Game activity, as you know, is leading in childhood. Years go by, the kids grow up, turn into adolescents, young, and then mature people. The game gradually leaves their lives.
But why is even a gray-haired man so determined to “cut off” his grandson in tennis or chess? Why is a respectable housewife trying to answer questions from a television show between making pancakes so happy about the successful answer? Yes, because man was created for joy! In fact, each of us wants life to be interesting, and sometimes mysterious and entertaining.
And it is games that can bring a little childlike spontaneity into a serious, stressful adult life. The best time to organize games for adults (and children) is a birthday. Are you preparing for the anniversary or would you like to modestly mark the next date in a tight circle? In addition to herring under a fur coat and aspic, try to prepare another spicy dish - a quiz (or quiz). Are there any guests coming for your birthday? So they "feed" their "culinary masterpiece"!
The simplest quiz can consist of questions and answers on any topic that is close to you or guests. For example, "Kitchen".
- Translated, this word means "brackish," although it may have a sweet taste. (Sauce.)
- Salads appeared for the first time in this country, and its inhabitants spoke the “language of doctors”. (Ancient Rome.)
- Many people have insomnia at this time, but you still can’t do salting of cucumbers and cabbage - they will become soft. (Full moon.)
- What kind of pig meat was considered a delicacy among the Greeks in ancient times? (A pig who died of overeating.)
Questions for the birthday quiz you can choose for yourself (laborious, but creative work) or use ready-made, published in different sources. Competition can be built on the principle of various intellectual games. For example, “Do you believe?”
For such a quiz (for a birthday it is quite a suitable option) you need questions formulated in a special way. First, pick up any interesting or unusual facts, and then simply “construct” the tasks according to the sample below. Take for example the theme of "Signs."
- Do you believe that a strong wind on New Year's Eve promises an excellent harvest of nuts? (Yes.)
- Do you believe that barking dogs at Epiphany portends a lot of game for hunters? (Yes.)
- Do you believe that a leap year in the minds of the people is somehow connected with drunkenness? (Yes. February 29 - Kasyan’s name day, which, according to legend, was drunk for three years in a row on name day, calmed down only for the fourth, and therefore celebrate this day every 4 years.)
- Do you believe that the Magpies holiday is connected with the arrival of forty? (No, this is a memorial day for 40 martyrs.)
Participants are given blank pieces of paper on which they must give “yes” or “no” answers. And the leader’s task is to comment on each answer at the end, explaining its correctness or incorrectness.
It’s nice to prepare comic
birthday quizzes
. Pick up questions about the birthday person: the cities in which he has been, lived or studied; his hobbies; favorite foods, drinks, books and movies. Offer guests answers, among which one option is correct, and one or two are funny.
- What was the birthday man’s first love? (Tanya, Manya, Vanya, Vera Ivanovna.)
- Where was the hero of the day born? (In Not, in Gorodnya, in the Kitchen Garden, in cabbage.)
- Favorite birthday book (Othello, Little Finger, White Fang, Call and Come.)
There are also time-honored humorous assignments for the participants.
- It belongs to the birthday man, but others use it more often. (The name of the person.)
- When is the birthday person indoors without a head? (When I looked out the window.)
A more difficult option is to organize a real game for the holiday according to the rules of television shows. Of course, such entertainment requires serious preparation, but the result will exceed your expectations. There are a lot of games for the holiday: “What? Where? When? ”,“ 100 to one ”,“ Field of miracles ”,“ Own game ”and others. They are still based on the same principle of entertaining questions and answers. But even the simplest contests - quizzes - diversify the celebration. For the birthday of your husband (wife), friend or child, prepare about a dozen simple tasks - and your holiday will become a little brighter.