The woman's lower abdomen is very sore: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Surely many people have ever felt unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen. This feeling does not occur from scratch, usually, this indicates the presence of an infectious disease, an upset gastrointestinal tract or a usual cramp. In women, they may appear before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Infectious diseases that cause pain include gastritis, an ulcer, salmonellosis, and some others. Such pain is usually very acute, sometimes with bouts of nausea. Cramps are usually associated with muscle strain due to severe physical exertion. This pain gradually increases and subsides. With gastrointestinal disorders, it most often occurs after eating.

As you can see, if a woman’s lower abdomen hurts right or left, the reasons can be very diverse.


Appendicitis, according to statistics, is one of the most common diseases of the human digestive system. Its danger lies in the relatively fast flow time and possible complications that appear if an operation to remove it is not done in time. This disease occurs at any age, however, most often it manifests itself before the age of 40 years. And women are somewhat more susceptible to it. After 40 years, the likelihood of appendicitis is somewhat reduced, but does not completely disappear.

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​usually very acute, since inflammation causes accumulation of pus. Further, the appendix gradually increases in size, which leads to the appearance of painful sensations. In the end, its wall breaks and pus gets out. The most common symptoms of this disease are acute pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, high fever. There is a special medical term - “acute abdominal syndrome”, which includes conditions accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal cavity, various intoxications and fever.

Intestinal infections

When an intestinal infection forms, pain begins with a dull, non-localized pain, which occupies a significant part of the peritoneum, subsequently concentrating in the lower abdomen with a return to the lumbar region. After first aid has been provided and proper therapy has been carried out, a recovery period begins, which includes the following measures:

  • adherence to a therapeutic diet;
  • ensuring calm, according to the needs of bed rest;
  • taking drugs from the group of sorbents.

The duration of rehabilitation is different, due to the personal characteristics of the body and the severity of the medical case. Abdominal pain after the infectious disease is normal and is considered residual. The pain syndrome after intestinal infection is able to remain for 3-6 days. If a person adheres to proper nutrition, the aid procedure will be faster. It is recommended to use herbal teas every day, especially with chamomile, which has a relaxing effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Genital infections

Pain in the lower abdomen in women can have many causes. This is mainly a violation of the functions of organs. One of the reasons may be an infection. There are 30 types of different infections, one of which may be chlamydia. After infection, symptoms in patients appear after one or four weeks. Urination and bleeding are also added to the pain, which pass very painfully between menstruation. The lower back may also be affected. This infection in some women leads to inflammation of the cervix or fallopian tubes, can lead to pathologies during pregnancy, diseases of the spleen, liver.

Chlamydia is very resistant to adverse effects. It can also exist in indoor conditions. The incubation period runs from 2 to 4 weeks. These bacteria can be infected in several ways: regular sex, as well as vaginal or oral, household items. To cure chlamydia, you need a complex process. Basically, antibiotic therapy is used. Since chlamydia is very sensitive to many antibiotics, they can be easily treated. If complications arise in the patient during treatment, then procedures are prescribed that stimulate and improve blood circulation at the lesion site.

Inflammation pain


Endometriosis is a disease that occurs in more mature women, after 35 years. However, this diagnosis can also be found in young girls. The disease is difficult enough to cure. However, with timely contact with a specialist, therapy can bring a positive effect. At the initial stage of the course of the disease, a woman may not feel any of her signs. With an advanced degree of endometriosis, the pain is severe and has a cramping nature.

Basically, pain is concentrated throughout the lower back and lower abdomen. With such a diagnosis, the most dangerous is not himself, but its possible consequences. It can cause infertility in a woman or even terminate a pregnancy (miscarriage). Basically, the treatment of endometriosis is carried out with the help of surgical intervention.

For women suffering from this disease, there are many negative points:

  • risk not to conceive or bear a child;
  • persistent pain;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • mental and emotional disruptions.

To eliminate the pain syndrome, a woman can take painkillers. However, do not postpone the trip to the gynecologist. At the most advanced stage of endometriosis, the patient’s reproductive organs — the ovaries, appendages, and the uterus itself — are promptly removed.

Ovarian apoplexy

If there is pain in the lower abdomen, this can cause ovarian rupture, after which bleeding inside the abdominal cavity opens. The disease manifests itself in various forms. It can be a painful, anemic or mixed form.

