
For almost 40 years, Krishnamurti was tormented by a monstrous migraine, and Ramakrishna suffered from paranoid hallucinations, but died of throat cancer when the topic was 45 years old. Swami Vivekananda was ill with diabetes and died at 38. His weight at the time of death was 120 kg.
Sri Swami Sivananda suffered from diabetes and obesity, while Sri Aurobindo suffered from tuberculosis and nephritis. Carlos Castaneda died of liver cancer when he was 73.
Elena Blavatsky was no exception . Like other enlightened people in the world, she was very ill. Suffered from dropsy, thrombophlebitis, asthma and hallucinations. She died at the age of 60 from the flu.
Nicholas Roerich died at age 73 from lung disease, and his wife Elena Roerich (suffered from coronary heart disease and chronic catarrh of the stomach) died at 76 years old.
Malignant tumors affected many enlightened people. Porfiry Ivanov lived and suffered from cancer and hard drinking in Russia (he died in the 90s of the past century) .
There are several opinions that explain the untimely departure of the great Masters. Two explanations are considered the most relevant to reality, which will be discussed below.
Not forewarned - means disarmed
Firstly, the sudden death of all great people is the result of unconditional service to other people. Giving all their strength and knowledge to the afflicted, they forgot to take care of their bodies.
Secondly, no doctrine mentions that enlightenment is a shock of enormous power, piercing the brain like a lightning bolt. Only a few enlightened people find the strength to save their brain from destruction. As a rule, the “lucky ones” include individuals who systematically trained and used their mental abilities: philosophers, mathematicians, physicists ...
According to statistics, a simple person exploits his brain by about 5% of its potential capabilities. A great man uses about 15% of his potential. And the one who uses 33%, that is, a third of the possibilities, will be able to survive enlightenment.
Secret statistics are no less implacable: sudden death overtakes 90% of people who managed to survive enlightenment. And the enlightened people of our time who survived (10% of them) will never tell anyone about what they have experienced, because their brain is no longer subordinate to them, which means it cannot be used as a speech mechanism.
No one has ever mentioned these shocking details over the centuries. But no one asked ...
Side effects
The “best qualities” of an enlightened person make their continued stay on Earth impossible. A large number of people, having become enlightened, die at the same instant - from the experience gained, the heart stops and breathing stops. Only a few survive, and almost all of them in the past were either dashing adventurers or possessed life-threatening professions. Receiving some doses of exciting experiences throughout their previous lives, they were able to cope with a more severe shock. But even if their hearts did not stop after what happened, their bodies, having changed, would suffer.
The human body can function normally when it is within its capabilities. But since enlightenment is a step beyond, everything that is poorly developed breaks down. The body also breaks, which, fortunately, will never be useful to the enlightened one.
Real Masters are silent about their achievements
Observing people have noticed that the debate about the essence of enlightenment and the methods of spiritual practices is the destiny of beginners or those who have not even set foot on this path. Experienced mystics call this behavior a game of religious practicism based on the desire to show off.
What is the reason for such discussions and conflicts? Experienced esotericists argue that, knowingly or not, the debaters thus express their insecurity: "But have I chosen the right path?" Beginners, chatting about the "high", do not suspect that this indicates a lack of experience in them and uncertainty about the correctness of life choice. The eyes of an enlightened person radiate calm and leave no doubt about the strength of his faith. As for the novice’s faith, any example of someone else’s negative experience can weaken it.
Trying to prove to others (and above all to themselves) that they are on the right track, many newcomers begin to doubt even more, and this doubt leads to aggression first, and then fanaticism. And then what? Protecting one's faith is becoming a matter of honor and requires more and more radical measures, such as, for example, burning “heretics” and “witches,” intimidation by sects, “jihad,” and so on.
What does enlightened mean? A person who wants to find a good teacher, at least once, but asked himself this question. How to distinguish a real, enlightened master? By his silence. An enlightened guru will never engage in a debate about “whose faith is more correct,” because he knows that all paths of enlightenment lead to the same God, and therefore to the same result.
