"Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy": the author of the phrase and its meaning

IN AND. Lenin more than a hundred years ago said: "Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy." This formula is proven by time. The main task of any government is to create a developed economy. Without it, it will not be able to maintain power. What is a policy? This is an area of ​​action between states, peoples, classes, social groups. Economic relations in any of these areas are fundamental.

politics is a concentrated expression of the economy who said

Political organization of society

How can one explain the expression that politics is a concentrated expression of the economy? Any organized society does not exist simply as a group of people. It has its own structure. This applies to his political organization. It consists of a system of institutions, the main of which is the state, as well as political parties, organizations, institutions. As a result of the historical development of society, the emergence of classes and states, the formation of a political system occurs.

It depends on many factors, but more on the structure of society and the class struggle. The sharper the latter, the greater the number of issues that are involved in the political system. Politics is divided into internal and external. They solve different issues, but at the same time they are aimed at solving one problem: preserving and strengthening the state system of society. Politics is based on the economy, being its superstructure. The more thorough this foundation, the firmer the position of the state. So, is politics a concentrated expression of the economy? Let's get it right.

politics is a concentrated expression of the economy

Society structure

From the point of view of sociology, a society consists of many historically established ties, systems and institutions that operate on a single territory. The structure of society is complex. It consists of:

  • A large number of people, citizens who are united among themselves according to several principles. At the place of residence: cities, towns, villages and so on. At the place of work: any enterprises, state institutions. At the place of study: universities, institutes, colleges, schools.
  • Many social statuses. Citizens, heads of enterprises and organizations, deputies of various levels, political and public figures and so on.
  • State and social norms and values ​​that determine the specific activities of people, systems and institutions.

Despite the complex structure, society, from the point of view of sociology, is a single, but not without contradictions, organism. It has its own social structure. These are stable and balanced relations, which are determined by the relations of classes and other social groups, the division of labor, and the characteristics of institutions.

The main characteristic of society is the relative unity of the productive forces and administrative structures. Between them, certain economic, political and legal relations take shape, between which there are mutual relations and actions.

Politics or economics

Until our time, the debate, which is primary, politics or economics, has not subsided. Politics defines economics or vice versa. Therefore, the expression of Lenin is constantly disputed: "Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy." These two factors are inextricably linked. But the history of the last century knows no examples of the opposite. A state with a weak economy cannot pursue its independent foreign and domestic policy. It depends on economically developed countries, which today determine the most important issues of world politics.

Backward countries in the economic development of the country practically do not participate in this. There is a claim that the economy is the basis for politics. This definition was put forward and justified by K. Marx in Capital. He argued that the political superstructure of any state is based on the economic structure of society. This is a law, and the whole history of the development of mankind can serve as proof of this.

according to politics this is a concentrated expression of the economy

Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy

Who said this, making this phrase defining? This thesis of V.I. Lenin formulated, leading a discussion on trade unions with L. Trotsky and N. Bukharin. According to him, politics has no superiority over the economy. Attempts to even equate them may be erroneous. This can be traced throughout the history of human society. It should be borne in mind that the economic basis, being the basis of the structure of society, contains not only political, but also other add-ons.

Policy Purpose

Based on long-term factors, it should provide real conditions for the development of the economy. Without a solid foundation, its add-ons cannot be effective. Politics primarily reflects the economy. This confirms that politics is a concentrated expression of the economy. The solution of its questions and problems is, first of all, necessary for the preservation and strengthening of political power. But at the same time, the logic of politics cannot always correspond to the logic of economics.

In a sense, politics has a large degree of independence, trying to solve not only economic, but also other issues important to the state. But this is not at all easy to do without a strong economic foundation. There is no strong political power without the support of the people. He will always support the government that provides his basic needs. And this, first of all, is a well-paid work that provides the necessary benefits - decent housing, medical care, education, pensions and much more. All this is guaranteed only by an economically developed state.

modern technology

Politics and Economics in the Age of Globalization

What explanation can be given to politics as a concentrated expression of the economy in an age of universal globalization. To do this, at first glance, is quite difficult. Historically, the development of civilizations in the world is uneven. It is globalization that accelerates this process. This can be seen in developing countries, where the growth of material inequality has become more significant. With the visible growth of the economy, its growing indicators, these countries remain politically dependent. This is understandable, since corporations that invested in the construction of enterprises owned by transcontinental companies do not intend to develop foreign states and economies.

The lion's share of income goes to them. The remaining percentages are divided between those in power, senior managers, crumbs go to employees. The rest of the population is given the right to contemplate from the shacks surrounding ultra-modern megacities, the splendor of palaces, expensive cars, and everything else that the above-mentioned parts of the population can afford. Can one expect an independent policy from these economically dependent states? Of course not.

explanation of politics as a concentrated expression of the economy

Economic component

The development of civilization has now reached such a level that the leading position in the world is occupied not by those countries where there are more factories. This position is occupied by states possessing advanced technologies. This is what allows them to dictate their conditions in politics. Giant production is usually built in countries that belong to the third world. Assuming that politics is a concentrated expression of the economy, it can be argued that states that do not have a strong and solid basis cannot possess advanced technologies.

Possessing technology, developed countries dictate their conditions, well aware that without this component there will be no movement forward. Currently, a small number of countries, such as Germany, China, and the USA, constitute economic dominance. It is these countries that conduct active foreign policy activities, trying to dictate the political conditions that they need, widely defending their benefits.

politics concentrated expression of economy author of this expression

Independent policy

Is it possible for countries with undeveloped economies to pursue an independent independent policy that provides great opportunities for progressive impacts on the development of the state and on the historical process at present? Today there are no such precedents in the world. In modern history, there are attempts to defend their interests, declaring their independence, but they all ended in failure.

This can be seen in the example of Iraq, where the bombing was carried out, followed by military intervention. US Appointment of Venezuelan President. Can someone object? Only China and Russia. These examples, alas, are not isolated. Or the construction of the Nord Stream. Where is the independent policy of developed Germany here?

politics is a concentrated expression of the economy

Russia is politics without a strong basis

“Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy.” The author of this expression V.I. Lenin today is not an honor in Russia. But history develops according to the laws discovered by Marx. Their works are studied in the West and in the USA. Today one cannot even compare the levels of economic development of America and Russia. This is what gives Trump the opportunity to solve any political issues more easily and with less loss. To this we can add the omnipotent dollar, which even in Russia can do absolutely everything. A strong economy makes it easy to maneuver when resolving any issue: to ban, not to sell or not to buy. This is an opportunity to press, “twist your arms”, knowing the holes and problems of the enemy.

It was not without reason that there were attempts to challenge the expression that politics is a concentrated expression of the economy. Russia is given as an example, where foreign policy today plays a crucial role in comparison with the economy. Here there is one “but” that prevents the refutation of this statement. The fact is that Russia inherited from the USSR a strong economy and its result - the most powerful defense in the world, which makes us reckon with it today.

The first thing after Gorbachev's betrayal in the 90s began to collapse enterprises with high technology, where they began to produce household goods - pans, pans and so on. Many of the latest developments have been stolen or sold in the United States for mere pennies. The country suffered tremendous damage. The foreign and domestic policy of Russia in the 90s is a laugh through tears. Even the Americans themselves were completely sure that Russia would never get off its knees. It took them ten years to realize that this was not so. The result is today's sanctions.

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