The following symptoms are characteristic of pain apoplexy, this is the appearance of sharp pain, while the sensation arises both in the lower abdomen and can be felt in the region of the navel and anus.

The following signs characterize the anemic manifestation: loss of consciousness, drying out of mucous membranes in the oral cavity, perspiration, weak pulse, but frequent, skin integuments, temperature rises to 38 ° C.

When patients have a mixed form of this disease, then, in addition to pain symptoms, there is also an anemic manifestation of this disease. It is possible that there are secretions in which blood is present. In addition to all of the above symptoms, patients may have low blood pressure, weakness, heart rate, rapid chills, chills, vomiting. Ovarian rupture occurs due to the appearance of strong tension in the abdominal cavity of women.

Abdominal pain in a woman

Uterine fibroids

Today, one of the most common female diseases is uterine fibroids. Myoma is a disease in which a tumor formation grows on one of the walls of the uterus. Most often, the tumor occurs in women of reproductive age - from 20 to 45 years. Experts have not yet reached an unambiguous conclusion about the causes of this ailment and distinguish two theories:

  • hormonal, according to which a tumor appears due to an imbalance of two main hormones - estrogen and progesterone;
  • The immunosuppressive version is that with the weakening of the body's defenses, oncological neoplasms can occur.

Almost every sick woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen. The reasons for this may be: at the initial stages, when the tumor has not yet reached a large size, it, as a rule, does not disturb the patient, however, as it grows, the myoma begins to blow out the internal organs, disrupting normal blood supply.

Numerous studies have shown that pain is directly dependent on the type of tumor. For this reason, various species may bother the head, stomach, side, lower back and back.

Uterine fibroids

Ovarian cyst

Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of an ovarian cyst. If the slightest signs occur, consult a doctor. Timely appointment of therapy will help prevent possible negative consequences.

There are several reasons why the left lower abdomen hurts in women, as well as for the right side:

  • a large amount of education - it puts pressure on neighboring organs;
  • strong physical activity;
  • active sex;
  • pelvic injury;
  • rupture of a cyst.

These symptoms may be absent. A woman learns about the presence of the disease at a scheduled appointment with a specialist. Pain in the presence of such a formation in most cases is localized in the lower abdomen (right or left). The nature of the pain is aching, sometimes it can be cutting. Sometimes painful sensations can move from the abdomen to the lower back, sacrum, groin. Even the lower limbs can hurt.

An increase in discomfort mainly occurs before and during menstrual days. To relieve pain, women can take painkillers, a warm shower, and lie down in a relaxed position. However, do not postpone the trip to specialists for a long time, since this education can increase and worsen the state of health.

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages

If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts before menstruation, then this may be a symptom of inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, these diseases should be immediately treated by a gynecologist. Since in time untreated diseases will go into a chronic form.

If pathogenic microbes get into the inside of the muscles, this is an endometritis disease. In this case, women first appear white then yellow discharge, then the disease goes into inflammation of the appendages. In the case when stagnation occurs in the small pelvis, metroendometritis occurs, discharge with blood and pus. Body temperature is elevated, general condition is weak, severe pain in the lower abdomen. When inflammation arose in the outer layer of the uterus, it is perimetric, with vomiting, fever, and sharp pains in the lower abdomen.

This inflammatory process occurs in the tubes, in the ligaments, ovaries, it can be salpingoophoritis, adnexitis. Such a disease as adnexitis is caused by microorganisms located in the internal organs of women, with a decrease in immunity, the disease develops. Also, these diseases can be caused by various cleansings in the body of a woman, after abortion, childbirth and surgical interventions.

pregnancy and pain

Ectopic pregnancy

The main sign of an ectopic pregnancy is that the lower abdomen in a woman on the right or left is very sore. Mostly unpleasant sensations are localized on the one hand, in the place where the embryo attached to the fallopian tube. With an increase in gestation, pain intensifies and begins to cover the entire abdomen. Also from the vagina can go spotting. Pain can even accompany the process of going to the toilet. In the presence of such symptoms, consult a doctor.