Theory and practice of enlightenment
Each of the ways of enlightenment provides for the possibility of obtaining secret signs and consists of certain stages of awakening. As for the secret signs, inexperienced students receive them from the guru, and people who have long practiced the spiritual path are guided by them to determine if they are lost in the illusory "wilds" of their mind.
The secret signs of different schools differ among themselves, so it makes no sense to compare them. These are just peculiar “notches”, upon seeing which, the walker will understand that he is on the right track.
People involved in various practices receive many diverse, blissful states (which make up experience), as well as the opportunity to see and hear what is hidden from ordinary people, to go to subtle worlds and meet saints. Many newcomers, succumbing to the temptation, force themselves to believe that they are already enlightened and stuck at one of these stages, fascinated by their own lofty experiences and revealed abilities.
Those who know about the practical philosophy of yoga and Vedanta (Vasishtha), they also know that a person who is on the path of development can achieve the state of a completely Enlightened, half-enlightened or unenlightened being.
Ordinary beings (including humans) who are relatively “sound asleep” regarding the Absolute Reality are called unenlightened.
Perfectly Enlightened Yogis are those who, relying on personal experience, know themselves as Absolute Reality or take root in it, having achieved self-awareness. People who feel themselves merged with God and see reality as it really is are called samadhi. Samadhas were Shiva, Krishna and Allah. It is to this indescribable state that all yogis strive.
Sahaja-samadhi refers to people who live ordinary lives while in samadhi. Sahaja-samadha is forced to release part of his attention and direct it towards fulfilling daily duties and maintaining life in the physical body.
Absolutely enlightened people realize the Absolute Reality even during a night's sleep. In dreams filled with divine radiance, they are able to travel through the subtle worlds inhabited by gods.
Semi-enlightened are people who have touched the Absolute Reality for only a short moment and returned to their usual state. Some semi-enlightened ones are able to perceive and understand the Truth absolutely correctly, despite the fact that their consciousness is not yet completely purified.
There are individuals who have accepted the Truth and understand its essence, but they failed to experience the necessary experience and experiences. Not knowing that consciousness will not be cleansed until the mind calms down, they are engaged in speculating with the statements of enlightened masters. According to some mystics, this is also a good start to the path. Saying the correct statements an inconceivable number of times, they thereby bring about a cleansing of consciousness and a calming mind.
Enlightened people of our time
Many users of the global network are interested in: are there enlightened people in Russia? According to the information available to modern esotericists, in the 50s of the last century, the incarnation of highly developed souls on Earth began throughout the world (and, therefore, in Russia). The reason for the "landing" was the need to protect the independent will of the enlightened earthlings. The first wave of incarnations (Indigo children) was completed in the 60s of the 20th century, the second was produced between 1980 and 1990 (Crystal children), the arrival of the third wave (the birth of Rainbow children) is currently taking place.
The last two waves are mostly the offspring of matured Indigo. Indigo parents create conditions for their offspring under which their innate intuitive, telepathic and extrasensory abilities develop very quickly. Many children already have the ability to psychokinesis (the movement of objects in close proximity) and telekinesis (the movement of far objects). The next stage for them will be the development of technologies for levitation, teleportation and the ability to stay in two places at once at the same time.
What is the difference between an enlightened person and an unenlightened one? An ordinary, unenlightened person with limited knowledge believes that the universe is infinite.
An enlightened, changed person does not see the Universe and understands the limitlessness of wisdom and knowledge that he saw with his inner vision. He also knows that the universe has boundaries, and knowledge is limitless.
According to the information recorded in the Vedas, the soul of the enlightened, having realized himself, leaves the material (no longer needed) body or burns the body in the fire of tejas (life force). According to people who are following this path, an enlightened person can be seen right away, because he constantly speaks and writes that “awakening is outside the mind.”
According to the same source, there are other people who also talk and write a lot about their activities with awareness and magic ... a deliberate lie, because they are inside the mind and are not enlightened.
How to recognize an enlightened person? Every school, as you know, has its own methods of enlightenment. But each enlightened master opens in front of his students the same Absolute Reality (the highest spiritual realization), which can be achieved in different ways. Therefore, the master of one school is not given in absentia to judge the degree of enlightenment of the master of another school. Only by meeting and talking (or pausing) can enlightened masters answer this question.