Pain in an ectopic pregnancy is dull and aching, and there is also a heaviness in the abdomen. During the initial stage of the course of the disease, a woman may not feel pain at all. Or it will be so weak as at the beginning of pregnancy, when the uterus is just starting to grow. Each woman has painful signs of a pathological pregnancy that are of a different nature and appear at different times.

If the expectant mother suddenly notices at least the slightest deviation, then you must immediately go to the hospital. Specialists will immediately perform an ultrasound to make an accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound diagnosis is the most accurate research method, which determines all the subtleties of the course of pregnancy and helps to identify its possible pathologies in time.

during pregnancy


It is known that during the first weeks of pregnancy a woman can experience pulling sensations in the lower abdomen (most often in women with painful critical days). In some cases, they are considered a variant of the norm. These sensations come due to the restructuring of the female body - the uterus grows and its muscle tissue is stretched. Pregnancy is one of the reasons why women’s lower abdomen hurts .

The appearance of pain can also be a dangerous symptom. They may indicate a possible threat of abortion (miscarriage). However, you should not be nervous and panic in advance, this can harm the future baby. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will help find out the cause of the discomfort. The main causes of pain:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • muscle stretching;
  • poor nutrition;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • placental abruption;
  • surgical diseases;
  • hiatal hernia.

To relieve symptoms like this:

  • do sport;
  • eat right;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

In the pathological course of pain, doctors resort to emergency surgery. Pregnant women should listen carefully to their bodies and monitor their health.

After sex

Usually having sex gives people great pleasure. After intimacy, the mood improves, the muscles of the body come in a state of pleasant relaxation. However, there are times when making love can also bring unpleasant pain. What can the condition indicate if the woman’s lower abdomen gives and hurts after sex? In some of them, such pain can be a consequence of various diseases of the female internal organs. Another reason may be the wrong process of sexual intercourse.

List of typical causes of pain of this nature, unrelated to diseases:

  • improperly selected posture;
  • too coarse intercourse;
  • a feeling of tightness and tightness during lovemaking;
  • partner's menstrual cycle time;
  • lack of a sense of satisfaction in a woman - she has not reached orgasm.

However, very often such sensations of pain in the lower abdomen occur due to diseases that the woman may not even suspect of. Such diseases include:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • infections
  • thrush;
  • tumors, polyps.

To prevent unpleasant pain during intercourse, women must definitely monitor their health. And never endure the pain. If the causes of pain are not associated with diseases, then a comfortable atmosphere, understanding between partners and the correct posture during sex will bring a woman true pleasure and help achieve orgasm.

pain after sex

Medication for lower abdominal pain

Sometimes during menstrual pains, or for other reasons, the stomachs begin the Third World War. Especially now, in the summer, I don’t feel like sitting at home and skipping warm sunny days. How to get rid of this if the pain still overtakes? First, you need to determine the exact cause of pain in the lower abdomen. It is not recommended to resort to heavy medications during pregnancy.

So, what drugs to choose for pain in the lower abdomen, depending on their origin. With menstrual:

  • "Spazmalgon."
  • No-shpa.
  • Drotaverinum.

With pancreas:

  • Omez.
  • "Rennie."
  • "Ranitidine."

When overstressing the lower abdomen:

  • "Tserukal."

Of course, there are other drugs that can help with such a problem, but the above are the most effective and fastest. If the lower abdomen hurts in a small child, and additional symptoms appear, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

cerucal pain

Alternative treatment

The use of antibiotics adversely affects the functioning of the stomach, which can strengthen existing symptoms, and painkillers weaken the body's natural immunity. Therefore, for treatment, it is better to turn to traditional medicine, which will cope with pain much more effectively and, most importantly, do not harm a person. For those who do not know what to do, the woman’s lower abdomen and lower back hurts, the following remedies will come to the rescue.

For example, you can drink strong green tea, after adding a little lemon balm and oregano to it. A decoction of cinnamon and lemon juice is also an effective remedy for relieving abdominal pain. Rice broth will remove toxins from the body, while improving intestinal function.

Judging by the reviews of women, 85% of the pain occurred in connection with the disease of the female genital organs. The above treatment came to their aid, which effectively overcame the disease.

As you can see, if a woman’s lower abdomen hurts right or left, there can be many reasons. The main thing is to visit the gynecologist on time.

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